Cascade County 4-H Clover Connection May Newsletter
Alternatively, download a printable version of the May 2024 Cascade County 4-H Clover Connection
Newsletter Drawing
Everyone who emails Jody at [email protected] by Friday, March 8 with the description of the page you found the above tulip symbol will be entered in a drawing to win a 4-H themed prize. The winner will be able to choose from multiple awesome 4-H items. Please include the description of the page you found the symbol, something you learned from the newsletter, and the name(s) of the 4-H’er(s) to be entered into the drawing. Congratulations to the April newsletter drawing winner, Abigail P. from the Big Sky Explorers 4-H Club!
Thank You!
Thank you to the following people and businesses that donated to the Cascade County 4-H Program over the last month!
Charla Merja Family
4N Farms, LLC
Ulm Pishkun 4-H Club
Scholarship Recipients
Cascade 4-H Foundation Scholarship
Congratulations to the following Cascade 4-H members who were awarded Cascade 4-H Foundation scholarships this year!
Cascade 4-H Foundation Scholarship
- Baylee Herman
- Blake Leardini
- Cayden Short
- Clayton Jassen
- Elizabeth Doyon
- Emilia Doyon
- Jessica Banks-McDowell
- Kyona Yeager
- Macy Herman
- Victoria Kirby
Fred Sanborn Memorial Livestock Scholarship
- Clayton Jassen
Doug and Nancy Dear Memorial Scholarship
- Hudson Rohrer
Extension Office Closures
The Cascade Extension office will be closed on Monday, May 6 and Monday, May 27.
The Green Clover
Cascade 4-H Leaders Council is holding a fundraiser for Cascade County 4-H called, “The Green Clover.” 4-H Clubs are asked to provide 1 raffle basket for every 15 club members. The basket value should be a minimum of $100. Themed baskets are encouraged with a main item and supporting items in the basket. Tickets will be 1 for $5 or 5 for $20 and each 4-H member is strongly encouraged to sell at least one book of tickets. Tickets will be available from the Extension office to sell throughout the summer at 4-H events like the livestock show, Montana State fair, horse shows, and other 4-H events. Money and tickets will need to be turned into the Extension office by October 1. Daily drawings will be held during National 4-H week which is from October 6-12. Baskets are due to the Extension office by June 30.
4-H Camp Information
4-H Camp Registration closes May 15
Registration is opened April 1 through ZSuite Events and ends May 15. This year’s
theme is Time Travel. Camp is a four-day event, held at Camp Rotary in Neihart, MT, provides a variety
of workshops such as crafts, dance, games, shooting sports, and activities such as
recreation, hiking, and campfires. Campers sleep in cabins with an adult chaperone
and teen director. Camp dates are June 9-12. Cloverbuds are not allowed to attend camp.
Contest Results
Fashion, Sewing Revue, and Quilt Show Results
We had a great turn out for the Fashion, Sewing Revue, and Quilt Show in April! Ten 4-H members showed off their hard work in their sewing and quilting projects. Congratulations to all the participants and thank you to Fran for judging!
- *Elizabeth D., Big Sky Explorers – Blue
- *Emilia D., Big Sky Explorers – Blue
- Aiyana H., Circle S – Blue
- Aliya H., Circle S – Blue
- Elina H., Circle S – Blue
- Ethan H., Circle S – Blue
- Adley E., Galloping Guns – Blue
- Avery E., Galloping Guns - Blue
Home Fashion
- Abigail P.,Big Sky Explorers – Blue
- Grace P., Big Sky Explorers – Blue
*Qualified to compete at Montana 4-H Congress
4-H Project News and Updates
Rec Lab
We had three members represent Cascade County at Rec Lab April 19-21 in Boulder, MT. Hailey B., Seth J., and Mitsuru B. had a fun weekend learning new skills and expanding ones they already had with workshops like:
- Rosemailing
- Parli Pro Pizza
- Know Your Soul pH
- On the Go Activities
- Teamwork Challenge Games
- Bottle Cap Magnets
- Camp Activities 101
- Beginning Swing Dancing
- Leadership and Communication
- Being SMART with Your Goals
- Fiber Arts
National 4-H Archery Pre-Qualifier
Mitsuru B. represented Cascade County at the National 4-H Archery Pre-Qualifier. The Pre-Qualifier is a trial run of what the course is like for the Qualifier May 5th as well as Nationals in Nebraska in June. It combines target, a field course, and 3D to test shooter’s archery skills. It is open to any 4-H archer regardless of whether they plan to try for a place to go to Nationals or not.
Montana State Fair Registration
Registration for the 4-H portion of the Montana State Fair opens May 1! Starting Wednesday, May 1, you can go to to enter. The 4-H portion of the State Fair includes static exhibits, domestic animal shows, small livestock shows, and contests in communications (public speaking), sewing, quilting, and foods. The deadline to enter the Montana State Fair is Tuesday, July 16 at 4:00 pm.
Working Ranch Horse Practices
Lisa Jassen will host Working Ranch Hose practices each Monday in June at 376 US Hwy 87, Belt, MT 6:00-8:00 pm. Call Lisa at (406) 781-3678 for more information.
Horse Show Practices
The Cascade 4-H Horse Leaders are hosting practices to get ready for the upcoming Cascade 4-H Horse Show. Practices are July 1, 8, and 15 at the King’s Arena at their outdoor arena from 6:00-8:00 pm. Riders must pay $10 per rider.
