Crawford Wildlife Habitat Scholarship
Required Qualifications:
Open to all MSU graduate students (masters/doctoral) engaged in research, outreach or creative activities related to wildlife habitat.
- Must apply by March 15, 2025; no applications will be considered after this date.
Applicants for this scholarship must write a one page paper answering the following:
"Describe how you are contributing to expanding our understanding of wildlife habitat through research, outreach, education, or creative activity."
Award Information:
The recipients of this scholarship will receive $5,000 each semester to their student account (fall/spring; masters and doctoral students only).
This funding can be combined with other funding the student may receive from the university (i.e., GTA/GRA, professional funding), our outside the university.
These are annual awards; eligible students are able to re-apply each year; master's students can receive the award for up to three (3) years; doctoral students for up to five (5) years.
Starting in 2026, to re-apply for this scholarship, you will do so through CAT-Scholarships (link will be provided by Fall 2025).
To Apply:
Please write one page, single spaced and answer the following question: "Describe how you are contributing to expanding our understanding of wildlife habitat through research, outreach, education, or creative activity." Before you submit, be sure you have the following information in the upper right hand corner:
- Last Name, First name
- GID (new applicants to the Graduate School will need to work with the faculty/departments for consideration)
- Graduate Program
- Degree Level (Masters/Doctoral)
Submit your request for consideration by using using the Forms for the Graduate School.
Award Notices:
All applicants will receive a response via email. Award notices will be delivered by email within a few months of a committee review. If you have questions on the application process, please call the Graduate School and ask for John Anderson at 406-994-4145 or email [email protected]