4-H Indoor Exhibits

  1. Open to currently enrolled 4-H members only.
  2. Age Divisions
    1. Junior: Any member, not enrolled as a Cloverbud, who is 8-13 years old by October 1 of the current 4-H year.
    2. Senior: Any member who is 14-18 years old by October 1st of the current 4-H year.
  3. Members may enter up to five (5) entries per division. Each item should be entered separately, unless there is a specific reason that they should be judged together. 
  4. Members must select the lot number under their 4-H project level for their age division.The bulleted list beneath the lot numbers are ideas of what could be exhibited at Fair, but are not requirements for those lots, unless specified.
  5. Exhibits must be the work of the 4-H member in the project. Classroom projects from school are not permitted unless they are part of a defined 4-H project.
  6. All exhibits must have exhibitor tags attached.
  7. If a member is unable to be present at interview judging, they can complete a written statement of what was accomplished, what was learned and other relevant information. Projects must be dropped off by 9:00 am on Tuesday. Please notify the Extension Office as soon as possible if you will not be present at your assigned interview time.
  8. All indoor exhibits must be picked up on Sunday at 4:00 pm.
  9. The 4-H Indoor Silent Auction is open to any 4-H member, including Cloverbuds, who enter a quality, usable 4-H indoor exhibit or animal educational display (such as woodworking, quilting, leathercraft, photos, art, etc.). Food and live animal are not permitted. Members may enter a maximum of two items and have until noon on Tuesday of Fair week to designate these items through a form. All proceeds from the auction go to the member. See form and procedures for full rules.
  10. Large items will be displayed as space allows.



1.       Only open to youth enrolled in the Cloverbud project.

2.       Cloverbuds will be awarded a participation ribbon for each entry, up to 5 entries, after interviewing with a judge.

3.       No live animals may be exhibited in this division.



·         Items made in the project.

·         Picture of you and your pet.

·         Photo story of 3 photos or more.

·         Educational display related to what you have learned in this project.

Division: EXPLORING 4-H

Exploring 4-H - Level 1: Exploring the Treasures of 4-H

Jr. 1601 (2nd to 4th Grade)

·         Display related to project

·         A project item from book


Must have 4-H Project Plan approved by Extension Agent by May 1st. Project will be judged according to age, scope of project, objectives, and fulfillment of objectives.

Jr. 5401         Sr. 5402 


Entries will be judged during the indoor interviews on Tuesday and then displayed in the Exhibit Building. Examples are an educational display or poster showing skills or knowledge learned in the project level. *For Horseless Horse Showmanship, please see page 15.

Jr. 701                   Sr. 702 

Level 1: Giddy Up & Go

Jr. 703       Sr. 704 Level 2: Head,Heart, and Hooves

Jr. 705       Sr. 706 Level 3: Stable Relationships

Jr. 707       Sr. 708 Level 4: Riding the Range

Jr. 709       Sr. 710 Level 5: Jumping to New Heights

Division: LIVESTOCK JUDGING Jr. 4401         Sr. 4402

· Poster/Display of event attended.

· Poster/Guide with livestock judging tips.

· Poster with photos comparing animals.

· Poster about careers related to livestock judging.

· Poster on preparing your animal for competition in judging events.

·Any other related item or educational display.


Vet Science - Level 1: From Airedales to Zebras

Jr. 2601

Sr. 2602

· Poster of breeds of a selected animal species.

· Poster or display of body systems.

· Poster of pet safety concerns in the home.

·Poster or display of veterinary tools.

· Any other notebook, poster, or display showing skills learned this year in project.


Vet Science - Level 2: All Systems Go!

Jr. 2603

Sr. 2604

·Poster or display of animal health and observation records.

· Poster or display of animal immune system.

·Poster or display of biosecurity recommendations.

· Poster or display of a parasite’s life cycle.

·Poster of diseases.

·Notebook or journal of feed observations.

Any other notebook, poster, or display showing skills learned this year in project.


Vet Science - Level 3: On the Cutting Edge

Jr. 2605         Sr. 2606

·Poster or display on animal genetics.

·Poster or display on cellular structures and functions.

·Chart or poster on Zoonotic diseases.

·Poster or display of disease prevention.

·Poster of different careers in veterinary science.

·Poster or display of veterinary medical equipment and technology.

·Any other notebook, poster, or display showing skills learned this year in project.


Vet Science - Independent Study

Jr.  2607

Sr. 2608

Must have 4-H Project Plan approved by Extension Agent by May 1st. 


Aerospace - Level 2: Lift Off
Jr. 3101    

Sr. 3102

·         Level 2 rocket made from a kit. Include plans.

·         Educational poster or display

·         A handmade kite. Include plans.

·         Any model rocket or airplane not built from a kit. Include plans.

·         Any other related item or educational display.


Aerospace - Level 3: Reaching New Heights     Jr. 3103    

Sr. 3104

·         Level 3 rocket/airplane made from kit. Include plans.

·         A feather wing glider or a controllable glider

·         Any model rocket or airplane not built from a kit. Include your plans.

·         Any other related item or educational display.


Aerospace - Level 4: Pilot in Command
Jr. 3105      

Sr. 3106

·         Level 4 rocket made from a kit. Include plans.

·         Flat style box kite, include plans.

·         Remote control airplane made from kit, include plans.

·         Model rocket or model airplane not made from a kit, include your plans.

·         Any other related item or educational display.

  Aerospace - Independent Study
Jr. 3107  Sr. 3108
Must have 4-H Project Plan approved by Extension Agent by May 1st. 
Division: ELECTRIC Electricity - Level 1: The Magic of Electricity
Jr. 3301         Sr. 3302

·         Display with a homemade flashlight, homemade compass, electromagnet, electric motor, or galvanometer.

·         Display of a circuit(s).

·         Poster/display on conductors.

·         Poster/display on magnetism.

·         Any other related item or educational display.

