Malus species


CLASSIFICATION Deciduous broadleaf

HABIT/SIZE Oval, round, or pyramidal to vase-shaped; 15 to 20 feet

LEAVES Simple; alternate; two to three inches long; serrated margins; glossy green on upper leaf, downy below

FLOWER Five petals; white, pink and/or red; fragrant; flowers may be single, double, or semi-double

FRUIT/SEED/CONE Crabapple diameter is two inches or less; apple diameter is larger than two inches; non-fruiting and persistent fruit cultivars available

BARK Smooth when young, thin and flaking in maturity


White five petaled flowers with pink buds. A bee is at one flower.   

Close-up of flaky bark on a trunk that is dark and light grey.

A medium sized crabapple tree that is covered in pink flowers.   

Tree branches loaded with bright red crabapples.