EPA Offers Endangered Species Act Webinar Covering the New Online Mitigation Menu

Blackfooted ferret

Endangered black-footed ferret (Adobe Stock Photos, 2024).

Pesticide applicators using pesticides near endangered species or endangered species habitat, or food sources should pay special attention. On November 2022, an update to the Endangered Species Act (ESA) Workplan was made to reduce direct non-target exposures, as well as reducing non-target exposures from runoff and erosion. The update includes a plan to develop mitigation measures on an online menu that the Agency would propose to include on pesticide product labeling. Potentially starting in 2025, pesticide applicators will be directed from the product label to an online menu to assess these additional restrictions depending on their location. 

EPA is offering a free webinar regarding the online mitigation menu related to EPA's Endangered Species Act (ESA) and pesticide registration work. EPA's overall goal is to reduce pesticide exposure to nontarget species from agricultural crop uses. This free webinar will be offered on June 18th, 2024, from 11 - 12 PM MST. The purpose of the webinar is to familiarize users with the website and how to navigate it. The webinar will include:

  • The legal actions & concerns that led to the mitigation menu, 
  • A demonstration of how users would follow new label directions,
  • A summary of how to navigate the website,
  • An opportunity for questions and feedback. 

The webinar will be open to pesticide applicators, and all interested stakeholders. The agenda and instructions for joining the webinar will be sent to registered attendees. To register navigate to EPA online registration

For More Information

For more details regarding this opportunity see the EPA news release. For more information on this ESA action see the EPA ESA website. For other pesticide related questions contact Cecil Tharp at (406) 994-5067 or email at [email protected]

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