September 18, 2019 Minutes
Faculty Senate Minutes
September 18th, 2019
ABB 138
Name |
Represents |
Attended |
Austin, Eric |
Chair |
X |
Brody, Michael |
Chair-elect |
X |
Amende, Kevin |
EN/Mech & Ind Engr |
X |
Anderson, Christina |
AR/Film & Photography |
X |
Anderson, Ryan |
EN/Chem Engr |
X |
Borys, Nick |
LS/Physics |
X |
Brookshire, Jack |
AG/Land Resources |
X |
Carson, Robert |
EHHD/Education |
X |
Dana, Susan |
Business |
X |
Fick, Damon |
EN/Civil Engineering |
X |
Geo, Hongwei |
EN/Electrical & Computer Engineering |
X |
Gedeon, Tomas |
LS/Math Sciences |
X |
Haggerty, Julia |
LS/Earth Sciences |
X |
Herman, Matthew |
LS/Native American Studies |
X |
Hill, Andrew |
AG/Agricultural Economics |
X |
Izurieta, Clemente |
EN/Computer Science |
X |
Jelinski, Jack |
Emeritus Faculty |
X |
Johnson, Jerry |
LS/Political Science |
X |
Little, Jeannie |
AR/Music |
X |
McPhee, Kevin |
AG/Plant Sciences & Plant Pathology |
X |
Meyer, James |
LS/History & Philosophy |
X |
Ruff, Julie |
Nursing/On Campus |
X |
Sly, Teresa |
Gallatin College |
X |
Stowers, Steven |
LS/Cell Biology & Neuroscience |
X |
Thomas, Amy |
LS/English |
X |
Watson, Bradford |
AR/Architecture |
X |
Young, Scott |
Libraries |
X |
Dept |
Attended |
Maher, Robert |
EN/Elec & Comp Engineering |
X |
Dept |
Attended |
Provost Mokwa |
Provost |
X |
Carter, Jason |
X |
How, John |
Campus Planning Design & Construction |
X |
Mastel, Candace |
Campus Planning Design & Construction |
X |
I. Call to Order
a. Meeting was called to order at 3:12pm
II. Approval of the September 4th meeting minutes
a. James Meyer moves to approve. Kevin McPhee seconds. None opposed. No abstentions. Approved.
III. Informational Items
a. UFPB, Proposed Personal Mobility Device Policy-John How, Candace Mastel
1. The Senate will have another opportunity to see this
2. Looking for feedback
3. Faculty Senate is the last big group to see this
4. Taking to University Council in November
5. Send feedback to Candace Mastel,
6. Looking at three things,
A. Dismount zone
B. classifying motorized vs. non-motorized
C. “Walk only” zone
7. Background
A. Multiple constituents-UFPB, City, Vendor, etc.
B. Will replace existing bicycle Regulations
C. Research/consultation with other universities
D. Allows for flexibility in administrative execution with changing technologies or needs of campus
E. Includes exclusion zone for motorized PMDs
F. Possible creation of a dismount or “walk only” zone on centennial mall
8. Purpose of Policy
A. Promote a safe environment for multimodal transportation
B. Ultimately protect the least protected user, the pedestrian
C. Enhanced definitions of users
D. Clarified enforcement
E. Provide flexibility for future technology and transportation types
F. ADA Assisted Mobility Devices excluded
9. Policy
A. 100.00 Introduction
B. 200.00 Definitions
C. 300.00 Regulations
D. 400.00 Registration
E. 500.00 Violations
F. 600.00 Impoundment
G. 700.00 Payment of Fines and Appeals
H. 800.00 Indebtedness
I. 900.00 Use of Revenue
10. Regulations
A. Administrative closures to be observed by all PMD operators
B. PMD operators are “pedestrians” if they are walking their devices
C. Yield to pedestrians
D. Park all devices in designated areas
E. Motorized PMDs to be used only in vehicular right-of-ways, unless being walked
F. Shred E-Scooters not permitted on main campus
G. Topics still under discussion
i. Speed limits vs. motorized/non-motorized policy
ii. Combining outreach and education with enforcement
iii. Tracking of accidents
iv. Future technology considerations
v. Parking for all PMDs
9. Questions
A. Slow Your Roll campaign signs are being put up on campus. Are those new? They were new a little while ago. Some signs were stolen and have been replaced.