  Electricity - Level 2: Investigating Electricity
Jr. 3303         Sr. 3304

·         Poster or display on Ohm’s Law.

·         Poster or display on a volt-ohm meter.

·         Poster of circuit diagrams and symbols.

·         Display with a parallel circuit, rocket launcher, alarm, three-way switch, or Morse code circuit.

·         Poster or display on soldering.

·         Any other related item or educational display.

  Electricity - Level 3: Wired for Power  Jr. 3305         Sr. 3306

·         Poster/display of an electrical tool and supply kit.

·         Poster of careers in electricity.

·         Notebook/poster on electricity usage in your home.

·         Poster/display of a home electrical circuit.

·         Poster/display of an electric service panel. 

·         Poster/display of symbols on wires and cables.

·         Notebook, poster or display on types of light bulbs.

·         Any other related item or educational display.

  Electricity - Level 4: Entering Electronics
Jr. 3307         Sr. 3308

·         Poster/display of electronic parts.

·         Display using a transistor.

·         Poster/display on light emitting diode (LED).

·         Display of a blinky flasher, simple light meter, amplifier, or burglar alarm.

·         Any other related item or educational display.

  Electricity - Independent Study
Jr.  3309  Sr. 3310
Must have 4-H Project Plan approved by Extension Agent by May 1st. 

Division: ROBOTICS

Joint projects completed in cooperation 
may be entered by more than 1 member.
Each member must have a separate entry, but interview can be done together and full ribbon premiums paid to each participant.

Robotics - Introduction to Modern Microcontrollers
Jr. 3601         Sr. 3602 

·         Display of assembled microcontroller.

·         Blinking LED display.

·         Poster or display or circuit building.

·         Any other related item or educational display.

  Robotics - Robotics with EV3
Jr. 3603         Sr. 3604 

·         Robot (for judging only, not to be displayed during fair) with program schematic.

·         Video or PowerPoint with project and robot.

·         Any other related item or educational display.

  Junk Drawer Robotics - Level 1: Give Robotics a Hand
Jr. 3605       Sr. 3606 

·         Robot built from everyday items that use arms.

·         Educational display or poster on pneumatics, arm designs or three-dimensional space.

·         Project notebook.

·         Any other related item or educational display.

  Junk Drawer Robotics - Level 2: Robots on the Move
Jr. 3607 Sr. 3608 

·         Robot built from everyday items that move with legs, wheels and/or underwater.

·         Educational display or poster on friction, electrical power and powers, engineering constraints, gear system or buoyancy.

·         Project notebook.

·         Any other related item or educational display. 

  Junk Drawer Robotics - Level 3: Mechatronics
Jr. 3609             Sr. 3610

·         Robot built from everyday items with simple electronic components.

·         Educational display or poster on sensors, circuits, or computer programming.

·         Project notebook.

·         Any other related item or educational display.

  Robotics -  Independent Study
Jr. 3611         Sr. 3612

·         Poster on Programing, Power Point Presentation, or Photo Story on Year

Division: SMALL ENGINES Small Engines - Level 1: Crank it Up
Jr. 3401         Sr. 3402

·         Educational poster

·         Display of tools needed to maintain a small engine.

·         Small engines parts display

·         Display related to small engines.

·         Any other related item or educational display.

  Small Engines - Level 2: Warm it Up
Jr. 3403         Sr. 3404

·         Educational display.

·         Display of the parts of an engine.

·         Showing how to adjust a carburetor.

·         Income and expense record of your lawn mowing business.

·         Any other related item or educational display.

  Small Engines - Level 3: Tune it Up
Jr. 3405         Sr. 3406

·         How to use diagnostic tools on small engines.

·         Educational poster

·         Electrical system of a small engine.

·         How to remove and sharpen a mower blade.

·         Any other related item or educational display.

  Small Engines - Independent Study
Jr. 3407  Sr. 3408
Must have 4-H Project Plan approved by Extension Agent by May 1st. 
Division: WELDING Welding - Arcs & Sparks
Jr. 3701         Sr. 3702

·         Welded display item

·         Notebook reviewing project and involvement.

·         Any other related item or educational display.

  Welding - Independent Study
Jr.  3703  Sr. 3704

Must have 4-H Project Plan approved by Extension Agent by May 1st. 


Woodworking - Level 1: Measuring Up
Jr. 3501         Sr. 3502

1.      No power tools except power drill and sander.

2.      Skills learned: Measuring, squaring, nailing, sawing, basic finish and sanding.

3.      Tools used: Tape measure, square, handsaw, coping, hammer, brace and bit, hand drill and power drill.

·         Poster/display of woodworking tools and equipment.

·         Poster on woodworking safety.

·         Poster/display: different types of wood or

·         Poster/display on types of glue and uses.

·         Flower box or picture frame.

·         Napkin or letter holder.

·         Other woodworking items using skills learned in level.

·         Any other related item or educational display.


Woodworking - Level 2: Making the Cut
Jr. 3503         Sr. 3504

1.      Skills learned: Project and wood selection, power sanding, cutting angles, screws, and liquid finishes.

2.      Tools used: power drill, hand jig saw, scroll saw, sander, band saw, hand tools, and finishing tools. Other power tools are allowed under the supervision of an adult leader.  Ribbon placement will be based on skills learned in the project, not on the use of advanced power tools.


·         Poster on woodworking careers.

·         Whistle, Sawhorse, Birdhouse, Toolbox, or Stool.

·         Poster or display on: differences in wood types or about wood finishes.

·         Other woodworking items using skills learned in level (see above).

·         Any other related item or educational display.


Woodworking - Level 3: Nailing it Together
Jr. 3505         Sr. 3506

1.      Power tools allowed.

2.      Skills learned: Project design, hardware, clamping, joints such as dado, rabbet, butt, spline, dowel, tongue and grove.

3.      Tools used: Hand tools, table saw, planer, jointer, and any handheld power tool.


·         Boomerang, Belt buckle, Puzzle, or Bookshelf.

