November 20, 2024 Minutes
Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes
Harrison 123
November 20, 2024
Senators |
Represents |
Attended |
McCalla, Stephanie |
Chair |
X |
Maher, Rob |
Chair-Elect |
X |
Amende, Kevin |
EN/Mechanical & Industrial Engineering |
X |
Barrett, Campbell |
Extension/Off-campus |
R |
Bartkowiak, Ania |
EHHD/Counseling |
R |
Boles, Jennifer |
AR/Film & Photography |
X |
Brennan, Alison |
X |
Brown, Lisa |
Gallatin College |
R |
Coffey, Jerry |
Emeritus Faculty |
X |
Downs, Doug |
LS/English |
X |
D’Urso, Brian |
LS/Physics |
X |
Goosey, Hayes |
Extension/On Campus |
X |
Hammersla, Marg |
Nursing/On campus |
X |
Han, Xin |
LS/Political Science |
X |
Izurieta, Clemente |
EN/Computer Science |
X |
Janzen, Gesine |
AR/Art |
X |
Kalonde, Gilbert |
EHHD/Education |
X |
Knight, Kelly |
LS/Sociology & Anthropology |
X |
McCalla, Scott |
LS/Math Sciences |
X |
McDermott, Tim |
AG/Land Resources |
X |
McKelvey, Hannah |
Library |
R |
McPhee, Kevin |
AG/Plant Sciences & Plant Pathology |
X |
McWethy, David |
LS/Earth Sciences |
R |
Meyer, James |
LS/History & Philosophy |
R |
Neufeldt, Sharon |
LS/Chemistry &Biochemistry |
X |
Orendorff, Karie |
X |
Stowers, Steve |
AG/Micro Cell Biology |
X |
Walach, Michael |
AG/Agricultural Education |
X |
Alternates |
Represents |
Attended |
England, Jennifer |
AR/Music |
X |
Lee, Seunghyun |
AG/Agricultural Economics |
R |
Miller, Carrie |
Nursing/On campus |
X |
Represents |
Attended |
Ellis, Colter |
Faculty Affairs |
X |
Fraser, Joshua |
HR |
X |
Grey-Gilbert, Jeannette |
HR |
X |
Mokwa, Robert |
Office of the Provost |
X |
Shott, Linda |
HR |
X |
I. Call to Order
a. Meeting called to order at 3:16pm
II. Approval of FS Minutes from November 6, 2024
a. Michael Walach moves to approve. Bryan D’Urso seconds. None opposed. No abstentions. Approved.
III. FYI Items
a. Update on make-up exam policy
b. Information on Faculty Workshop “Being a Leader” in Spring 2025
i. 40-hour hybrid professional development course
ii. Registration due by Jan 6, 2025
iii. Course fee $500
iv. CFE credits would be available
v. Contact Duke Elliott ([email protected]) or Elizabeth Roberts Williamson ([email protected]) for questions
c. Honorary Degree Nominees discussed at next meeting (Dec 4)
d. CFE Canvas workshop, Wednesday December 4, 11-12, Norm Asbjornson Hall 149
e. Fall break may be possible but not until Fall 2027.
i. Missoula has been doing an October break for some time.
f. Policy on make-up exams
i. See slide
g. Effective Exercise of Leadership
h. Student Art Wall Competition
IV. Icebreaker and Discussion
a. What is a good time for FS office hours?
i. Wednesdays that we are not in FS would work.
ii. In-person or virtual? Could alternate.
b. What are your hopes for the university going forward?
i. Maintaining the safety and wellness the students feel, or increase it.
ii. How do we maintain what we have?
iii. Regarding cost of living in Bozeman in relation to our pay. Pay should not be less than $100,000 based on the cost of living.
iv. Land Grant University recognition.
v. Forward thinking in where our partnerships are being made.
V. Information Updates
a. Committee updates
i. Graduate Council
ii. Academic Council
iii. Research Council
b. Jeannette Grey Gilbert, Chief Human Resources Officer of MSU on proposed HR policy changes
i. See slide presentation
ii. Questions
1. What is the timeline for when we can look at the actual changes to the policies?
a. Anyone in HR is happy to take questions after this meeting while we are working on these changes.
b. Will be voted on at University Council.
2. Definition of “lewd”?
a. No clear definition. Usually linked to harassment, which is another action from the same list.
iii. Retirees that serve as a graduate committee member is no longer allowed. What has changed?
