Pontania proxima


HOST Willow

DAMAGE/SYMPTOMS The sawflies produce bean-shaped swellings on the leaves.

LIFE CYCLE The adults emerge in the spring and lay eggs on the leaves. The larvae, which resemble green caterpillars, will feed and induce gall formation. The larvae then drop to the ground to spin a cocoon, and adults emerge within several days. There can be up to two generations per year.

MANAGEMENT Willow redgall sawfly damage is primarily a cosmetic issue and is not known to significantly affect the health of the tree. Rake up leaves and dispose of them off site at the end of the season. Natural enemies come in later in the season to help control the sawflies.


A Sawfly damage on leaf. B Sawfly adult.


Red bean-like galls on the top of the leaf from willow redgall sawfly infestations.

Willow redgall sawfly adult.