·         Poster/display on hinges, hasps, and flush plates.

·         Poster/display on types of clamps.

·         Display of different types of joints learned in level.

·         Other woodworking items using skills learned in level.

·         Any other related item or educational display.


Woodworking - Level 4: Finishing Up  Jr. 3507         Sr. 3508

1.    Power tools allowed.

2.      Skills learned: Dovetails, mortise, and tenon joint, routing, scraping, gluing, and finishing.

3.      More detail and precision expected in this level.


·         Item made from your own designs, include plans.

·         Display of different types of joints learned in level.

·         Poster or display of different types of adhesives.

·         Off Road Vehicle.

·         Table Top Hockey.

·         Step Stool/Chair.

·         Get Along Little Doggie.

·         Pecky the Door Knocker.

·         Other woodworking items using skills learned in level.

·         Any other related item or educational display.


Woodworking - Independent Study    Jr. 3509 

Sr. 3510

Must have 4-H Project Plan approved by Extension Agent by May 1st. 


1.       Exhibit boxes of collections should be 18” X 12” for 25 insects and 18” X 24”  for 50 insects, or a size appropriate to
display the collection. Each box should be 3 ½” to 4” deep. Boxes should be covered with Plexiglas that can be removed. 
Collections are to be organized 
by Order.
2.       Each collection should have proper pinning and labeling methods as described
in the 4-H entomology project materials and other reputable sources. Labels will
include at minimum: location of collection, date of collection, and common or  scientific name. Specimens shall be 
undamaged. For moths or butterflies: 
wings shall be properly spread. Other groups: spreading legs and wings not required.
3.       Arrangements shall be neat and uniform in such a manner that anyone examining the collection can understand 
the groupings.
4.       Displays may consist of specialized groupings of insects or related to any
aspect of insect life. The purpose of educational displays is to learn more about
life cycles, biology, ecology, diversity, etc. of insects and arthropods.

Entomology - Level 1: Teaming with Insects 

Jr.3901         Sr. 3902

·         Collection of 25-35 different adult insects – mounted, labeled, and identified including at least five orders and the Order Lepidoptera.

·         Poster or display of parts of an insect.

·         Poster about mouth types of insects.

·         Poster about invasive insect species.

·         Poster or display about edible insects.

·         Poster or display relating to activity in Level 1.

  Entomology - Level 2: Teaming with Insects  Jr. 3903         Sr. 3904

·         Collection of 50-70 insects – mounted, labeled, and identified according to Order.

·         Exhibit or poster of equipment and different methods used for insect collecting.

·         Poster or display about plants that attract butterflies.

·         Poster or display of life cycle of insects.

·         Poster about an invasive insect species and environmental impacts.

·         Poster or display relating to activity in Level 2.

  Entomology - Level 3: Teaming with InsectsJr. 3905         Sr. 3906

·         Collection of 85-155 insects – mounted, labeled, and identified according to Order.

·         Poster about careers in entomology.

·         Poster or display about your chosen state insect.

·         Poster about biological control insects.

·         Poster or display about integrated pest management.  

·         Poster or display relating to activity in Level 3.


Entomology - Independent Study    Jr.  3907

Sr. 3908

Must have 4-H Project Plan approved by Extension
Agent by May 1st. 

Division: FORESTRY
1.      If leaves, stems or bark are exhibited, they should be identified with a label. 
Labels should include:

a.       Proper common name
b.       Location where collected (city and/or county)
c.       Date specimen collected (day, month, year).

Note: After you are in project for more than one year, group specimens by year collected 
to exhibit.

2.      Educational displays may consist of: groupings of leaves, bark, stems, or related
to any aspect of forestry. Purpose of educational display: to learn the importance of forest ecosystems and forest life.

Forestry - Level 1: Follow the Path
Jr. 3801         Sr. 3802

·         Exhibit of at least 5 different dried 
leaves/needles from coniferous or deciduous trees in Montana collected during the year. Mount, label (see #1 above), and identify by species.

·         Exhibit a minimum of 5 native Montana trees showing leaf, twig, and fruit from each species, labeled (see #2 above).

·         Journal of the location and date of 10 different trees.

·         Photo story of visit to a state forest or other forest ecosystem.

·         Plant tree in clear jar to show root system of seedling.

·         Any other poster or educational display.


Forestry - Level 2: Reach for the Canopy   

Jr. 3803         Sr. 3804

·         Exhibit a collection of at least 10 different 
leaves or needles from coniferous or deciduous
trees in Montana collected during the year. 
Mount, label (see #2 above), and identify according
to species.

·         Exhibit a minimum of eight (8) native Montana trees showing leaf, twig, and fruit from each species. Label according to the instructions in #3 above.

·         A photo-journal of your visit to a local park or forest.

·         Photo journal or field guide on the habitat of 
10 organisms that use trees.

·         Tree cross-section with explanation of tree’s history.

·         Any other related item or educational display.

  Forestry - Level 3: Explore the Deep Woods
Jr. 3805         Sr. 3806

·         Exhibit collection of at least 20 different 
leaves or needles from Montana coniferous or 
deciduous trees. Mount, label, and identify
according to species.

·         Exhibit at minimum 15 native Montana 
trees showing leaf, twig, and fruit from each species, labeled.

·         Poster or educational display

·         Collect and write taxonomic key for 5 different

·         Display & label 5 bark rubbings and identify 
each tree

·         Display showing the “fruits” or “seeds” of at 
least 10 trees in your area, labeled.


Forestry - Independent Study
Jr. 3807 Sr. 3808

Must have 4-H Project Plan approved by Extension
Agent by May 1st. 
Division: OUTDOOR ADVENTURES Outdoor Adventures  - Level 1: Hiking Trails Jr. 4201      Sr. 4202

·         Educational display or notebook on planning a day hike, shelter selection, “Leave no trace”, camping skills or environmental awareness.

·         Any other poster or educational display.

