Agriculture, Horticulture and Natural Resources
Crops |
Livestock |
Weeds and Pests |
Yard and Garden |
Natural Resources |
Upcoming Events
DNRC Seedling Order |
Seedling orders can now be done online. Orders will be taken beginning January 20. There is a high demand for seedlings so place your order as soon as possible. Orders are filled on first come first served basis. Delivery will be later this spring. Contact our office with any questions. |
Wildlife Damage Management Webinar Series |
Invasive Annual Grasses Virtual Workshop |
April 2, 2025 10-3pm MT. Invasive annual grasses (IAG) - including cheatgrass, medusahead, ventanata, and others - continue to be a primary cause of rangeland degradation in the western US. This virtual workshop will focus on turning strategies into action. |
Initial Private Pesticide Applicator Training - Great Falls |
April 22, 2025 Initial PAT Agenda (pdf)April 2025 Initial PAT Registration Form due April 16, 2025 (pdf) |
MSU Extension Services offers resources on a broad range of topics. If you dont find what you are looking for on this website please visit the MSU MontGuide Page for access to a comprehensive collection of valuable resources.
An Introduction to the Principles and Practices of Sustainable Farming
Animal Unit Month (AUM) Lease Rates
Contributions Approach to Pasture Leasing: A Pasture Lease Calculator
Montana Budgets for Organic Crops
Montana Prescribed Burning Rules and Regulations
NonInsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP)
Aphids of Economic Importance in Montana
Bed Bugs and Pesticides in the Home
Biology and Impact of Biting Midges in Montana
Biology and Impact of Mosquitoes in Montana
Face Flies on Cattle: Biology & Management
Getting the Most from Soil-Applied Herbicides
Management of Lice on Livestock
Pale Western and Army Cutworms in Montana
Pathogenic Nematodes of Wheat and Barley
Pest Fact Sheet: Cereal Leaf Beetle
Pest Management Using Integrated Strategies
Scotch Broom: Identification, Biology, and Integrated Management
Calibrating Ground Sprayers Using Shortcut Methods
Calibrating Home and Garden Sprayers
Calibrating Pesticide Application Equipment
Cold Weather Storage and Handling of Pesticides
Fungicide Use in Field Crops: Classification, Risks, Use & Economics
Herbicides: Understanding What They Are and How They Work
How to Prevent Non-Target Injury of Broadleaf Crops and Vegetables by Residual Herbicides
Maintenance, Cleaning and Storage of Ground Sprayers
Minimizing Pesticide Contaminated Soil Around the Home and Garden
Personal Protective Equipment for Pesticide Applicators
Pesticide Performance and Water Quality
Pesticides and the Environment
Recordkeeping for Private Pesticide Applicators in Montana
Structural and Rodent Fumigation in Montana Agricultural Systems
Fungal, Bacterial, Physiological Leaf Diseases of Cereal Crops (Wheat, durum, barley)
Important Apple Diseases in Montana and Recommended Varieties for Resistance
Important Foliar & Viral Diseases in Sugarbeets
Late Blight in Garden Potatoes
Small Grain Root and Crown Diseases
Biocontrol of Spotted Knapweed
Biology, Identification & Management of Horseweed
Black Henbane: Identification, Biology and Integrated Management
Cheatgrass: Identification, Biology and Integrated Management
Common tansy (Tanacetum vulgare)
Herbicide-Resistant Plants: Russian Thistle
Integrated Management of Weeds in Dry Peas
Integrated Weed Management in Lentils
Orange Hawkweed and Meadow Hawkweed Complex
Preventing and Managing Herbicide-Resistant Weeds in Montana
Washing Vehicles to Prevent Weed Seed Dispersal
Weed Management in Shelterbelts
Weed Seed Dispersal by Vehicles
Weed Seedbank Dynamics & Integrated Management of Agricultural Weeds
Backyard Guide to Codling Moth Management
Can I Grow That Here? Vegetable Seed and Transplant Schedules for Garden or Container
Creating Native Bee Habitat for Gardens in Montana and the Rocky Mountain Region
Deer Resistant Ornamental Plants for Your Garden
Fire-Resistant Landscaping Considerations for Montana's Wildland Urban Interface (WUI)
Fire-Resistant Plants for Montana Landscapes
Growing Cold-Hardy Berries and Small Fruits in Montana
Growing Currants and Gooseberries in Montana
Growing Minor Stone Fruit in Montana
Growing Raspberries in Montana Gardens
Growing Shrub Roses in Montana
Harvesting and Saving Garden Seeds
Heirloom Vegetables for Montana Gardens
Home Garden Soil Testing and Fertilizer Guidelines
Hotbeds, Cold Frames and Low Tunnels for Montana Gardens
House Plant Selection and Care
Maintaining Successful Lawns in Montana
Minimizing Deer Damage in Residential Settings
Perennials and Biennials for Montana Gardens
Planning and Planting Successful Lawns in Montana
Poisonous Plants in the Home Landscape
Pruning Fruit Trees in Montana
Strawberries in the Home Garden
Useful Links
Central Ag Research Center - Moccasin
USDA Crops and Livestock Data for Montana By County
Montana State University Extension Services
MT Dept of Agriculture - Noxious Weeds
- NOAA State Climate Summaries - 2022
Counseling Access for Montana Ag Community
Farm Link Montana
- Montana Ag Live / Montana PBS
- MSU Farm Management Presentations
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Montana State University and Montana State University Extension prohibit discrimination in all of their programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital and family status. Issued in furtherance of cooperative extension work in agriculture and home economics, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Cody Stone, Executive Director of Extension, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717.