MSU Pesticide News - March 12th, 2019
Paraquat Training Available for Pesticide Applicators
Cecil Tharp, MSU Pesticide Education Specialist
In a previous MSU news release, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced its final decision regarding pesticide products containing the herbicide active ingredient, paraquat (Table 1). This was due to increased human health concerns.
In summary, EPA has ordered the following measures to adequately protect applicators and the public:
- Label changes emphasizing paraquat toxicity.
- Restricting use of paraquat products to certified applicators only.
- Closed-system packaging for all non-bulk (< 120 gallon) end use containers of paraquat.
- Mandatory EPA approved paraquat training for all individuals mixing, loading or applying paraquat.
As part of these requirements, paraquat products purchased with new label language,
including mandatory paraquat trainings, must attend an EPA approved paraquat training
prior to mixing, loading or applying. All paraquat labels distributed by manufacturers
are expected to include a link to the training by the fall of 2019.
An online paraquat training is available, created by pesticide manufacturers and approved by the EPA. This training
provides information about paraquat’s toxicity, personal protective equipment, new
label requirements, restrictions, and the consequences of misuse. Applicators must
print out certificates online and retain for their own records. In addition, the National
Pesticide Safety Education Center (NPSEC) will retain certification records as well.
Some Pesticide Products Containing Paraquat
- Blanco
- Bonedry
- Cyclone SL 2.0
- Devour
- Firestorm
- Gramoxone SL 2.0
- Helmquat 3SL
- Para-Shot 3.0
- Paraquat Concentrate
- Willowwood Paraquat 3SL
For More Info
Additional paraquat information can be found on the EPA website or see the EPA Paraquat Trainings now Available news release For additional paraquat regulatory information contact a Montana Department of Agriculture field agent or Dr. Cecil Tharp, MSU Pesticide Education Specialist (406-994-5067; [email protected]) with general paraquat questions.