Lake County
2024 MSU Extension Highlights
2024 MSU Extension Highlights
Montana State University Extension partners with Lake County to provide quality, continued education programs and services by offering our residents everything that’s available at the university through MSU Lake County Extension in Ronan. Extension responds to citizens and stakeholders by developing and implementing educational programs that address the needs and issues of our community. MSU Lake County Extension targets goals and objectives that enhance agriculture, natural resource management, community economics, family and consumer science, and 4-H youth development. The following statements summarize the program goals of Extension in Lake County. Prepare youth with life skills for the future to be productive, positive, and contributing adults. Supply the training, experience, and activities that develop youth and adult leaders necessary for a viable and engaged 4-H program. Ensure sustainable agricultural enterprises on multiple levels. Encourage healthier lifestyles and prevention of chronic diseases through positive health-related behaviors and self-care. Enhance natural resource conservation and management by achieving defined objectives.
4-H & Youth Development
Multi-County 4-H Camp Continues
A youth’s experience is not simply confined to their county. There are a various state and national events available for youth to attend through 4-H. One of the most popular out-of-county experiences this past year included the Multi-County 4-H Camp hosted at the Darrell Fenner 4-H camp located at Loon Lake behind Bigfork, MT. For years, youth have gathered in this location to sing campfire songs, canoe, swim, show off their dance moves, compete in camp Olympics and to make new friends from across the Western side of the state. This year of the 22 teen camp counselor positions, 7 Lake County 4-Hers were selected. In this endeavor these teens attended 3 full-day training sessions in preparation for camp, deciding on a camp theme, organizing daily schedules, and developing youth programming. When camp finally arrived, counselors welcomed 64 4-H camp youth, 14 attending from Lake County. This was a fantastic opportunity for youth as many of them had never attended Multi-County 4-H camp, of the 64 youth campers only 4 had attended in years prior. Camp allows youth to develop a new sense of confidence in an environment that encourages, independence, self-growth, teamwork, and responsibility.
Caption: Camp canoes on Loon Lake.
Credit: Claudia Andrade
4-H & Youth Development
Winter Projects Day "Hands-on Fun"
The 4-H motto, learn by doing, encourages youth to pursue hands-on learning opportunities to develop new skills that last for a lifetime. The Lake County Extension office facilitates a variety of opportunities for youth to achieve this motto, including their annual Winter Projects Day event. This event provides workshop experiences for youth to engage with as they connect with their peers and develop new skill sets. Despite the frigid winter temperatures, this past year, 35 4-H youth gathered at the Ronan Community Center in February for this event. 4-Hers engaged in workshops ranging from robotics and oil pastel landscapes to woodworking and blanket making. This event was made possible by 22 adult and teen leaders who volunteered their time and expertise. It is events like this that cultivate the caring community that 4-H is known for and provide a safe and engaging opportunity for our youth to grow.
Caption: Hands-On
Credit: Kristy Gibbs
Agriculture & Natural Resources
Lake County Youth Increase Local Agriculture Knowledge
Urbanization has fundamentally detached our youth from understanding the agriculture industry. Therefore, Lake County MSU Extension partnered with Western Montana Stockmen’s Association (WMSA), Northwest Counties Farm Bureau, Lake County Conservation District, and Lake County Natural Resources to host two days of agriculture fun. This event engaged more than 450 4th Grade Youth across 11 different schools. The goal of this event was to immerse young people in the field of agriculture and help them see how it contributes to their everyday lives. These youth engaged in various educational activities including dairy production, seed potatoes, pollinators, the cattle industry, the poultry industry, 4-H and FFA program opportunities, and how to raise sheep, swine, horses, and goats. The event was held at the scenic Senecal Ranch three miles outside of Ronan. Each youth left with a belly full of ranch-raised beef and new insight into their local agriculture industry.
Caption: Ag Days
Credit: John Hawley
300 3rd Ave NW
Ronan, MT
Montana State University Extension is an ADA/EO/AA Veteran’s Preference Employer and provider of educational outreach.