



Medication & Counseling

In order to successfully recover from opioid addiction, a combination of medication and counseling is recommended. On average, it takes 14 months for the brain to chemically allow a person to feel good again. Read more about MAT
(Medication Assisted Treatment)

what does recovery from opioid misuse look like?  medication assisted treatment

Taper Off of Your Opioid Medication

You could experience pain and other unpleasant symptoms if you suddenly stop taking opioids. Talk to your doctor about gradually reducing your opioids in order to avoid withdrawal symptoms.

why tapering off from opioid medications is important

Avoid an Accidental Overdose

Many Montanans require long term opioid use for chronic pain management care. Talk to your doctor about how to avoid an accidental opioid overdose, including overdose reversal agents called Naloxone (also known as NarcanĀ®)

 Accidental Overdose

 When taking opioids, over time the brain adapts by reducing its number of opioid receptors. Brain cells may even produce less of the "feel-good" neurotransmitter, dopamine. The changes that happen in the brain result in tolerance (needing to take more and more for the same effects) and withdrawal (very unpleasant symptoms when the drug is not available). This is why medication assisted treatment is recommended. MAT treatment can relieve stress on the brain so the brain can return to its original state. 

How opioids change your brain chemistry

 43% of Montana's opioid overdose deaths occur in people aged 45 and older.
To find out more about how to prevent opioid overdose click below.

Older Adults and Medication Safety

Older adults are at risk of opioid misuse