Pesticide News - August 23, 2023
MSU Extension Pesticide Education Program offers Pesticide Train the Trainer Program in Bozeman and Multiple Webinar Opportunities
Cecil Tharp, MSU Extension Pesticide Education Specialist
The Montana State University Extension Pesticide Education Program (MSU PEP) is coordinating multiple webinar opportunities and one train the trainer program for pesticide applicators in 2023. This includes the 2023 PEP Update targeting pesticide managers/trainers on September 20th and 21st in Bozeman; as well as four pesticide webinars in the Fall of 2023.
Pesticide Education Program Webinar Series
The Pesticide Education Webinar Series offers four one-hour presentations on pesticide use and pest management topics for applicators across the state of Montana. Each webinar is worth one private applicator credit and is free to attend. View details, agenda, and registration.
Pest Management in Montana Livestock
Date: October 19, 9:00 to 10:00 am
Speaker: Dr. Megan Van Emon, MSU Extension Beef Cattle Specialist, MSU Associate Professor
Description: Dr. Megan Van Emon, MSU Extension Beef Cattle Specialist, will discuss the most prominent livestock pests in Montana livestock. Additional information will be provided on treatment and prevention of those pests. Active ingredients and products available to treat and prevent livestock pests.
Pesticide Applications Near Water: Consideration and Best Practices
- Date and Time: November 16, 12:00 to 1:00 pm
- Speaker: Dr. Cecil Tharp, MSU Extension Pesticide Education Specialist
- Description: Dr. Cecil Tharp, MSU Extension Pesticide Education Specialist, will discuss how pesticide applicators can make effective and legal applications near water while reducing environmental harm. Dr. Tharp will cover when permits are needed, best practices to reduce harm, as well as pesticides available for use near water.
Control and Management of Unprotected Birds
- Date and Time: December 7, 12:00 to 1:00 pm
- Speaker: Stephen Vantassel, MDA Vertebrate Pest Specialist
- Description: Stephen Vantassel, Montana Department of Agriculture Vertebrate Pest Specialist, will discuss the management of birds not protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act namely, house sparrows (Passer domesticus), European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris), common pigeons (Columba livia) and Eurasian collared dove (Streptopelia decaocto). The presentation will cover laws related to birds, and basic bird biology before detailing the main types and categories of bird control techniques.
Pesticides and Pollinators
- Date and Time: December 14, 9:00 to 10:00 am
- Speaker: Shelley Mills, MSU Extension Agent - Valley County
- Description: Pesticides are considered an important component of pollinator decline. Shelley Mills, the MSU Extension Agent in Valley County will provide important information on how pesticide use can be modified to have minimal impacts on pollinators. She will discuss pesticide types, timing of applications, modes of action, habitat risk mitigation, and colony collapse disorder of honeybees.
2023 Annual Pesticide Education Program Update
MSU PEP is hosting the 2023 PEP Update on September 20 - 21 at the Homewood Suites in Bozeman, MT. This event is a train-the-trainer update for MSU Extension staff, MDA staff, Weed District representatives and other government and private (farm) pesticide leaders across the state. Topics include a long-term health outcomes and pesticides, reducing risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes in agriculture, herbicide resistance in forages, biocontrol options for weeds, pollinator conservation in yard and garden landscapes, managing forage insect pests, managing rodents and rodent regulatory review, the Montana Department of Agriculture pesticide team, and managing pests using drones. $100 registration fee with lunches provided. Register by September 19th. Details, agenda and registration are available online.
For More Information
See details of all MSU Extension pesticide programs online. For any other pesticide education question contact Cecil Tharp, Pesticide Education Specialist, at the MSU Extension Pesticide Education Program office (406-994-5067, [email protected]).