Nestled in the Beartooth Mountains, with the Pryor Mountains to the east and the Wyoming border to the south, you'll find Carbon County. The county was created on March 4, 1895, with a population of around 11,179. Agriculture and tourism are Carbon County's two most recognized economic industries.



Family & Consumer Science


Canning, Pickling, and Preserving, Oh My

Two canning classes, one on pickling and the other on salsa making, were offered to community members in September. Eleven community members participated in the two classes to learn about water bath canning methods and interact with others while learning. They used research-tested recipes to practice the techniques as a group to preserve pickled peppers and/or salsa.

As a result of participating, one person intended to make the following important change: “Compare the altitude levels to my area to determine the length of time to hot water bath my jars.” Another participant stated, “It was helpful to learn hands-on.” All participants strongly agreed this workshop demonstrated the importance and significance of canning food safely.




Filling jars with peppers and getting them ready to hot water bath.

Caption: Filling jars with peppers and getting them ready for hot water bath canning.

Credit: Carrie Guderjahn


Agriculture & Natural Resources


Ag Lecture Series

Carbon County MSU Extension delivered education to local producers through presentations and personalized consultations. One important initiative was the Ag-Based Lecture Series, which offered presentations tailored to the county’s needs. Topics included Winter Cattle Feeding, Annual Grass Identification, Risk Management and Drought Preparedness, Grasshopper Control Methods, Weed Management for Small Acreage, and Tree Pruning and Winter Care. As the series progressed, producer engagement grew, leading to increased participation. More than 130 local producers attended various sessions throughout the series, reflecting the positive impact and relevance of the provided information.




Educational display with additional resources available for producers during the Weed Management Lecture.

Caption: Educational display with additional resources available for producers during the Weed Management Lecture.

Credit: Amber Elliott


4-H & Youth Development


Let's Talk Livestock!

Twenty-two youth participants across four species engaged in an educational hands-on spring Livestock Expo focused on livestock nutrition, care, fitting, showing, and general livestock knowledge. Through workshops and presentations over two days, attendees gained valuable insights into livestock management for their projects in the months leading up to the fair. A practice show helped participants apply their learning in a real-world setting, enhancing their skills and confidence in handling livestock.




Clinican Kyle Russell provides a member with feedback regarding pig showmanship.

Caption: Clinican Kyle Russell provides a member with feedback regarding pig showmanship.

Credit: Amber Elliott







202 State Street, PO Box 230
Joliet, MT 59041


Montana State University Extension is an ADA/EO/AA Veteran’s Preference Employer and provider of educational outreach.