Blaine County
2024 MSU Extension Highlights
2024 MSU Extension Highlights
Blaine County is in North Central Montana. The Missouri River is the southern boundary, and the Canadian border provides the northern boundary. Blaine County encompasses 4,267 square miles or 2.713 million acres and includes two small mountain ranges, the Bear Paw and Little Rockies. Agriculture is the backbone of Blaine County, with cattle, sheep, wheat, and hay being the primary enterprises. An irrigated alfalfa/grass hay base located along the Milk River is enhanced by irrigation supplied by the Corps of Engineers St. Mary’s diversion project. The population stands at just over 7,000 people, according to the 2020 census. Tourism and hunting contribute to the economy of Blaine County.
Blaine County MSU Extension serves the community through a variety of programs from two full-time Extension Agents and a full-time administrative/4-H assistant. Programming focuses on the areas of 4-H Youth Development, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Family and Consumer Sciences, and Community Vitality. The Blaine County MSU Extension program is supported through an annual county budget and Montana State University support. MSU also supports the program indirectly, and the county benefits with returned services for every dollar invested. This is truly a partnership between MSU, USDA, and Blaine County that provides citizens access to high-quality education and research-based knowledge from the state’s land-grant university.
Community Vitality
Community Heart and Soul Program is Piloted in Harlem
Extension agents from Blaine County and Fort Belknap MSU Extension offices heard constituent requests for revitalization help in Harlem. The timing of a new program, Community Heart and Soul, was ideal to jointly apply for and win a grant for Harlem as a pilot location.
A motivated group has met multiple times to list objectives that could breathe life back into the small town located in the center of the county. Participants shared memories, developed ideas, and trusted the Heart and Soul program’s community development process toward a promising future. The motivation and excitement of the group inspired other community members to participate.
Multiple upcoming events and activities are planned to help bring the community together with a shared vision for the community of Harlem.
Caption: Main Street in Harlem, citizens are working toward future development.
Credit: Julianne Snedigar
4-H & Youth Development
4-H Dog Project Excels
The 4-H dog project has seen participation double in the last year in Blaine County. Seven 4-H members tried the project for the first time. With a range of skills and abilities, youth participants need extra guidance beyond project books and online resources. Weekly in-person workshops with a motivated volunteer leader help youth excel in the dog program.
Every week during the summer, members and their dogs received guidance from a Blaine County 4-H alumni turned volunteer leader. She shared professional training knowledge and challenged the youth to set lofty goals for the project. In addition to training, youth learned first aid, vaccinations, food and water requirements, care of dogs in different weather, and more.
More than 15 4-H members and their canine companions did a 4-H project this year, and all entered the Blaine County Fair, where members saw their hard work and dedication rewarded. Almost all of the youth stated they would work harder to attend workshops and practice at home. Parents have remarked that their youth have taken greater responsibility for caring for and training their dogs. They are appreciative of the skills and knowledge youth are learning. With continuing increasing enrollment, the 4-H dog project continues to prove to be an engaging and rewarding project for youth members and their animals.
Caption: 4-H members learn dog showmanship and handling
Credit: Julianne Snedigar
Agriculture & Natural Resources
Feral Hog Workshop brings together multiple agencies and producers
Through the cooperation of MSU Extension, the Montana Invasive Species Council, the Montana Department of Livestock, and USDA-APHIS, producers attended feral hog listening sessions in seven counties and two reservations. Extension agents had multiple requests for feral hog information, as this geographic area is the most susceptible to feral hog invasion.
This workshop was critical to help landowners understand the threat. In Chinook, more than 50 producers and interested citizens attended to hear emerging concerns about feral hogs entering the area from the northern border. MSU Extension Wildlife Specialist Jared Beaver described how to identify feral hogs and their destructive capabilities. Landowners learned potential negative financial impacts, how to determine hog habitats and pathways, and what to do if feral hog activity is confirmed.
Since the workshop, producers have been vigilantly monitoring their property. Blaine County landowners and participants can accurately identify activity and feel confident they know the process to follow if feral hogs are suspected in the area. This interactive workshop, supported by multiple agencies working together, addressed a critical emerging issue that may impact a large portion of north-central and northeastern Montana.
Caption: A packed house of participants listen intently during the feral hog workshop.
Credit: Julianne Snedigar
Family & Consumer Science
4-H Winter and Summer Project Days Convey Knowledge
The Blaine County MSU Extension office organizes an annual project day for 4-H youth during summer break. The project day allows 4-H members to participate in hands-on workshops to learn new things and develop skills they will use in 4-H projects and in the future.
Project day has become so well-attended and anticipated that a winter workshop has been added to the annual 4-H activity calendar. During both project days, at least 10 different workshops were taught by current leaders and 4-H alumni. More than three-fourths of enrolled 4-H members and young Cloverbud members participated. Workshop variety helps them experience new things, sometimes leading to enrolling in new projects in future years. All participants used their new skills to create tangible items, many of which they entered in the fair. Engaging workshops include archery, leatherwork, cake decorating, photography, sewing, robotics, baking, and visual arts, which challenge participants to expand their knowledge and abilities.
Agriculture & Natural Resources
Blaine County Agriculture Challenges
A variety of issues and challenges faced agriculture producers and Blaine County residents in 2024. In a year with uncertain commodity prices, catastrophic failure of the St. Mary’s canal system on the Milk River, grasshopper infestation, wind, and drought, producers were able to count on Blaine County MSU Extension for assistance.
Throughout the year, more than 150 constituents requested forage testing, insect and weed identification, plant disease diagnostics, plant variety information, ration balancing, feed analysis, range monitoring, private applicator testing, and nitrate testing. Blaine County MSU Extension also saw increased requests from new county residents. New landowners enquired about fencing, water rights, leasing rates, crop varieties, livestock feeding and care, and where to find supplies for newly acquired property.
Continuing dry conditions in north central Montana brought an increase in lawn and garden-related issues. Lawn and tree problems were widespread. Blaine County MSU Extension addressed individual concerns and shared information to multiple outlets to a county-wide audience, providing resources and knowledge to long-time and new county residents alike. Residents have voiced appreciation for the research-based information they obtain from Blaine County MSU Extension.
Caption: A Northern Blaine County summertime field.
Credit: Julianne Snedigar
PO Box 519
Chinook, MT 59523
Montana State University Extension is an ADA/EO/AA Veteran’s Preference Employer and provider of educational outreach.