Revised June 1, 2016


Article I: Name

The name of this organization shall be “Fallon-Carter Homemakers”.


Article II:  Object

The object of this organization shall be:

1.       To develop, strengthen, and correlate the work of Homemakers clubs in Fallon and Carter Counties in their                efforts to assist individuals by promoting all activities that will give them a more quality home and                                community life.

2.       To give inspiration to each other by the exchange of ideas.

3.        To sponsor 4-H club work by:

a.       Encouraging young people to participate.

b.       Giving an annual Best 4-H Club Secretary’s Book Award of $15 in each county if merited (as determined by the Extension agent and assistants).

4.        To further countywide activities of Homemaker clubs.

5.       To represent the membership of the Homemakers clubs on all matters which call for unified action.

6.       To serve as an advisory board for the county Extension agent on all matters that affect Homemakers.


Article III:  Membership, Voting And Dues 

The members of the organization shall consist of:

1.        The members of the Fallon and Carter County Homemakers clubs.

2.       County Extension agent , administrative assistant and 4-H assistant as ex-officio members.

3.       At-large members who pay dues directly to the Fallon-Carter Homemakers.


1.        Each member of the organization present at a Fallon-Carter Homemakers meeting shall be eligible to have one vote.

2.       Issues may be passed by a majority of the organization present at regular meetings.


1.       Dues are payable by each Homemaker Club and Member-at Large at the annual Fall Fallon-Carter Homemakers meeting.  

2.       The organization will set the dues amount.  Currently (2016) they are $3.00/member.


Article IV:  Officers

The officers of the organization shall be:

1.       a) President

b) President-Elect

c) Secretary-Treasurer

2.  The officers shall be elected from among the membership of Fallon-Carter Homemakers.

3.  The officers together with County Extension Service shall constitute the Executive Committee and shall act for the organization on matters requiring immediate action.

4.  In case of office vacancy (illness, death, moving, etc.), the Executive Committee shall immediately appoint someone to fill the position until the following Fall meeting.


Article V:  Meetings

1.        At least two meetings shall be held annually, one in the Spring and one in the Fall.

2.       Other meetings may be arranged by the President and two members of the Executive Committee.


Article VI:  Constitutional Amendments

This Constitution may be amended by a majority vote of the members present at either of the regular meetings of the organization.




BY-LAWS  (for Fallon-Carter Homemakers)


Article I:  Elections

1.        The election of officers of this organization shall be held every two (2) years.

2.       The election shall be held at the Fall meeting.

3.       A three person nominating committee shall be appointed by the President in the Spring of the election year.

4.       No officer shall serve more than two (2) consecutive terms for each office.


Article II:  Duties of the Officers


1.        Shall preside at all meetings, regular or special.

2.       Shall represent the organization at all County Extension meetings requiring representatives.

3.       Shall appoint committees by virtue of her office.

4.       Shall serve as an ex-officio member of all committees.


1.        Shall act in the absence of the President

2.       Shall act as historian and maintain the scrapbook for the organization.


1.        Shall keep minutes and submit the minutes to the County Extension Office to be printed in the Extension Homemakers newsletter.

2.       Shall have charge of all funds of the organization, make up-to-the-date deposits, pay all bills approved by the Executive Board, file all paid bills, keep an account of receipts and expenditures and make a report at Spring and Fall meetings.

a.)     In the event that special funds are established for a specific purpose (i.e. Padden/Kerr/Hoff Scholarship), the chairman of the said committee (who is appointed by the President) shall have charge of those funds and shall report twice a year at the Council meetings. Signatures on said account shall be the appointed chairman and the Secretary/Treasurer of the council.

3.       After each election, the previous Secretary-Treasurer shall maintain their signature on the bank’s signature card such that there are always two signatures eligible to sign for the organization at all times.  If the previous secretary ceases to be a member, the Executive Committee shall appoint someone for the second eligible signature.  Checks do not require the signature of both signees.


Article IV:  Attendance

All member clubs are expected to be represented by at least one delegate at the Spring and Fall meetings.


Article V:  Amendments

These By-Laws may be amended in the same manner as that provided for amending the Constitution.


ARTICLE VI:  Host Club Duties

1.        Homemakers Clubs in Fallon and Carter Counties shall act in turn alphabetically as host clubs for the spring and fall meetings of the organization.

2.       Arrangements for the place, date and time shall be the responsibility of the host club.

3.       Arrangements for lunch shall be entirely at the discretion of the host club.  Clubs may charge a reasonable fee for the lunch.

4.       There shall be a moment of silence at each meeting for sick or deceased members.

5.       Fallon-Carter Homemakers may reimburse the host club for expenses of hosting a meeting up to $50 and with bill presented.  This may be used for hall rent, speaker expenses ( not covered by Extension), etc.