Granny Can't Remember Me
By:  Susan McCormick
Illustrated by Timur Deberdeev


About this Program

The MSU Extension Alzheimer's Dementia Awareness for ChildrenStorybook program is designed to teach children about a form of dementia.

The goals of the program are: 

1) increase awareness and knowledge about Alzheimer’s (a form of dementia) and

2) provide supportive resources to children and families when they have a loved one diagnosed with Alzheimer's.

The authors of this reading guide are:

  • Shelby Jones Dozier, MSU Extension FCS and Youth Development Agent, Teton County

  • Keri Hayes, MSU Extension Program Assistant

  • Marsha A. Goetting, MSU Extension Family Economics Specialist

Brief Summary

Joey has two Grandmas. Granny Josie lives in Florida and knows who he is.  His other Granny lives close, but does not know who he is.  Joey knows both of his grandmas love him.  With his mom, Joey regularly visits Granny who lives in a safe place with special locks on the insides of the doors.  Granny's favorite story is about her three best days. The pictures that go with them are on display beside her bed.  The third best day is the "Very Best Day of All" because it is the day Joey was born.  Joey understands that Granny doesn't know that little boy is him. But he still gives Granny a big hug! 

Questions to Ask

  • Joey introduces us to each of his Grandmas and the places where they live. How does Joey travel to visit each Granny?

  • Granny lives in a place that keeps her safe. How does the place she live keep her safe?

  • Granny shows Joey a picture of her dog, Pickle. She had Pickle before Joey was born. But she talks about Pickle like he is still alive.Why do you think Joey doesn’t tell Granny Pickle is no longer alive?

  • Joey and Granny enjoy telling each other stories.What card game does Granny and Joey play together that they both like?

  • Joey’s Mom brings picture albums to Granny’s house to share with Joey. Who are in the pictures that helps Granny remember her past? Tell me one of the stories Granny tells.

Activity Enrichment

  • Share stories to accompany photos: Together with a child look at a photo album or pictures on a cellphone. Then tell stories that that go along with the photos.
  • Make a love list. With a child, talk about and make a list of all the ways you both show love to one other. What words do you use to show love? What ways do you show love?

Common Reactions

  • Happy: Being happy around a person with Alzheimer’s can be a source of comfort and joy and a way for them to stay connected with others.

  • Being Calm and Positive:Explain to a child who interacts with a person with Alzheimer’s to remain calm.Remaining positive is important.

  • Sad: Explain to a child that even though a grandparent forgets the child’s name, the grandparent still loves them.

Other Books in this Program

Other Storybooks and Reading Guides can be found at: 

Funding for purchase of the storybooks in this program have been made possible by a grant from the Montana Geriatric Education Center at the University of Montana and AARP Montana.