  Outdoor Adventures - Level 2: Camping Adventures
Jr. 4203     Sr. 4204

·         Educational display or notebook on planning an overnight hiking trip, proper clothing needs, what to pack, outdoor cooking or new orienteering skills.

Any other poster or educational display.

  Outdoor Adventures - Level 3: Backpacking Expeditions
Jr. 4205      Sr. 4206

·         Educational display or notebook on planning a backpacking trip, clothing needs, how to set up tents or how to read a topographical map.

·         Any other poster or educational display.


Outdoor Adventures - Independent Study
Sr. 4207

Must have 4-H Project Plan approved by Extension
Agent by May 1st. 


Archery equipment, firearms & ammunition may be brought to the fair for interview judging by approval by the 4-H Indoor Committee for safety purposes but must be taken home after judging.  Archery equipment and ammunition may be allowed to stay on display by approval of the 4-H Indoor Committee. Any equipment that stays on display is done so at the risk of the 4-H member.  Broadwater County 4-H and the Fair Board are not liable for theft and damage.

Jr. 4001    Sr. 4002        Air Pistol
Jr. 4003    Sr. 4004        Small Bore Pistol (.22)
Jr. 4005    Sr. 4006        Air Rifle
Jr. 4007    Sr. 4008        Small Bore Rifle (.22)
Jr. 4009    Sr. 4010        BB Gun Safety
Jr. 4011    Sr. 4012        Archery
Jr. 4013    Sr. 4014        Shotgun
Jr. 4015    Sr. 4016        Muzzleloading
Jr. 4017    Sr. 4018        Hunting/Wildlife
Jr. 4019    Sr. 4020        Western Heritage

·         Education display or poster.

·         Any other related item to project.


Shooting Sports - Independent Study     Jr. 4021

Sr. 4022

Must have 4-H Project Plan approved by Extension Agent by May 1st.  
Division: SPORT FISHING Sport Fishing - Level 1: Take the Bait
Jr. 4301         Sr. 4302

·         Display of lures and/or flies that you made.

·         Display of common fishing tackle equipment.

·         Display of basic fishing knots.

·         Display of three (3) rigging systems.

·         Any other educational poster or display.

  Sport Fishing - Level 2: Reel in the Fun
Jr. 4303        Sr. 4304

·         Display of lures and/or flies that you made.

·         Exhibit of your own hand-made fishing wallet.

·         Display of at least 6 intermediate fishing knots (e.g. trilene, surgeons, uni-knot, world’s fair knot, two-fold open, and blood knot).

·         Any other educational poster or display.

  Sport Fishing - Level 3: Cast into the Future
Jr. 4305         Sr. 4306

·         Educational display of four types of reels.

·         Educational display of artificial flies and lures you made.

·         Educational display of sizes and types of hooks.

·         Educational display of least 8 kinds of aquatic insects.

·         Display about the different fish in Montana.

·         Any other educational poster or display.


Sport Fishing - Independent Study    Jr. 4307

Sr. 4308

Must have 4-H Project Plan approved by Extension Agent by May 1st. 
Division: WILDLIFE Wildlife - Level 1
Jr. 4101         Sr. 4102

·         Educational poster

·         Wildlife display, diorama, or exhibit

·         Bat or Bird House

·         Any other item related to project.


Wildlife - Independent Study     Jr. 4103

Sr. 4104

Must have 4-H Project Plan approved by Extension
Agent by May 1st. 


Jr. 1801         Sr. 1802

·         Babysitter’s Magic Bag: explain why chose each item.

·         First Aid Kit and why each item is in the kit.

·         Poster on activities for different age groups.

·         Recipe books of favorite simple nutritious snacks.

·         Display a flyer and/or business card to advertise.

·         Any other related item or educational display.

  Babysitting Independent Study
Jr. 1803  Sr. 1804
Must have 4-H Project Plan approved by Extension Agent by May 1st.

Family Adventures

Jr. 1901   Sr. 1902

·         Photo story of at least 5 photos of a family adventure.

·         A display showing a family escape plan during an emergency (fire, flood, hurricane, etc.).

·         Card file of games for a family of all ages.

·         Display showing a family adventure in which you and your family participated.

       Family Tree

  Family Adventures Independent Study
  Jr. 1903  Sr. 1904
Must have 4-H Project Plan approved by Extension Agent by May 1st. 

Jr. 2001        Sr. 2002       Interior Design - Level 1

Jr. 2003        Sr. 2004  Interior Design      - Level 2

Jr. 2005        Sr. 2006      Interior Design - Level 3

Jr. 2007        Sr. 2008      Interior Design - Level 4

  • Design Portfolio: Includes color scheme, wall treatment, floor treatment, window treatment, before & after photos, etc.
  • Window, wall or floor covering; describe the project and how it was completed.
  • Recycled or remade piece of furniture by using a common object or material in a creative way.
  • Fabric Accessory: bedspread, pillows, dresser scarf, tablecloth or runner, etc.
  • Decorative Item: wall hangings, framed artwork, lampshade, etc.
  • identify a problem (windows, storage needs, room arrangement, etc.), describe the problem and how it was solved.
  • Any other educational poster or display.

 Interior Design Independent Study Jr. 2009

Sr. 2010

Must have 4-H Project Plan approved by Extension Agent by May 1st.   


Sewing and Textiles General Rules

1.      Exhibits will be judged on quality of construction, appearance and functionality.

2.      An entry can consist of several pieces if you choose to enter it as an ensemble.

3.      Bring the pattern and project costs to the interview.

4.      If no pattern, bring construction steps.


Sewing - Levels 1
Jr. 2101        Sr. 2102      

Sewing - Level 2
Jr. 2103        Sr. 2104      

Sewing - Level 3
Jr. 2105        Sr. 2106       

·         Wearable Clothing

·         Non-wearable Project

·         Educational Display

  Sewing & Textiles - Independent Study Jr.  2107 Sr. 2108 Must have 4-H Project Plan approved by Extension Agent by May 1st.   
Division: KNITTING
See rules for “Sewing & Textiles”. Same rules apply.

