1) Project Details

a) Project Name:
b) Departments involved in the project:
c) Date Submitted:

2) Project Sponsor(s)

a. Name:                                                              Email:                                                                
b. Department:
c. Name: Email:
d. Department:


3) Project Description (what you want to do)

a) Summary—Please provide a high-level overview of the project, including the overall
goals of the effort.
b) Target Audience—Who is this project geared toward? Are there other potential endusers of the project deliverables other than the target audience?

4) Project Justification (why you want to do this)

a) Benefits—Please briefly describe the expected benefits of the project. Benefits might
include contribution to ongoing or future research, creation of course material, etc.

5) Project Monitoring & Reporting

a) Status—How often should project status updates be given?
b) Success—How will success of the project be measured?

6) Timeline

a) Duration—Please estimate in weeks or months the approximate duration of the project.
b) Milestones—Are there specific milestones or dependencies that need to be incorporated
into project planning?

7) Resource Requirements

a) Costs—To the best of your ability, estimate the requisite capacity in labor hours for both
initial deliverables and recurring maintenance or updates.

i. Estimated labor hours:

b) Equipment—From the list below, please indicate which GCF resources you anticipate
utilizing for this project

GCF Personnel Expertise

☐ Map Creation – Creation of static or interactive maps for reports, papers, publications,
websites, and more.
☐ Data Acquisition and Processing – Identification and acquisition of GIS data tied to the
project. Services also include post-processing of primary data collected by the GCF or
a third-party.
☐ Geospatial Analysis – Analysis of project data, including advice on project approach and
methodology related to relevant geospatial project elements.

Uncrewed Aerial Vehicles (UAVs or drones)

☐ Vision Aerial Vector1a heavy payload hexacopter enabled with Real Time Kinematics
(RTK – high locational accuracy) and has a 5 kg payload capacity, a flight time of 40
minutes, and can cover up to 25km.
☐ Vision Aerial Switchblade – a medium payload tricopter with a 2 kg capacity, a flight
time of 20 minutes, and can cover up to 16 km.
☐ DJI Matrice 2102 a medium payload drone with a 1.5 kg capacity, a flight time of 15
minutes, and can cover 15 km. This platform has a 20.8 MP RGB camera.
☐ DJI Phantom 4 RTK – a high positional accuracy drone that can be used for high
resolution mapping and photogrammetry in the visible spectrum.

1Vision Aerial is approved by the Departments of Commerce and Homeland Security, so there are no limitations to federal sponsors.

2DJI is not approved by the Departments of Commerce and Homeland Security.

UAV Sensors

☐ LiDAR – Green Valley LiAir V70 has a wavelength of 905 nm, scan rate of 240,000 pts/s
and a vertical accuracy of 2 cm (compatible with all drone platforms).
☐ Hyperspectral – Resonon Pika IR-L is a lightweight and compact Near-Infrared (925-1,700
nm) imager (Vision Aerial drones only).
☐ Multispectral – Micasense RedEdge with Five Spectral Bands (Red, Green, Blue, Red, Red
Edge, NIR) (Vision Aerial drones only) .
☐ RGB Cameras – a Sony a6400 with 24 MP resolution (Vision Aerial drones only).

Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS)

☐ Emlid – RS2 units that provide two-centimeter accuracy with post processing.
☐ Septentrio PolaRx5 – rugged, research grade GNSS measurements with sub-centimeter


☐ High Performance Computing – virtualized open-source environment with 100
concurrent users seats available with 800 CPU cores and 3TB of memory and 8 CPUs
and 32GB of memory to each user.
☐ Windows Geospatial Workstation – virtualized Windows workstation optimized for
geospatial analysis and visualization with 32 CPUs and 8 GPUs. Full suite of opensource and licensed software.
☐ File Storage – 32 TB of redundant storage.

8) Projected Budget

Other Costs
Cost Type
One-Time Cost
Recurring Cost per Year
Total Cost:

APPENDIX 1 - Scope of Work