1. There have been times when this has negatively affected someone’s retirement. Waiting periods have to be met.
2. How long have they worked and is it long enough to be benefits eligible?
3. Want to see a true six month break in service.
4. Detriment to the student to lose their committee chair. Can’t we get a clarity in what the situation is? Not if it is a compensational position (something that that person should be paid for.)
a. The problem is with the retirement carriers. They see this as compensable work and that there has not been the required break.
b. Seems like it would be better for the student if there could be a policy that allowed someone to continue on as a committee member for graduate student.
iv. Send info to Stephanie if you want her to bring it up at university council.
c. Chris Catlett (Director, Central Operations), John How (Director of CPDC) on proposed Enterprise car share-put on hold
VI. Undergraduate Courses and Programs
a. Courses – First Reading
i. HSTA 474: Fire in America
ii. SOCI 433: Sociology of Homelessness
b. Courses – Second Reading
i. AGTE 422 : Data Analysis and Management for Digital Agriculture
ii. ARCH 113: Introduction to Architecture Professional Practice & Career
iii. ARCH 161 : Introduction to Architectural Graphics
iv. ERTH 462 : Advanced Geomorphology
v. FILM 353: Advanced Television Production
vi. HTR 350: Hospitality Purchasing & Cost Control
vii. HTR 365 : Entrepreneurship & Innovation in the Hospitality Industry
viii. SOCI 444: Sociology of Trafficking and Erotic Labor
ix. TE 303: Circuit Construction and Troubleshooting
c. Course Changes – First Reading
i. BGEN 499: Senior Thesis/Capstone: Strategy Seminar
1. Reducing the credits from 4 to 3 and thereby discontinuing the lecture component. Overtime the faculty have found this extra credit/lecture were not adding value. This change also brings the course into alignment with others in the CCN.
ii. ECIV 308: Construction Practice
1. Change from lecture and lab to just lecture course. Lab was for blueprints which is no longer required for this class.
iii. EDEC 450: Language and Literacy in Early Childhood
1. Title change from Literacy in the EC Classroom
2. The name of the course was changed to better reflect the content and learning outcomes.
iv. BIOM 499: Senior Capstone
1. Change from Biotechnology Capstone
v. ETCC 499R: Capstone: Construction Engineering Technology
1. Change from 2 to 3 credits
2. We are increasing the course credits from 2 to 3 credits as part of an effort to streamline the CET program. The additional credit will be used to primarily cover material on construction documentation that has previously been covered in a separate course.
vi. HTR 475: Integrative Hospitality Simulation
1. Moving from face to face to online
vii. LARC 331: Planting Design
1. Change from 1-3 credits to 4 credits
d. Course Inactivations – First Reading
i. AGSC 455: Molecular Plant-Microbe & Insect Interactions
1. No longer offered. Has been replaced with BIOM 465 “Plant-Pathogen Interactions.
ii. AGSC 465R: Health, Agriculture, Poverty
1. No longer offered.
iii. Lack of support/scheduling room for 1-2 credit courses in Coaching minor.
1. COA 256: Coaching Track and Field
2. COA 316: Football Coaching Theory
3. COA 317: Basketball Coaching Theory
4. COA 318: Soccer Coaching Theory
5. COA 319: Volleyball Coaching Theory
iv. CS 145RA: Web Design
1. CS is not an OCHE approved rubric. Since CS 145RA is cross listed with MART 145RA, we will delete CS 145RA and keep MART 145RA. The course will continue to be team-taught by an Art Instructor and a CS Instructor.
v. ECNS 401: Microeconomic Theory
1. This course was replaced with ECNS 503
vi. Due to low enrollment for on-campus summer courses and the fact that MSSE is a graduate program and we have changed all rubrics to 500 level courses. The below courses will no longer be offered.
1. PHSX 401: Physics by Inquiry I
2. PHSX 402: Physics by Inquiry II
3. PHSX 403: Physics by Inquiry III
vii. PSCI 434: International Law
1. No longer offered
viii. PSCI 436: Politics of Food & Hunger
1. No longer offered
e. Programs – First Reading
i. -CAS: Hospitality
VII. Graduate Courses and Programs
a. Course Changes – Second Reading
i. AMST 590: Master's Thesis
1. Credit range changed from 1-10 to 1-9
VIII. Senators’ Open Conversation
a. None
IX. Public Comment
a. Provost Mokwa: Seven regents of the Board of Regents. Meeting on campus. Meeting starts tomorrow. Will be meeting in the SUB. Encourage you to stop by. Much of what they do affects us. Chance to talk to the regents during breaks.
b. Nominate those who you feel would be a good president.
X. Adjourn
a. Kevin McPhee moves to approve. Marg Hammersla seconds. None opposed. Meeting adjourned at 4:34pm.