Knitting - Beginning Level

Jr. 2110         Sr. 2111

Article showing 1 or more skills (cast on, stockinette stitch, garder stitch, bind off, overcast seam). 

Knitting - Intermediate Level

Jr. 2112         Sr. 2113      

Article showing 1 or more additional skills (ribbing, seed stitch, striped pattern, increases, decreases) 

Knitting - Advanced Level

Jr. 2114         Sr. 2115

Article showing 1 or more additional skills (pick-up stitches, pattern stitch, mixed colors, fair isle)
Division: CROCHET
See rules for “Sewing & Textiles”. Same rules apply.

Crochet - Beginning Level

Jr. 2120         Sr. 2121

Article showing 1 or more skills (chain stitch, single crochet, double crochet, slip stitch, treble crochet, double treble, v-stitch).

Crochet - Intermediate Level

Jr. 2122         Sr. 2123

Article showing 1 or more additional skills (filet mesh, shell stitch, working in rounds, cluster stitch, popcorn stitch, puff stitch, bobbles stitch, afghan stitch).

Crochet - Advanced Level

Jr. 2124         Sr. 2125

Article showing 1 or more additional skills (open mesh, block or solid mesh, waffle or rib stitch, picot stitch, star stitch, hairpin lace, broomstick crochet).
See rules for “Sewing & Textiles”. Same rules apply.

Embroidery - Beginning Level

Jr. 2130         Sr. 2131

·         Cross-stitch on ¼ inch gingham.

·         Embroidery on stamped design.

·         Article using 5 different stitches and 3 different color floss.


Embroidery - Intermediate Level

Jr. 2132         Sr. 2133

·         Counted cross-stitch on 11 or 14 count Aida cloth.

·         Chicken scratch on ¼” gingham.

·         Article using 7 different stitches and 4 different color floss.


Embroidery - Advanced Level

Jr. 2134         Sr. 2135


·         Counted cross-stitch on smaller than 14 count Aida cloth.

·         Specialty embroidery (crewel, silk ribbon, huck, smocking, etc.).

·         Machine embroidery.

·         Article using more than 8 different stitches and 5 different color floss.

See rules for “Sewing & Textiles”. Same rules apply.

Shopping In Style  - Level 1

Jr. 2140         Sr. 2141


·         Display of fashion and fads during a period of history.

·         Display of clothing from different cultures.

·         Chart of various torso shapes.

·         Display of fashion design techniques.

·         Recycled or reused outfit with cost comparison to new outfit.

·         Chart or display on clothing care.

Any other educational display.

  Shopping In Style - Independent Study Jr. 2142 Sr. 2143 Must have 4-H Project Plan approved by Extension Agent by May 1st.    

Division: QUILTING

1.       All piecing and quilting must be done by member.

2.       Maximum of 5 entries in this division.

Quilting - LEvel 1

Jr. 2150         Sr. 2151      

·         Lap Quilt

·         Wall Hanging

·         Other Quilted Project

·         Educational Display


Quilting - Level 2

Jr. 2152         Sr. 2153    

·         Lap Quilt

·         Bed Quilt

·         Wall Hanging

·         Other Quilted Project

·         Educational Display


Quilting - Level 3

Jr. 2154         Sr. 2155       

·         Lap Quilt

·         Bed Quilt

·         Wall Hanging

·         Other Quilted Project

·         Educational Display


Quilting - Independent Study
Jr. 2156  Sr. 2157

Must have 4-H Project Plan approved by Extension Agent by May 1st. 


Crop Science Small Grains

Jr. 2701         Sr. 2702

·         Educational display plant variety and selection

·         Educational display plant growth stages.

·         Educational display seed germination

·         Educational display on seasonal pest

·         Educational display on pesticide hazards

Any other educational display.


Crop Science - Independent Study
Jr. 2703 Sr. 2704

Must have 4-H Project Plan approved by Extension Agent by May 1st. 


1.       All plants and flowers must
have been grown by the member.

2.       All vegetables and garden
products should be on a plate for
exhibit and a sealable plastic bag
should be placed over the plate
and exhibit.

3.       Vases/containers must be
provided by the exhibitor. 
Members are encourage to select
a container that will enhance their
display, but the container will not
be part of the judging.  Foam cups and tin cans are not permissible containers.

Gardening - Level A: See Them Sprout

Jr. 2901         Sr. 2902

·         Vegetable

·         Perennial or Annual Flowers.

·         Potted Plant or container garden.

·         Poster or display on garden tools and safety.

·         Poster or display of horticulture related careers.

·         Super-sized pumpkin.

·         Poster or display of plant parts.

·         Any other related item or educational display.


Gardening - Level B: Let’s Get Growing

Jr. 2903         Sr. 2904

·         Vegetable

·         Perennial or Annual Flowers.

·         Potted Plant from propagation.

·         Poster or display on composting.

·         Poster or display of a worm box.

·         Any other related item or educational display.


Gardening - Level C: Take Your Pick

Jr. 2905         Sr. 2906

·         Vegetable

·         Herbs

·         Perennial or Annual Flowers.

·         Poster or display on soil amendments.

·         Poster or display on season extending techniques.

·         Poster or display on hybrid seeds.

·         Poster or display on companion planting.

·         Poster or display on storing and saving seeds.

·         Poster or display on weed control.

·         Any other related item or educational display.


Gardening - Level D: Growing Profits

Jr. 2907        Sr. 2908

·         Vegetable

·         Herbs

·         Perennial or Annual Flowers.

·         Notebook or display with a gardening business plan.

·         Poster or display of plant genetics.

·         Poster or display on growing hydroponic plants.

·         Preserved garden produce.

·         Any other related item or educational display.

  Gardening - Independent Study
Jr. 2909  Sr. 2910
Must have 4-H Project Plan approved by Extension Agent by May 1st. 


All pressed plants must be labeled and dated.

