Market Poultry & Rabbit Identification
Broadwater County 4-H
This form is required for all 4-H and FFA members who plan to participate in Fair with a market poultry or rabbit pen. Market poultry and rabbits must be in the possession of the member by June 25th. Pens must include three like animals of the same breed and variety. There is no limit to the number of pens identified at this time, but only two pens can be entered in the Fair.
Other Rules & Expectations for Market Livestock:
All members selling market livestock (beef, goat, poultry, rabbits, lambs or hogs) at the Fair must:
- Participate in Livestock Quality Assurance Training every other year.
- Complete seven (7) project activities as defined by the Livestock Committee (see market livestock requirements).
- Participate in an interview prior to the Fair.
- Have his/her project and record book up-to-date and present it during the interview.
Members participating in the Livestock Sale are required to complete record books (My 4-H Year and Animal Journal & Records) at the end of the 4-H year. Any member who does not complete a record book by November 1st will not be eligible to sell an animal in the sale the following year. Members can still participate in the project and exhibit or show at the Fair but may not sell.
For full Fair rules, please see the most recent Fair book.
For more information or questions, contact:
- MSU Broadwater County Extension Office – 266-9242
- FFA Advisor – Jemma Loughery, 314-3403
- 4-H Poultry Project Leader – Alice Kroeger, 547-4343
- 4-H Rabbit Project Leader – Danielle Douglas, 465-3318
- 4-H Livestock Committee Chairman – Jason Noyes, 949-4851