Pyrus calleryana


CLASSIFICATION Deciduous broadleaf

HABIT/SIZE Upright-branched tree; pyramidal to columnar in youth but tends to spread with age; 30 to 50 feet tall

LEAVES Simple; alternate; leathery, glossy, and dark green

FLOWER White with five petals; three-quarter-inch wide; appears in early spring in dense corymbs; does not smell good

FRUIT/SEED/CONE Small, one-half-inch diameter; inedible; greenish-yellow

BARK Brown and shiny when young; gray-brown, furrowed in maturity; Callery pears have thorns, while Bradford pears do not


Deep green, medium sized tree with a rounded canopy.    

 A photo of a finely serrate bright green leaf.

Close-up of grey bark with furrows on a trunk.     

White five petal flowers with shiny green serrated leaves.