Range Science Management - Level 1

 Jr. 3001         Sr. 3002

·         Display of a plant press.

·         Pressed rangeland plants (10 for each year in project).

·         Poster or display of plant parts.

·         Poster or display of the benefits of a healthy rangeland.

·         Poster or display of rangeland types in the US.

·         Poster or display on how climate influences rangeland.

·         Any other notebook, poster, or display showing skills learned this year in project.

  Range Science Management - Independent Study
Jr. 3003  Sr. 3004
Must have 4-H Project Plan approved by Extension Agent by May 1st.   

Weed Science - Level 1: Weed Science

Jr. 2801         Sr. 2802

·         Collect, identify, press, mount, label 12 weeds.

·         Display showcasing weed seed dispersal methods.

·         Display that illustrates the effects of erosion and relation to invasive plants.

·         Display or notebook showing the economic impact of a noxious weed.

·         Poster or display with an invasive plant profile.

·         Poster or display on aquatic invasive species or noxious weeds.

·         Any other notebook, poster, or display showing skills learned this year in project.

  Weed Science - Independent Study  Jr. 2807  Sr. 2808 Must have 4-H Project Plan approved by Extension Agent by May 1st. 

Cowboy Poetry - Spurrin’ the Words

Jr. 4601  Sr. 4602

·         Display of at least 3 original poems
written by you during the current year.

·         Any educational display related to
what you have learned in this project.


Leathercraft - Level 1

Jr. 4501  Sr. 4502

·         Article on flat leather with no lacing
or stitching (i.e. bookmark, wrist bracelet
or coaster set).

·         Article with at least 2 pieces of leather
sewing together with lace using a whip stitch
or running stitch. (i.e. key case or knife sheath).

·         Article with at least 2 pieces of leather
sewing together with cord stitching
(i.e. coin purse).

·         Educational Display of skills learned in
the level such as history, sources, structures,
and tanning techniques related to Leathercraft.


Leathercraft - Level 2

Jr. 4503  Sr. 4504

·         Article demonstrating skill(s) learned in
level such as swivel knife, camouflage tool, pear shader, beveler, veiner, seeder, backgrounder
and decorative cuts.

·         Article with double loop lacing. (i.e. wallet, eyeglass case, checkbook cover, knife sheath,
small purse, belt buckle, or key case)

·         Educational Display.


Leathercraft - Level 3: Intermediate Leather Carving

Jr. 4505  Sr. 4506

·         Article demonstrating skill(s) learned in
the level:  mule’s foot, stop and single imprint
stamps, wing dividers, overstitch wheel, gouge,
skiver, edge beveler, and edge slicker.

·         Article using 1 or more of the following
skills:  inverted carving techniques, beginning dyeing, lining, simple molding and shaping or
hand stitching (i.e. belt, holster, book cover,
purse, quiver, arm guard, toiletry bag or wallet).

·         Educational Display.


Leathercraft - Level 4: Advanced Leather Carving

Jr. 4507  Sr. 4508

·         Exhibit 1 article or set demonstrating advanced carving skills. Include 1 of the
following techniques: figure carving other
than pictures, embossing, filigree work, and beginning dyeing techniques.

·         Educational Display.


Leathercraft - Level 5: Coloring and Shading

Jr. 4509  Sr. 4510

·         Exhibit 1 article or set to demonstrate pictorial carving and coloring/dyeing skills.

·         Educational Display.


 Leathercraft - Level 6: Pictorial Carving

Jr. 4511  Sr. 4512

·         Exhibit 1 article or set to demonstrate advanced pictorial carving and coloring skills.

·         Exhibit 1 article or set demonstrating geometric stamping.  

·         Educational Display.


Leathercraft - Level 7: Making and Rebuilding Saddles

Jr. 4513 Sr. 4514 

·         Make or rebuild a saddle.

·         Educational Display.


Leathercraft - Level 8: Leathercraft Creations

Jr. 4515  Sr. 4516


·         Exhibit 1 article or set to demonstrate advanced pictorial carving and coloring skills.

·         Educational Display.


Leathercraft - Level 9: Leathercraft Creations

Jr. 4517  Sr. 4518


·         Exhibit an original design in leather.

·         Exhibit 1 article using non-tooled
and non-sewn techniques (lacing, braiding, expanding, sculpting, etc.)

·         Educational Display.


Leathercraft - Level 10: Leathercraft Creations

Jr. 4519  Sr. 4520


·         Exhibit 1 article or set to demonstrate leather garment sewing and accessories.

·         Educational Display.


Leathercraft - Independent Study  Jr. 4521

Sr. 4522

Must have 4-H Project Plan approved by Extension Agent by May 1st.  

1.      All photos must be original
images taken by member.
2.      All photos must be from current year’s project.
3.      All photography must be printed
on photo paper.
4.      Only junior members may enter
a story board, a joiner, 5x7 or 8x10 photo.  Senior members can enter a joiner, 5x7 or 8x10 photo, but may not enter a story board.
5.      Story boards and joiners are
limited to the size of a poster board.
6.      Story Board (Jr. members only) -
Securely attach prints to surface of a single black or white (not colored) poster board, foam core, or mat board.
7.      Prints (5x7 or 8x10) must have a black or white mat. No other colors allowed. Cardboard or foam backing
of matted photo is permissible, but
not required.
8.      Entries are NOT to be framed or glassed. NOTE: For the indoor silent auction, frames can be added by exhibitor, but should not be on during the judging.
9.      Members should know camera
and features used, cost of projects,
and software used (if applicable).
10.  All photo entries can be edited
using the following techniques:
cropping, exposure control, red-eye reduction and dodging/burning (enhancement.)

Photography - Level 1: Photography Basics

Jr. 4700 Sr. 4701 


·         Photo(s) illustrating composition (foreground, middle-ground or background).

·         Photo(s) showing special effects.

·         Photo(s) illustrating lighting effects (shadows, side, top, front, back or with flash).

