General Information: Interns will gain professional experience utilizing nonformal education strategies by partnering with Extension agents to plan, implement, and evaluate educational programs for adults and youth in field offices. MSU Extension Interns work in county or reservation Extension offices under the direction of one or more Extension agents. Upon completion of an internship the student will understand the nature and responsibilities of being an MSU Extension agent.


  1. Increase educational experiences for Extension clientele
  2. Expand educational opportunities (skills and knowledge) for youth or adults
  3. Lead at least one educational programming effort
  4. Become a part of the Extension team in the office

Required Qualifications:

  1. Willingness to learn and be involved with many aspects of local Extension programming
  2. Demonstrated ability to work successfully with youth or adults
  3. Demonstrated ability to take initiative on projects and activities under a supervisor’s guidance
  4. Good written and verbal communication skills
  5. Effective organizational skills
  6. Ability and interest to serve the audience(s) and program disciplines identified for the specific position details

Preferred Qualifications:

  • Interest in pursuing a professional career in Extension or other related fields

Desired Skills or Experience: Attention to detail, critical thinking and decision making skills, ability to follow through with projects and assignments, proficient communications skills, and a willingness to learn. A successful applicant will have a positive attitude, creative thinking abilities, experience developing collaborative efforts, and the ability to pursue innovative approaches to problem solving.

Note: If an intern applies for university credit for the internship, additional requirements (i.e., junior standing) and other responsibilities may apply. Consult with your advisor.

Contact Information: Please contact individuals listed in the “Supervising Agent” section for questions about the individual positions.

Compensation: Up to $5,250.00 for approximately eight full-time weeks

Application Procedure: (applications due; March 4, 2025)

  • Letter of application addressing each listed qualification;
  • Current resume; and
  • Name, addresses, and phone numbers for three references.

Employment is contingent on successful completion of a background check.

Click here to complete your application, provide your contact information and upload the required documents

QR code for intern applications. More information available at homepage or by calling your local office






Central Region

Glacier County (Cut Bank, MT)

Brief Description of Duties: Primary responsibilities include developing and providing 4-H programming and activities that engage all youth and adult participants. Work with agent(s) to develop, advertise, deliver, and evaluate agriculture, family consumer science, and community vitality programs. Observe the work environment, attend activities, and promote MSU Extension throughout the community. Participate in hands-on activities in all areas of Extension work.

Disciplines required/desired: Agriculture & Natural Resources, 20%; Community Vitality, 10%; Family & Consumer Sciences, 20%; and 4-H Youth Development, 50%.

Important Dates or Events: Fair - July 16 - 20

Supervising Agent: Kari Lewis and Lisa Terry

Blaine County (Chinook, MT)

Brief Description of Duties: Primary responsibilities include developing and providing 4-H programming and activities that engage all youth and adult participants. Work with agent(s) to develop, advertise, deliver, and evaluate agriculture, family consumer science, and community vitality programs. Observe the work environment, attend activities, and promote MSU Extension throughout the community. Participate in hands-on activities in all areas of Extension work.

Disciplines required/desired: Family and Consumer Sciences, 10%, Community Vitality, 10%, Agriculture & Natural Resources, 30% and 4-H Youth Development, 50%.

Important Dates or Events:

Multi County 4-H Camp (7 counties) - dates to be determined but should be either first or second week of June.

4-H Congress - July (TBD by Montana 4-H Center)

Blaine County Fair - August 4-10

Supervising Agent: Juli Snedigar

Chouteau County and 4-H Foundation (Ft. Benton, MT)

Brief Description of Duties: This internship is a combined position with Chouteau County Extension and the Montana 4-H Foundation. Intern can live within the general vicinity of Fort Benton to complete both aspects. As an intern in the county extension program, the successful candidate will have the opportunity to coordinate, plan, and initiate 4-H, agriculture, and family consumer science program, such as events at 4-H Congress, 4-H Camp, county fair. The intern will work with county teen ambassador group and potentially Cloverbud program. Intern will choose a project in consultation with agents and plan, market, coordinate, teach, and evaluate. They will take the lead for the entire project and consult with agents for advice, guidance, and direction. The intern position will be shared with the Montana 4-H Foundation. In the part-time role with 4-H Foundation, the intern will learn about the nonprofit work that supports all of Montana 4-H. This may include coordinating and communicating with donors, scholarship sponsors and recipients, coordinating with agents across the state, meeting and board management, fundraising, and strategic planning. Depending on intern's interest, they will choose an area to lead through the summer season as much as possible. Intern will learn transferrable work skills for working with a team that is distributed across the state.

Disciplines required/desired: Agriculture & Natural Resources, 15%; Community Vitality, 0%; Family & Consumer Sciences, 15%; and 4-H Youth Development, 70%.

Important Dates or Events: Congress: July 1-15 (with Fourth of July off) Camp June 2-6 tentatively Fair August 12-17 (if at all possible, if not needed back on campus for school)

Supervising Agent/Staff: Janell Barber (Chouteau County) and Jane Wolery (4-H Foundation)

Fergus/Petroleum Counties (Lewistown, MT)

Brief Description of Duties: Primary responsibilities will include assisting the Fergus-Petroleum County Extension office with camps, fair, programming, and clientele.

Disciplines required/desired: Agriculture & Natural Resources, 25%; Community Vitality, 0%; Family & Consumer Sciences, 25%; and 4-H Youth Development, 50%.

Important Dates or Events:

July: 17th-26th for Central Montana Fair

Supervising Agents: Cody Ream and Riley Larson

Western Region

Beaverhead County (Dillon, MT) 

Brief Description of Duties: Assist the agent with: Forage Nitrate testing; Noxious Weed Seed Free Forage Inspections; Site Visits; Plant disease and weed identification; Packaging and shipping samples to the Schutter Diagnostic Lad and to MidWest Lab (Soil samples); Pesticide Education Programs; Preparation for Montana's Biggest Weekend, the Beaverhead County Fair, but the internship will conclude before the fair. The intern is more than welcome to come and assist at the fair if they chose. 4-H Programming: showmanship clinics, swine and lamb weigh in, and other programs as they arise or the intern presents interest in.

Disciplines required/desired: Agriculture & Natural Resources, 60% and 4-H Youth Development, 40%.

Important Dates or Events: 4-H Congress (July 8-11)

Supervising Agent: Jack Bazemore

Flathead County (Kalispell, MT)

Brief Description of Duties: The Summer 2025 internship at the Montana State University Extension Office in Flathead County (Kalispell) offers the unique opportunity to work with one of Montana's largest county-level 4-H programs.  The intern will assist with planning and conducting a 4-H summer camp that takes place at the beautiful Loon Lake 4-H Camp during late July 2025.  Additionally, the intern will assist with pre-fair record keeping and coordination for several hundred 4-H and FFA youth who participate in a wide-range of fair competitions in mid August 2025.  The intern will gain experience with developing outdoor education programs, public speaking, customer service, record keeping, financial management, and other relevant professional skills.  The intern will also likely have a couple opportunities to accompany the agriculture extension agent on site visits to assist producers and home gardeners.

Disciplines required/desired: Agriculture & Natural Resources, 10%; Family & Consumer Sciences, 10%; and 4-H Youth Development, 80%.

Important Dates or Events: Pre-camp week - 14-18 July 2025; Camp week - 21-28 July 2025; Pre fair week - 4-8 Aug 2025; Fair week + - 9-17 Aug 2025

Supervising Agents: Richard Balestri and Mackenzie Dey