Richland County
2024 MSU Extension Highlights
2024 MSU Extension Highlights
Named to attract settlers, Richland County is the thirty-second largest county in the state of Montana, area wise with 2,084 square miles. Richland County is Montana’s twentieth most populous county, with an estimated 11,491 residents according to the 2020 decennial census data. Sidney, the county seat, is the state’s nineteenth-largest city, with a population estimated at 6,346. Other towns in Richland County include Crane, Fairview, Lambert, and Savage. Agriculture and oil production are widely recognized as two of the staples of Richland County’s economy. Much of Richland County is in the Bakken Oil Zone and cattle, wheat, pulse crops, and other small grains are the top agricultural commodities produced. MSU Richland County Extension currently has two agents to bring researched based information to residents of Richland County to better their lives and futures.
Agriculture & Natural Resources
Assisting Livestock Producers in Times of Difficulty
In the fall of 2023, livestock producers throughout Richland County and eastern Montana and western North Dakota struggled with extremely poor breed ups and a large number of cows were open, or not pregnant, at the end of the breeding season. Additionally, producers experienced lower weaning weights in their calves. Both of these issues directly correlated to reduced profitability for cow-calf producers. The problems faced by cattle producers in the fall of 2023 were due to the extremes that this area had experienced starting with the very low temperatures in the winter of 2022-2023, and during the spring and summer of 2023, continued drought and grasshoppers resulting in limited quantity and quality of forages, and high populations of flies causing additional stress on cattle. These factors, and others, resulted in cows not being in proper body condition and in turn having negative implications on breed up and weaning weights. Some producers experienced 40-50% open cows when normal breed up is anywhere from 5-15% open. Many producers reached out to the Richland County Extension to ask what they could do about these situations. The Richland County Extension office responded by providing one-on-one personal consultations with producers regarding body condition scoring, forage analysis, and nutrient requirements, writing articles in the local newspaper, as well as hosting Hannah Speer, animal scientist at the MSU Northern Ag Research Center for a program, “Feeding Fertility: Understanding the Relationship Between Nutrition and Reproduction,” in January of 2024. The “Feeding Fertility: Understanding the Relationship Between Nutrition and Reproduction,” program hosted by the Richland County Extension Office had 27 participants. When asked if they intended to implement or try any of the things suggested in the workshop, 100% of participants responded, “Yes.” Participants noted they would try key timing energy supplements, testing their forage, body condition scoring, and feeding more. When asked if they intended to do anything differently because they attended the workshop, 85% of program participants responded, “Yes.” Following the program, four participants that had not previously tested their forage and received assistance with nutrition have sought assistance from the Richland County Extension Office.
Caption: Cattle on winter feed
Credit: Marley Voll
4-H & Youth Development
Cooking Becomes a Focus in Richland County 4-H
“The highlight of my 4-H year was traveling to Bozeman to attend Montana 4-H Congress and winning first place at Stir Ups with my friend.” – Richland County 4-H Member In 2022 Montana State University conducted a statewide needs assessment. During the assessment process participants were asked to share the importance of issues that they face in their everyday life. Both affordable food options and nutritious food options ranked in the top 20 important issues. Affordable, nutritious food is important to Montana residents, because everyone needs food to survive. Research has also shown that engaging youth in the kitchen sets a positive and healthy foundation for eating habits throughout life (Montana State University Extension MontGuide; Engaging Kids in the Kitchen). Richland County 4-H has 241 active 4-H members and 61 members or 25% of them are enrolled in food and nutrition projects. However, in the past twelve years, there have not been any countywide food classes offered. This was changed in 2024. In May, a knife safety class and salsa making contest was held with 13 members in attendance. During the class youth learned proper kitchen hygiene, safe knife practices, the use of each kind of knife and how to properly hold a knife. During the salsa making contest, youth were put into pairs and they had to create a salsa from the ingredients provided. Of the youth that attended the workshop, 92% reported that they would use what they learned and 84% reported that what they learned was important to them. Due to this one workshop, two Richland County 4-H members were inspired to participate in the Montana 4-H Stir Ups competition at Montana 4-H Congress. The two members worked together to prepare for the contest. At Montana 4-H Congress, the team from Richland County was honored with first place and will be attending National 4-H Congress in Atlanta, Georgia in November.
Caption: Richland County 4-H Member Participating in Salsa Making Contest
Credit: Josie Evenson
Agriculture & Natural Resources
Richland County Farmers Market Experiences Growth in 2024
The Richland County Farmers Market facilitated by the Richland County Extension Office saw growth in the 2024 market season. The vendors voiced a need to have a market during the week, as well as increased advertising for the traditional Saturday markets. The group decided to add a Thursday evening market, the Richland County Extension Office organized this additional market, and also worked to increase advertisements of both markets utilizing physical signage, print, and social media. The number of vendors for the 2024 market season increased 58%. This variety of vendors brought an increased number of visitors to the market, as well, which contributes to not only the profitability of vendors, but also the local economy in general. Additionally, advertisements helped increase awareness and visitors to the market. On the Richland County Farmers Market’s social media, there was a 48.2% increase in followers throughout this market season. Vendors have noted that this market season has been, “Amazing!” and that the number of shoppers has greatly increase this year.
Caption: Richland County Farmers Market
Credit: Marley Voll
4-H & Youth Development
4-H Members Learn the Value of Giving Back
The 4-H pledge was adopted in 1927. The third line of the pledge is “I pledge my hands to larger service.” Although the pledge was adopted 97 years ago, the value of service to others is still relevant. According to the University of Nevada Extension, youth gain benefits such as: “learning respect for others; learning to be helpful and kind, learning to understand people who are different; developing leadership skills, becoming more patient, and better understanding of citizenship.” Youth who volunteer are less likely to engage in risky behavior and are more likely to develop a strong work ethic, do better in school, be engaged in civic activities and volunteer as adults. Richland County 4-H puts a large focus on service-learning opportunities. This past year, the ten community clubs completed 80 individual community service projects. The projects included activities like food drives, doing events with local nursing homes, creating meals for those in need, community cleanups, beautification projects and many more. The Richland County Junior Leaders conducted a county wide food drive. For this food drive they asked for specific food items that allowed them to create entire meal kits as well as birthday kits. This food drive created 115 meal kits as well as 20 birthday kits. All of the kits were donated to local food banks, schools, foster families and other local charities within the county that serve those in need.
Caption: Richland County 4-H Junior Leaders with the 115 Meal Kits and 20 Birthday Kits
Credit: Josie Evenson
1499 N. Central Ave.
Sidney, MT 59270
Montana State University Extension is an ADA/EO/AA Veteran’s Preference Employer and provider of educational outreach.