·         Other photos you took throughout the
year demonstrating skills learned in the project.


Photography - Level 2: Next Level Photography

Jr. 4702  Sr. 4703


·         Photo(s) illustrating lighting effects (low light, mood lighting, shadows or with flash).

·         Photo or display showing the Rule of
Thirds, the Golden Triangle or the Golden Rectangle.

·         Photo series of different viewpoints
of same subject.

·         Candid photo(s).

·         Photo(s) capturing a moving subject.

·         Other photos you took throughout the
year demonstrating skills learned in the

·         Photo(s) using a wide-angle or
telephoto lens.

·         Photo(s) using a lens filter for
special effects.

·         Photo(s) using artificial light.

·         Photo(s) using natural light (no flash).

·         Photo(s) showing a reflection.


Photography - Level 3: Mastering Photography

Jr. 4704

Sr. 4705  


·         Still-life photography.

·         Portrait.

·         Photo(s) of shapes, patterns, or

·         Photo(s) using specialized equipment.

·         Other photos you took throughout
the year demonstrating skills learned in the project.

·         Photo(s) demonstrating exposure.

·         Photo(s) demonstrating aperture and


Videography - Level 4: Movie Magic

Jr. 4710  Sr. 4711


1.      Should be playable on your personal

2.      Joint projects completed in cooperation may be entered by more than 1 member, with interviewing to be done together, and full ribbon premiums paid to each participant.


Photography - Independent Study  Jr. 4720

Sr. 4721

Must have 4-H Project Plan approved by Extension Agent by May 1st. 

Visual Arts - Get Started in Art

Jr. 4800  

Sr. 4801

·         Cutting and pasting project

·         Drawing

·         Painting

·         Sculpting

·         Printing

·         Fiber

·         3-D Construction


Visual Arts -  Drawing, Fiber and Sculpture

Jr. 4802

Sr. 4803  

·         Drawing (includes pen, ink or charcoal)

·         Fiber Art (includes felting, papermaking, basketry, textile handicrafts, etc. for visual effects.

·         Sculpture (includes pottery and ceramics)


Visual Arts - Painting, Printing and Graphic Design

Jr. 4804  Sr. 4805

·         Painting (includes acrylics, watercolor, oil or pastels)

·         Printing (any process using relief, intaglio, lithography, serigraphy, or monotype printing)

·         Graphic Design (use of technology to create visual communication)


Visual Arts - Independent Study Jr. 4806

Sr. 4807

Must have 4-H Project Plan approved by Extension Agent by May 1st.   


Scrapbooking - Level 1

Jr. 4815

Sr. 4816   

·         Display of tools and supplies for scrapbooking.

·         Digital scrapbook.

·         Page(s) that show mounting photos creatively.

·         Scrapbook page(s) that show journaling.

·         Page(s) that show background techniques.

·         Scrapbook showing a central theme.


Scrapbooking - Independent Study Jr. 4817

Sr. 4818

Must have 4-H Project Plan approved by Extension Agent by May 1st. 

Navigating Citizenship -

Level 1 -2

 Jr. 5101        Sr. 5102

·         Notebook of a legislative bill.

·         Display on a type of government.

·         Display on a branch of government or the legislative process.

·         Any other related item or educational display.


Global Citizenship - Level 1-3: Global Citizenship

Jr. 5103         Sr. 5104

·         Display about an international exchange, either hosting or attending.

·         Display or notebook on a pen pal exchange.

·         Any other related item or educational display.


Interstate Exchange/Hosting 

Jr. 5105        Sr. 5106

·         Display about an interstate exchange, either hosting or attending.

·         Display or notebook on a pen pal exchange.

·         Any other related item or educational display.

  Citizenship - Independent Study Jr. 5107  Sr. 5108 Must have 4-H Project Plan approved by Extension Agent by May 1st. 


Member must have a "Leadership Plan of Action" approved by their Project Leader or the Extension Agent by May 1st.

Learning to Lead - Level 1

Jr. 5201    Sr. 5202

·         Notebook

·        Presentation

·         Any other related item or educational display.


Leading to Learn - Level 2

Jr. 5203    Sr. 5204

·         Notebook

·         Presentation

·         Any other related item or educational display.


1.      All food entries including hot dishes and refrigerated items must be at safe serving temperature for judging. 

2.      All food entries are to be prepared from scratch.  No mixes unless the lot allows for a store mix. 

3.      All food entries must be placed on a disposable dish or tin and covered with clear sealable plastic bag. DO NOT USE PLASTIC WRAP TO COVER FOOD ITEM. Liquids should be displayed in a clear container.

4.      Larger items such as pies, cobblers, and crisps should be brought in the baking dish. A portion of the baked item will be place on a paper plate at the time of judging and the remainder of the baked good may be taken home.

5.      Members with food preservation items can replace opened preserve jar with an unopened jar after judging and take the judged opened preserve home.

6.      Cookies, bars, muffins, etc. should be three uniform examples. Put on plate in a clear sealable plastic bag.

7.      A copy of the recipe must accompany the exhibit.


1.      Actual cake/cupcakes or foam cake forms/cardboard boxes can be used. Exhibitors will not be judged on the type of “cake” used. 
2.      See cake decorating project
book for specific skills and techniques
at each level.
3.      General “Foods & Nutrition” rules apply

Cake Decorating - Level 1

Jr. 2401         Sr. 2402

·         Frosted Single Layer Cake

·         Cake from a Specialty Pan

·         Cake or cupcake with stars, flowers, and leaves.

·         Cake with border decorations.

·         Cake with letters.

·         Cake with grass, fur, hair, or paper pattern.

·         Any decorated cake/cupcake showing skills learned.


Cake Decorating - Level 2

Jr. 2403         Sr. 2404

·         Frosted Single Layer or Two Layer Cake

·         Filled Cake

·         Cake with brush or spatula striping.

·         Cake with side or border decorations.

·         Cake or cupcake with flat surface flowers.

