Getting started in Graduate School can be challenging. It is 180 degrees different than when you were in your undergraduate program. These training's canbehelpful in your success as a graduate student at Montana State University. If you are also new to being a graduate teaching (or research) assistant, please see this link.

Any questions about the videos or links, contact: [email protected]

Last updated 4/12/24

 Helpful Tips for Graduate School

All courses are automatically created in this platform. Faculty will typiclaly use this platform as part of their teaching, loading syllabus, videos, reading materials, course outlines as well as deliver tests or receive homework.  If you login you can find your course offering online . If you don't see the course listed, reach out to the program offering the course as the instructor may not have made it live.   

Resources for Brightspace Platform

Starting MAY 2025, these are resources for CANVAS:

Student portal and how to Get Started

Canvas Videos and More!

Diversity & Inclusion at MSU

The mission of the MSU DISC is to increase understanding, promote inclusion, and inspire critical thinking about diversity, as well as to provide support for those who identify with a wide range of diverse identity groups.  

Montana State University's Statement on Diversity

There are many challenges and steps to earning an advanced degree or certificate, and The Graduate School is here to help. If you have any questions during your academic career please contact the Office of Degree Programs & Certificates at [email protected] 994-4145 or stop by Montana Hall Room 104. The link below will guide you through the most current questions:

Link to the Graduate School Website for current Graduate Students

Or scroll through this PowerPoint for further guidance.

What is the Collective Bargaining Agreement and what does it mean for you? All new GTAs and GRAs should review the Graduate Employee Organization materials. If you have forms you would like to drop off, please mail them to the second floor of Montana Hall, attention: Deb Barkley. 


Graduate Employee Organization at MSU


If you are a First Generation Student, did you know that MSU is continuing to expand on programs and services for First-Gen Students? Review this presentation and visit this page and join the club!

Our office is here to help all the MSU students, whether you are taking in-person or online courses. If you are experiencing discrimination or harassment based on your protected class status that is impacting your ability to access your educational program or Montana State’s programs and services, please contact our office.  

Discrimination or harassment can include sexual misconduct (sexual assault, sexual exploitation), dating and/or domestic violence, and stalking, we are here to help you stay successful as you navigate these issues. See our website: Office of Institutional Equity or contact us by phone 406-994-2042 or email:[email protected].


As part of our comprehensive prevention program for new students, MSU requires the completion of three evidence-based online programs (regardless of the age of the student); Alcohol Edu, Sexual Assault Prevention (previously called Haven), and Transit.  You will be contacted to complete these courses through the PE office typically at the start of your educational journey.

Alcohol Edu seeks to decrease the negative consequences of alcohol use amongst students, whether they are on campus or online. Sexual Assault Prevention addresses the critical issues of sexual assault, relationship violence, and stalking through a population-level approach. And Transit is a financial wellness class.

If you completed these courses at a previous university you may not need to redo them for MSU. We will just need to see proof of your completion. You can either send a screenshot of your completion (with your name on it) to us or have someone from your previous school send us an email to [email protected] to verify your completion.

Website: Alcohol EDU

MSU is a comprehensive research university offering undergraduate, graduate, advanced graduate and professional programs of study, maintaining an extensive research program, and providing service to the public.

The Office of Research Compliance oversees University programs designed to ensure compliance with federal, state, and local regulations for research, creates and supports an environment that furthers the ethical and responsible conduct of research, including the Conflict of Interest Management Program and the Research Integrity Verification Program. 

This is a required step for all graduate students. Please log into the ORC's website for more information: Office of Research Compliance

Presentation Materials from the Office of Research Compliance

MSU believes in providing access to quality education for all veterans, watch this video to learn more.

The Office of Veteran Services strives to serve students by assisting them in the transition from military to civilian and academic life. If you have not explored their services, please contact them today.


While at MSU, we want to be sure you stay safe no matter what you are doing, from research in a lab to walking across campus. SRM has detailed information about safety practices from being in a lab, to navigating the campus during the winter months.  Please be sure you know this information. 