B. Why are bikes allowed on campus, but not on sidewalks in town? Why doesn’t MSU follow the law set by the city?
C. How did the city plan to adopt e-scooters before MSU had a policy? The city treats them as a vehicle and doesn’t have a separate policy.
D. Will there be a mandatory helmet rule?
E. How many use e-scooters to get to campus? Have only seen one.
F. Seems counterproductive to have the e-scooter parking too far from main campus, especially if you are trying to promote it as a way to get to campus.
G. For more information you can contact Candace Mastel, Campus Planner, CPDC, 994-7457, [email protected]
H. Policy can be viewed during the University Council review period at:
IV. New Business
a. New Courses
1. EENV 436: Stormwater Management and Engineering
2. GH 353: The U.S.-Mexican Border: History, Politics and Culture
i. Concern raised about the practice of developing courses for NTT faculty.
ii. Chair Austin asks Provost if there is a policy about NTT faculty proposing courses? Not that he is aware of. Make sure the course is necessary.
iii. Why is the NTT faculty an issue? If you’re adding a course, it should be needed. To put an NTT faculty’s course on the books could be problematic. Don’t want it to be meeting a temporary need.
iv. Michael Brody will bring your issues to the Curriculum and Programs Committee.
v. Would be reluctant to hold up a course like this.
vi. There is a letter of support that explains why this is needed.
vii. Was previously taught as a special topics course.
viii. James Meyer would like the Chair of the History Curriculum Committee to sign off on this. He will pass it along.
ix. CIM system should be able to better accommodate interdisciplinary courses soon.
3. HSTR 474: Introduction to Public History
4. HTR 492: Independent Study
5. HTR 490R: Undergraduate Research
b. Program Revisions Math PhD
1. Addition of Program Objectives
2. Cleanup and clarification of program details in the catalog
c. Pathways:
1. Montana Transfer Pathways outlines the knowledge and skills that are essential for students to complete during their first two years of study for majors found on more than one MUS campus.
This is an FYI item.
For transfer purpose within the MUS system.
Ask that you take a look and bring to our attention any glaring issues.
a. Chemistry
b. Psychology
· Is this for instructors, students, advisors? It is understood that it is for advising purposes.
· Who is initiating this? OCHE.
· Provost Mokwa: Students in two-year schools: MUS wants to make sure that students in two-year schools can transfer easily and remain ON TRACK when transferring to a four year school. OCHE isn’t forcing us to make any changes. The two-year schools are making the changes.
· Is there an effort to do something similar with Tribal Schools? It is different, but there are discussions taking place.
· Documents are posted to the Faculty Senate Website.
V. Old Business
a. Courses approved in Steering last week
1. EQUS 238: Horse Sales Preparation and Marketing
2. LRES 501: Writing and Professional Development for Environmental Scientists
b. CSAC Nominees
1. Kevin Amende
2. Julia Haggerty
3. Appointment postponed until there is clarity about how many positions are open and confirmation process
VI. Announcements
a. Policies available for comment (by Sept 27)
2. Breastfeeding Policy Revision
3. Volunteer Policy Revision
4. University Sponsored Programs for Children and Youth Policy Revision
b. 10x10 Innovation Roadshow, titled “From Hot Snow to Sleepless in Montana,” at 6 p.m. on Sept. 19 at the Ellen Theatre in downtown Bozeman. Presidential Emerging Scholars Grant
1. Nomination deadline November 1
2. Criteria=Any undergraduate with POTENTIAL
3. Nominations accepted from Faculty or Staff who provide direct oversight of the project
c. Upcoming Items Informational 10/2
1. Core Committee Update
2. Relationship Policy
VII. Public Comment
a. Provost Mokwa: Introduction of Jason Carter, VP for REDGE. Dr. Carter will have more time at another meeting.
VIII. Adjournment
a. James Meyer moves to approve. Kevin McPhee seconds. Meeting is adjourned at 4:19pm
Reminder: Next Faculty Senate Meeting
October 2, 2019
3:10-4:30 PM
ABB 138