·         Cake with lace, figures, haystacks, lattice, trees, or other special effect.

·         Any decorated cake/cupcake showing skills learned.


Cake Decorating - Level 3

Jr. 2405         Sr. 2406

·         Frosted stacked or tiered multi-level cake.

·         Cake with deep color effects or painting.

·         Cake with side and border decorations.

·         Cake or cupcake with nail flowers.

·         Cake with fondant, chocolate modeling, gum paste, marzipan, or pulled sugar.

·         Any decorated cake/cupcake showing skills learned.


Cake Decorating - Level 4

Jr. 2407         Sr. 2408

·         Cake using more than five techniques in levels 1-3 with original design pattern.

·         Poster with results from scratch recipe experiment.

·         Decorated food item (other than cake).

·         Notebook/display for cake decorating business plan.


Cake Decorating - Independent Study Jr. 2409

Sr. 2410

Must have 4-H Project Plan approved by Extension Agent by May 1st. 

Division: COOKING

General “Foods & Nutrition” rules apply

Cooking 101

Jr. 2301         Sr. 2302

·         Snacks - Granola bars, veggie pizza, or Mexican layered dip.

·         Side Dishes - Fruit Salad, Salsa, or Applesauce.

·         Main Dishes - Chili, Pasta with Meat Sauce, or French Toast.

·         Quick Breads - Muffins, Coffeecake, or Pancakes.

·         Dessert - Simple Cream Pie, Cookies, or Crisp.

·         Any other food/display demonstrating skills learned.


Cooking 201

Jr. 2303         Sr. 2304

·         Fruit - Dipping Sauce, Peach Salsa, or Fruit Roll-Up.

·         Vegetable - Roasted Veggies, Corn Salad, or side dish.

·         Grain - Pasta Salad, Scones, or Casserole.

·         Meat & Beans - Omelet, Taco Bake, or Meat Loaf.

·         Milk - Cream Soup, Cheese Sauce, or Gravy.

·         Dessert - Fruit Pizza, Cake, or Drop Cookies.

·         Any other food/display demonstrating skills learned.


Cooking 301

Jr. 2305         Sr. 2306

·         Grain - Bread, Spread, or Whole Wheat Rolls

·         Vegetable - Cole Slaw, Slow Cooker Soup, or Ranch Dressing.

·         Fruit - Smoothie, Grilled Fruit, or Slow Cooked Fruit.

·         Meat - Marinade, Slow Cooker Meat or Fish.

·         Milk - Cheese Ball or Pizza Dip.

·         Dessert - Frosting, Carrot Cake, or Rich Cake

·         Any other food/display demonstrating skills learned.


Cooking 401

Jr. 2307         Sr. 2308

·         Grain - Flatbread, Focaccia, or English muffins.

·         Vegetable - Twice baked potatoes, spinach quiche, or stir-fried vegetables.

·         Fruit - Fruit dip or green salad with fruit.

·         Meat - Roast, Stew, or Hummus.

·         Milk - Ice cream.

·         Dessert - Crème brulee, flan, or candy.

·         Any other food/display demonstrating skills learned.

 Division: BAKING

General “Foods & Nutrition” rules apply

 Baking 1

Jr. 2309         Sr. 2310

·         Plate of three (3) biscuits.

·         Plate of three (3) muffins.

·         Plate of three (3) pancakes.

·         Plate of three (3) drop cookies.

·         Any other food/display demonstrating skills learned.


Baking 2

Jr. 2311         Sr. 2312

·         Quick bread (⅟₂ loaf or 3 pieces on a plate)

·         Coffeecake (3 pieces on a plate)

·         Plate of 3 bars or cookies.

·         Any other food/display demonstrating skills learned.


Baking 3

Jr. 2313         Sr. 2314

·         French Bread (part of loaf or 3 pieces on a plate).

·         Plate of 3 rolls.

·         Yeast Bread (part of loaf or 3 pieces on a plate).

·         Bread Machine Bread (part of loaf or 3 pieces on a plate).

·         Any other food/display demonstrating skills learned.


Baking 4

Jr. 2315         Sr. 2316

·         Plate of 3 pieces of frosted cake.

·         Pie: Fruit, Cream, Custard, Cheese, or Meat.

·         Any other food/display demonstrating skills learned.


1.      Current USDA guidelines must be followed for all entries. Two complete recipes must be securely attached.
Canned entries must have sealed jars,
lids and include the ring.
2.      Label jar with contents, date processed, processing method (pressure, water bath, freezer, or dried), processing time, pounds of pressure used and type
of pack (if relevant). The judges will decide which preserved foods will be opened and tasted.
3.      General “Foods & Nutrition” rules apply

Food Preservation

Jr. 2319         Sr. 2320


·         Canned Jam or Jelly.

·         Pickled Product.

·         Canned Meat or Seafood.

·         Canned Tomatoes or Vegetable.

·         Display of methods or canning techniques.

·         Display of safety measures.


Foods - Independent Study  Jr. 2321

Sr. 2322

 Must have 4-H Project Plan approved by Extension Agent by May 1st.  

1.       To exhibit in this category, exhibitors must have
completed at least one semester of agricultural education
classes at Broadwater High School or Middle School.
2.       Exhibits will be judged on Tuesday morning.
3.       If a member is unable to be present at interview judging,
they can complete a written statement of what was accomplished, what was learned and other relevant information. Projects must be dropped off by 9:00 am on Tuesday.
4.       All indoor exhibits must be picked up on Sunday between 4:30-5:00 pm.


6001   FFA Scrapbook

6002   Agricultural Promotion Scrapbook

6003  Poster promoting FFA

6004 Other promotional exhibit


6101  Agricultural Technology and Mechanical Systems

6102 Animal Science

6103  Plant Science

6104  Leadership

6105                       Natural Resources


6201    Entrepreneurship Record Book

6202                       Placement Record Book

6203                       SAE Educational Display

6204                       SAE Scrapbook