As mental health practitioners who specialize in college mental health, we know that college is a time of great change and stress. Everyone struggles at different times throughout their career at MSU, and CPS wants our entire community to know that it’s ok to get help. With individual and group sessions available, please take a moment to explore the services we offer:

Counseling & Psychological Services Website

Location: 2nd Floor Swingle Building
East of the SUB, Tel: (406) 994-4531

SHP also provides many other services: Dental, within the Office of Health Advancement, services such as Wellness and Nutrition, Medical Services, and more.

Research & Academic Resources

Dissertation Success Curriculum: The National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity provides the Dissertation Success Curriculum to provide skills, strategies, and support to overcome obstacles to finishing a dissertation.

The MSU Library offers many services for graduate students, including support for your research, help with citation management, Library Workshops and 24/7 online access to articles, books, and other collections. 

Staff at the library have also created a series of workshops of interest to graduate students. From citation managers and ETD formatting to database management tools, library workshops cover a range of topics.

Consider scheduling an individual research consultation with a librarian, a library instruction for classes you may be TA'ing, attending an EndNote workshop, and more.

See our Graduate Student Services Guide for detailed content.

Kris Johnson [email protected]


GradCat 360 is a comprehensive professional development program for graduate students at Montana State University. It is a series of programs and events designed by the Graduate School and departments across campus that center around nine focus areas. These areas are tailored to help students cultivate a unified set of skills and knowledge for educational success and professional preparation. 

Watch this video to learn more!

Statistical Consulting and Research Services(SCRS): The SCRS is available to assist students with research planning, analysis and dissemination. 

The Writing Center works with graduate students! They offer one-on-one appointments (face-to-face or online), interdisciplinary writing groups, and open writing times for graduate students on the second Friday of the month. Visit the Writing Center website to make an appointment or join a writing group, or contact Erin Strickland, the Graduate Program Coordinator, at [email protected].

The Wellbeing Initiative is a program started in the Fall of 2020, aimed at addressing and improving the Wellbeing of graduate students. It contains lists of resources to improve graduate student wellbeing.


 Other Helpful Links, Services, and more!

The Graduate School has paired with the Allen Yarnell Center for Student Success and has a career coach who specializes in graduate students!   Watch a video by Joan Lorraine, then consider setting an appointment with Joan C Lorraine to see how her expertise can help is never to early to start your conversation with Joan - even in your first term of study! 

Are you an out-of-state, U.S. citizen and a graduate student? If so, the Graduate School encourages you to consider seeking residency reclassification.  Why? If you can be re-classified, it can save you from paying higher non-resident related fees and out-of-state tuition costs.  Our office is required to uphold the policies established by the Board of Regents in determining residency. Pleaseread the full Montana Residency Requirement policy for more information.  For specific processes, deadlines, forms and guidance please review the on these Residency Pages. When you are ready to submit a residency relcassification packet, please work with the Graduate School and send it to: [email protected]

Please consider contacting the Finanial Aid office at the same time as you apply, or are offered admission. They can work with you on applying for Fin Aid.

Use CatsConnect to search all of the events hosted by OSE, student orgs, and events from other campus offices too (you can even filter by options like “free food” or “service”).

The LaunchPad is designed to encourage entrepreneurial thinking and activity among undergraduates and graduate students for the purpose of incubating a new generation of entrepreneurs who will contribute to the economic revitalization of their regions.

Website:   BlackstoneLaunchPad

Or check them out on:

The Bounty of the Bridgers Campus Food Pantry is a student-driven initiative to combat food waste and food insecurity on the MSU campus for students, faculty, and staff. Supplemental and emergency food assistance is offered to to any student, faculty, or staff in need!

Student Health Services provides: service to students, regardless of insurance, if they have paid the student health fee.

...primary health care (including walk-in acute care, x-ray, clinical laboratory, and pharmacy services) and dental services.

...specialized services to students, including services related to nutrition, sexual health, drug/alcohol concerns.

The ASMSU Outdoor Recreation Program provides the university community with opportunities for adventure, discovery, personal growth and engagement via human-powered outdoor adventure pursuits.  Don't have ski equipment? Rent it here. Need to have your bike worked on? They can help. Website: MSU Outdoor Rec

West Lincoln, across the street from Granny's... heading west. Don't know Granny's?  Go there before hitting outdoor rec!