Livestock Quality Assurance Make-Up Test and Essay
Those 4-H members who missed the April 13 Livestock Quality Assurance training will need to turn in their make-up test and essay into the Cascade Extension office by May 13 by 4:30 pm. Those needing to do the make-up test and essay were emailed.
Intent to Enter for Market Sheep, Goat, and Meat Pen open through ZSuite Events
Registration for each species is under ZSuite Events. Ear tags are available at the Extension office. Animals must have an ear tag from the Extension office. FULL BODY PHOTO(S) showing the ear tags are required. Intent to Enter does not automatically enter your market animal in the Cascade 4-H Show and Sale. You must enter the Cascade 4-H Livestock Show separately. There are 3 separate events for each species. The events are labeled and due by the following: 2024 Market Goat Intent to Enter and Pictures due May 8, 2024, Sheep Intent to Enter and Pictures due May 8, and 2024 Meat Pen Intent to Enter due May 22. *IT IS HIGHLY ENCOURAGED THAT EXTRA ANIMALS ARE INTENTED DUE TO LIVESTOCK SICKNESS AND DEATH. LIVESTOCK NOT INTENTED WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO SHOW. 4-H siblings may jointly intent to enter one market beef, goat, sheep, or swine.* Intent to Enter Dates are April 17 for market swine, May 8 for market goats and sheep, and May 22 for meat pens. Late Intent to Enter will be charged $25 per animal fee or per meat pen and are only accepted for one week past the due date.
4-H Breeding Dairy Cattle, Goat, and Sheep Breeding Project Declaration
Mature breeding project animals to be shown at the Cascade County 4-H Livestock Show and Sale must be owned by the species market intent to enter date. The breeding project animal will be identified on the intent to enter form by a unique, permanent identifier. Identifiers could include RFID tags, tattoo, ear notch, etc. 4-H members may declare multiple mature animals per species. Breeding Declaration form must include a full body photo of the animal. There is no cost to declare a breeding animal. You must declare animal(s) in order to show at the 2024 Cascade County 4-H Livestock Show and Sale. You can declare your Goat and Sheep breeding project declaration through ZSuite Events. There are 4 separate events for each species. The events are labeled and due by the following: 2024 Swine Breeding Project Declaration due April 17, 2024, Dairy Cattle Breeding Project Declaration due April 18, 2024, Goat Breeding Project Declaration due May 8, and 2024 Sheep Breeding Project Declaration due May 8.
Record Book Information and Deadlines
Cascade County 4-H Record Books
It’s time to start thinking about completing your Record Books for the 2023-2024 4-H year! Record Books are an important part of 4-H that teach youth responsibility and record keeping, as well as providing youth a chance to reflect on what they did and learned in the 4-H program this year. Record Book questions can be answered by your club volunteer and youth leaders, project leaders, or Extension office staff. The Extension office will host record book office hours where 4-H members can come into the Extension office and get help with record books. Record book office hours are on July 21 and August 11. Record books are due to club leaders on August 20.
Record Book Due Dates
June 25 – Livestock Record Book Check
July 6 – Shooting Sports Record Book Check
August 20 – Record Books due to Organizational Leaders (Leaders may require Record Books be due to them earlier)
September 1 – Narratives and Award Nominated Record Books due to Extension Office for Memorial, 25-Year Leader, and Special Achievement Awards
Meeting Notices
Horse Leaders
Tuesday, May 7 at 5:30 pm at the Extension Office and through WebEx.
Livestock Leaders
Tuesday, May 7 at 7:00 pm at the Extension Office and through WebEx.
Shooting Sports
Thursday, May 2 at 6:00 pm at the Extension Office.
Leaders Council
Tuesday, May 14 at 6:00 pm at the Extension Office.
Tuesday, June 18 at 6:00 pm at the Extension Office.
Important Dates
Shooting Sports Leaders Meeting
3 - 4
Horse Camp
Office Closed
Horse and Livestock Leaders Meetings
Market Sheep and Goat Intent to Enter Due
Project Day Market Goat, Sheep, and Swine Weigh-In |
Leaders Council Meeting
Camp Registration Closes Market Sheep and Goat LATE Intent to Enter Due |
Rabbit and Poultry Meat Pen Intent to Enter Due
MSU Extension Cascade County Office Closed
Rabbit and Poultry Meat Pen LATE Intent to Enter Due
Horse and Livestock Leaders Meetings
Shooting Sports Leaders Meeting
JD Day at Camp
MSU Extension Cascade County Office Closed
Leaders Council Meeting
Montana 4-H Congress, Bozeman
Cascade County 4-H Livestock Show and Sale
Cascade County 4-H Horse Show and Cascade/Teton Counties 4-H Working Ranch Horse Show
Record Book Office Hours
Montana State Fair 4-H Static Exhibit Judging
26-August 3
Montana State Fair
Record Book Office Hours
Record Books Due to Club Leaders
MSU Extension Cascade County Office Closed
Horse and Livestock Leaders Meetings
Award Nominated Record Books Due to Extension Office
Shooting Sports Leaders Meeting
Leaders Council Meeting
13 - 15
Montana 4-H Working Ranch Horse Finals, Vaughn
Foundation Meeting
22 - 22
Montana 4-HState Horse Show
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Montana State University and Montana State University Extension prohibit discrimination in all of their programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital and family status.