Pondera County is located on the western part the Golden Triangle area of Montana, one hour north of Great Falls and within two hours of Glacier National Park. Conrad, the county seat, has a population of around 2,400, with total county population of around 6,000. Other towns and communities in Pondera County include Brady, Dupuyer, Heart Butte, Ledger, and Valier. Land distribution in Pondera County is 69% cropland and 30% pastureland. Census data indicates the county ranks third in the state for market value of crop products sold and seventh in all agriculture products (2017). Crops provide $76 million, with $35 million coming from livestock, including significant production of cows and calves. Additionally, the county ranks third in hog production. Small grains, pulse crops, oilseeds, and hay are the predominant crops. Other major county industries include manufacturing, tourism, health care, and education. A portion of the Blackfeet Indian Reservation is located in the western part of the county. There are five Hutterite Colonies in the county.



Family & Consumer Science


Estate Planning Basics: Dying Without a Will in Montana

Dying Without a Will in Montana Do you know what happens if you die without a Will in Montana? A Will is a legal document that describes how a person wants their assets distributed after they die. It can also include other instructions, such as appointing guardians for minor children, titled property and may include a list of non-titled property. If someone dies without a will, Montana's laws will determine how and who receives the assets, which may differ from the deceased’s wishes. This can lead to additional costs and emotional stress for heirs. In spring, 30 people attended a workshop in Valier or Conrad to learn about estate planning resources from MSU Extension. Several scenarios were explored with an interactive webpage called "Dying Without a Will in Montana" which shows how Montana distributes assets when a person dies without a will. Other information included MontGuides on how to begin an estate plan, designate beneficiaries on bank and investment accounts through payable or transfer on death (POD/TOD) designations, and non-titled property. For two-thirds of the people this was their first Extension program. Evaluations asked about knowledge gained and what they would do in the next month. Responses included: • Property transfer and the impact of capital gains. • Designate POD/TOD beneficiaries on accounts. • Importance to have a will and review the will regularly. • Appoint a personal representative. • Create a list of non-titled property and who receives it. MSU Extension has over 50 MontGuides to help you start your estate planning. Visit this webpage to learn more or connect with your local MSU Extension Agent. https://www.montana.edu/estateplanning/eppublications.html




MSU Extension has over 50 MontGuides to help with estate planning.

Caption: MSU Extension has over 50 MontGuides to help with estate planning.

Credit: Wendy Wedum


Agriculture & Natural Resources


Seed Library Start Up in Conrad

Before 1920, the U. S. Government distributed 1.1 billion seed packets to strengthen regional crop diversity and local adaptation. Over time people stopped saving seeds in favor of commercial seeds. This sharp decline in diversity has continued over the past century. For example, in 1903 there were 307 sweet corn varieties and 288 beet varieties. By 1983, these numbers dropped to 12 and 17 varieties, respectively. These numbers reflect the high loss of varieties across many garden crops. Montana State University Extension (MSUE) partnered with the Conrad Public Library (CPL) to create a seed library with the help of a MSUE Innovation mini grant. The purpose of the seed library is to improve food security by empowering citizens to take control of their food sources and to ensure that a diversity of seeds remains available for current and future generations. The mission of the library is to educate people about gardening and seed saving practices while empowering people to take control of their food sources and encourage people to enjoy the process of growing local foods and cultivating healthy soils. CPL repurposed card catalog to hold the seed packets and created a display with books, and educational materials for residents on sustainable gardening and seed saving practices. Successes to date include: • Speakers on garden and seed saving education programs. • MSUE and CPL staff created a seed donation form with seed saving guidelines. • Website with detailed information on donations and guidelines https://www.conradlibrary.com/seeds. • Twelve people attended the “Little Seed Library” kick-off event on garden planning and watercolor painting workshop in March 2024. • Volunteers participated the Farmer’s Market to raise community awareness and gardening support. • This season 116 seed packets checked out for home gardens; approximate value $260. The practice of saving seeds from harvest for the purpose of replanting the next season is not new. However, having a public seed library where patrons can check out various types of seeds for personal use is a new concept. The seed library will help people reduce dependence on hybrid varieties and reduce costs while fostering sustainability and local community connections.




A repurposed card catalog holds seed packets for the Conrad Little Seed Library.

Caption: A repurposed card catalog holds seed packets for the Conrad Little Seed Library.

Credit: Wendy Wedum


4-H & Youth Development


Pondera County 4-H Review

In 2024 there were 89 youth enrolled in the 4-H program. An additional 24 adult volunteers participated as club leaders, committee leaders, and provided educational opportunities for youth. The top ten projects in order of popularity are: Rifle (24), Archery (22), Pistol (16), Cloverbuds (16), Beef/Swine (11 each), Sheep/Horse (10 each), Leadership (8), Goat/Dog/Rabbit (4 each). An additional 20 projects were explored by youth who often take two or more projects each year. These projects often become the foundation for future careers or lifelong hobbies as the youth become adults. A total of 72% of youth participated in Marias Fair events either in winter shooting sports events or the July Marias Fair. It is rewarding to see the high participation at the Fair, since attending Marias Fair events are not required to participate in the 4-H projects. In the 2024 Montana 4-H Shooting Sports State competition 14 youth completed in 22 entries in archery, pistol and rifle. Of the 14, six were first time competitors, 12 placed in the top ten of their age group and four placed in the overall top ten standings. The high scores are a compliment to the outstanding coaches and the ability of our 4-H members to learn the fine details of preparation for training, breath control, sighting in, proper form, and follow through.




Tayler, a Pondera 4-H Cloverbud shows her rabbit at the 2024 Marias Fair.

Caption: Tayler, a Pondera 4-H Cloverbud shows her rabbit at the 2024 Marias Fair.

Credit: Christine Hodges


4-H & Youth Development


Pondera 4-H Shooters Host Leader Training

Over the last four years the Pondera Shooting Sports enrollment more than doubled. Of the 89 youth enrolled in 4-H, 57 participated in the archery, rifle and pistol projects. This growth was supported by new equipment through an NRA Grant, a generous donation from a Conrad resident, and now the addition of six newly trained coaches. 4-H leader training is important to make sure that adults are comfortable teaching the 4-H life skills model and the ways to work with youth. In September, 17 volunteers from five counties became certified coaches in archery, rifle, pistol and shotgun. Ten of the volunteers were from Pondera County and six of these volunteers are new, first-time coaches, one is a junior leader enrolled in 4-H, and the other three leaders recertified or added a second discipline to their coaching credentials. All the new volunteers completed the training, practicum and taught the methods to the other participants reinforcing the skills they learned. We are excited to add three shotgun coaches and to restart a shotgun program for Pondera County youth in 2025. The dedication and enthusiasm for shooting sports continues to grow under the direction of 13 certified shooting sports coaches.




New shotgun leaders teach each other how to set up a proper "stance" to hold a shotgun properly.

Caption: New shotgun leaders teach each other how to set up a proper "stance" to hold a shotgun properly.

Credit: Wendy Wedum







20 4th Ave. SW
Conrad, MT


Montana State University Extension is an ADA/EO/AA Veteran’s Preference Employer and provider of educational outreach.