May 2020
Extension Office
The Liberty County Extension Office is back to normal hours starting Monday, May 11th (8a.m to 5pm M-F).
The big question for many of you is whether or not the Marias Fair will be happening this year. It is still unclear right now. We will be looking to health officials, the Fair board and the Governor’s directives for guidance. With that in mind….
Marias Fair Registration
For now registration for the Marias Fair is set to begin on June 4th. The Marias Fair Board’s next meeting is June 3, and we’ll evaluate our options again after that point. It is our hope that the state of Montana will be in a new phase of reopening that will allow for larger group gatherings so we can proceed with an in-person fair. Depending on the stage we are in, there will likely be numerous modifications to what we are traditionally used to and/or virtual options for entries. Preparations are being made to pursue these various virtual options and modifications if need be..
MSU Extension and the Marias Fair counties are committed to finding solutions that allow us to host the 2020 4-H Marias Fair. Whether it is practicing social distancing or having virtual options, we will still have the Marias Fair. It might be different than in years past, but we are working toward the best possible outcome.
We encourage members to continue working towards fair. You can view the 2020 fairbook at Be aware that due to the delayed fair registration start date the registration period will be shorter. So, if fair is a priority for your family, please know that you’ll need to prioritize fair registration when it is available. Thank you for your understanding as we navigate this current situation. We’re looking forward to continuing to make the best better!
Congratulations Kyran!
It has been a pleasure to work with you over the years. We hope that you have enjoyed your 10 years as a 4-H member.
We would like to thank you for your contributions to our community and your enthusiasm and willingness to help others. Your Liberty County 4-H Family would like to wish you the very best in the years to come.
Thanks to those who have been making masks for others. There is still a need. If you still have materials keep sewing. Liberty County is reaching out to community members to make cloth masks to be donated to either Liberty County Public Health or the Courthouse for visitors to use when they enter facilities. These mask would help keep the employees and individual visiting the facility safe.
Donations can be dropped off at Public Health located in the Senior Center or with Davin or Denise at the Liberty County Courthouse.
4-H Congress
It’s virtual this year! Check it out! Click on the link below.
Food Booth Bench in Honor of Reta Rae & Don Weisman
Thanks Reta Rae and Don Weisgram! You may not know her by name but you’ve probably seen Reta Rae at the fair. She chipped in and helped out in a lot of different areas for many years.
After 54 years as a Pondera 4-H Volunteer and 12 years on the Marias Fair Board, Reta Rae and Don Weisgram are moving to Oregon to be near their daughter Shanna. To honor their contributions, the Pondera 4-H Council is planning to install a cement bench in their honor at the Exhibit Building on the Marias Fairgrounds.
The cost of the bench and plaque will be around $500 - $550 and the Pondera 4-H Council will lead the donations with $250. For everything that Reta Rae and Don has given to the 4-H program we are Pondera County 4-H is asking if 4-H individuals, Clubs and Councils in Glacier, Liberty and Toole counties would be interested in joining them in honoring Reta Rae and Don with donations for the bench. Donations in any amount are appreciated.
The Liberty County 4-H Council has voted to donated $100. If your club or any individual members or leaders would like to donate, please make your check out to the: Pondera 4-H Council and sent to MSU Extension Pondera County, 20 4th Ave SW, Conrad MT 59425. Please write Reta Rae in the memo line. If you need more information or have questions, contact Pondera County Extension agent, Wendy Wedum at 271-4052 or email [email protected].
Keeping the 4-H Connection
To see all of the great resources the state 4-H office has compiled help you keep busy check out the link below:
There are many activities relate to 4-H and some that are just fun. You can also find information on applying for awards at the Montana 4-H website. The deadline is May 1st.
At the site listed above are Montana 4-H Activities to Do at Home, more "At Home" activities, as well as Resources Offered by 4-H Programs around the Country. There are many activities to help fill the educational and time gaps we are all experiencing. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact Julie or Jesse via email or cell phone.
Online Record Books
If you are interested in online record-keeping, check out Zsuites, a new tool Montana 4-H is trying out. Unlike the forms found on the 4-H website this a web based program so can be accessed from any computer with wifi.
Check out the following Youtube video tutorial: Zsuites instructional video
We have not been trained on Zsuites but would be happy to help find out the answers to any questions you may have.
Multi-County 4-H Camp
With current social distancing restrictions and the State of Montana Phase 1 guidelines in place, our Multi-County 4-H Camp is going virtual this year!
The schedule is as follows for Monday, June 8th and Tuesday, June 9th:
- Monday, June 8, 1:00 –3:00 PM
- Welcome and introductions
- Workshop 1 (~30 min) –Scott Francis, Wilderness Survival
- Workshop 2 (~30 min) -Dylan Brown, Ice cream in a bag
- On your own –build a shelter or set up a tent to watch movie for later that evening.
- 7:00 pm (optional) Netflix watch party and popcorn!
- Tuesday, June 9, 1:00 –3:00 PM
- Workshop 3 (~30 min) -Kaden LaBrie, Make your own tie dye slime
- Workshop 4 (~30 min) -Riley Larson, Lava Lamps & Painted Rocks
- Scavenger hunt (on your own)
Zoom Meeting Link –Monday, June 8,
- Join Zoom Meeting
- Meeting ID: 832 2871 2635 Password: 024750
Zoom Meeting Link –Tuesday, June 9th
- JoinZoom Meeting
- Meeting ID: 853 6073 6984 Password: 093217
Important Dates:
June 4 - Fair Registration Begins
June 8-9 - Virtual Multi- County 4-H Camp
June 12 - Livestock Committee Scholarship deadline
June 15 - Fair Registration and packet return deadline - tentative
June 23 - Fashion Review