MACAA Spring Business Meeting

May 24, 2018 7:30 a.m. Bitterroot River Inn Conference Center-Hamilton MT


The meeting was called to order at 7:30 a.m. by President Rose Malisani. There were 31 members and guests in attendance.


MINUTES: The minutes from the Fall 2017 meeting were distributed and placed on the website.  Tim F. moved to approve as posted, Shelley M. seconded. Motion passed.


TREASURER’S REPORT: Treasurer reported that MACAA has $17,238.02 in our checking account, $4152.27 in our DA Davidson account, and $6056.44 in a First Security Bank CD. Tracy M. moved to approve the report, and Mat W. seconded. Motion passed.


Committee Reports:

Life Members:  Dave B. in his new role, will plan on attending annual conference.


Ag Issues and Public Relations: Ben reported that the Outstanding Young Farmer awards are due Aug 1., need 2/3 income from farming, extension has strong relationship with nominating awardees.


Teaching and Educational Technologies: Rose Malisani reported that there are numerous webinars on the NACAA website.


Agronomy and Pest Management: Shelley Mills informed the group that Montana is the new home to WSARE and Fabian is the person in charge of the program, so Shelley will be the new MT coordinator.  She also announced the in-service that Jane Mangold will be holding in mid-June.


Communications:  Nikki Bailey will be the new committee chair with Bobbie’s retirement.  Bobbie informed us that MT had a few entries and that Allison K. was a national finalist in personal column, and Jane M.’s team newsletter was awarded a regional finalist


Search for Excellence: Jesse Fulbright reported that there three applications for Search For Excellence.


Professional Development: Tim Fine reported that there were two posters that went on, Tracy in Research, and Shelley in Education


Recognition and Awards:  Wendy reported that Pat McGlynn was the recipient of the AA award, and Bobbie Roos was the recipient of the DSA award.


Scholarship Committee:  Colleen Buck reported that applications are due June 1.


Western Regional Natural Resources/Aquaculture:  Tracy reported that her position will take place after NACAA.


All other committees had no report.



Kari L., is working on update to the Quarter Horse book.  She emailed that she is missing a few years in the books that she has a record of.  Larry and Jane will check on the missing dates in the administration office that holds the old plaques to see if there is a missing dates there as well.  Jesse will get a new plaque since it is running out of room.  Discussion of what to do with since the last update book came about.  Tracy mentioned that Peggy Kelly likes to do this kind of thing, and will check with her.  Molly moved to pay her a $250 gift card is she can update the book, Tyler seconded, motion passed.


We have several national winners, finalists, and award winners this year representing MT MACAA, Ben H moved to for an allowance of $500 for members to attend the AM/PIC in TN, Tim seconded, motion passed.  Larry and Cody also mentioned that they will be able to help with expenses.


Dave B. and Mat are looking at other states by-laws to help update ours.


Rose gave an update on the MACAA float trip and that it will be Sept 17, at Holter Dam.  Kari will do food, Cody will give us administrative leave.



Tracy and Jesse discussed hosting the Western AM/PIC in 2020.  Shelley moved to host, Jodi, seconded, motion passed. 


A by-laws committee was form to review any necessary changes-Dave Brink, Brent Roeder, Mat W.


New agents were recognized and welcomed to the meeting.  Kerry Taylor in Madison/Jefferson, Renee Gebault-King as the new 4-H specialist, and Dominique Woodham in Gallatin. 


The group consensus is to also continue to host a joint association meeting at annual conference.


Tim Seipel will take over for Fabian who is now the WSARE coordinator chair.


Administrative update:  Jane let us know there will be listening sessions for the Extension Director Search.  Dr. Boyer announced his retirement.  Jeff Mosley is heading up the sheep and beef extension specialist searches. 


Tracy moved to adjourn the meeting, Tim seconded, motion passed.


Announcements of upcoming meetings:

June 18-19          IPM Workshop, Entomology, Bozeman

June 19 SARC Field Day-Huntley

June 20                Field Day on Soil Acidity Fort Benton

June 21                NARC Field Day-Havre

June 26 WTARC Field Day-Conrad

June 26                Ventenatta Weed Tour-Bozeman

July 10                  NWARC Field Day-Kalispell

July 11                  Organic Principles update at WARC Field Day-Corvallis

July 12                  CARC Field Day-Moccasin

July 13                  MARC Field Day-Bozeman

July 17                  EARC Field Day-Sidney

July 26                  WARC Field Day-Corvallis

Sept 11-13           Level 1 Noxious Weed Workshop-Bozeman


National AM/PIC              July 29-August 2, 2018: Chattanooga, TN

                                             September 8-12, 2019: Fort Wayne, IN\

                                             July 19-24, 2020 Virginia Beach, VA

                                             July 4-8, 2021 Philadelphia, PA

Western Region AM/PIC

                                             October 22-23, 2018:  Cody WY

Respectfully submitted, Wendy Becker


2017-2018 Officers:

Pres-Rose Malisani

VP-Shelley Mills

2nd VP-Tim Fine

Sec/Treas-Wendy Becker

Directors:  East Colleen Buck

                    Central Jesse Fulbright

                    West Tracy Mosley