Test Questions and Answers
A: Provide employees with information regarding the potential hazards and safe handling of chemicals used at the SHS, and prevention of exposure to serious infections
Q: The complete written Hazard Communication Plan is located in the ICC Chair's office. The parts of the plans that are most important to you are also located in:
A: Your work area
Q: A complete list of all hazardous chemicals use at the SHS is maintained by the Chair of the ICC, and a list of chemicals used in your work area is kept in the Hazard Communication Plan notebook in your work area:
A: True
Q: Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS):
A: List hazardous ingredients in the chemicals we use at the SHS; provide information on potential hazardous effects, handling precautions and first aid measures related to chemical exposures; and are on file in the HCP notebook in your work area
Q: If you transfer a chemical from its original bottle into another (secondary) container, the secondary container needs:
A: To have a NFPA label placed on it, indicating the hazards of the chemical and necessary safety measures
Q: First aid for exposure to a hazardous chemical includes:
A: For inhalation - get fresh air; for ingestion - rinse mouth out thoroughly; for skin exposure - wash with soap and water; for eye exposure - flush 15 minutes with water/saline IV
Q: Where will you find a Spill Clean-Up Kit?
A: The Janitor's closet and in or near your work area
Q: The complete written Blood-Borne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan (ECP) is located in the ICC Chair's office. The parts of the plans that are most important to you are also located in:
A: Your work area
Q: Blood-borne pathogens (BBPs) include which of the following:
A: Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and HIV
Q: Universal Precautions means:
A: All human blood and other potentially infectious material are treated as if they are infectious for HIV, hepatitis B and C viruses and other blood-borne pathogens.
Q: Wash your hands with soap and water:
A: Before and after examining patients, before going on breaks and for at least 10 seconds
Q: Guidelines for using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) include:
A: Gloves - if there is blood/OPIM, gown - if it drips, face mask - if it splashes
Q: Clean-up of spills of blood or OPIM requires:
A: Wearing the appropriate PPE, disposing of contaminated materials in the appropriately colored and labeled containers and using techniques outlined in the ECP notebook in your work area
Q: If you have been exposed to blood or OPIM, you must report this exposure to your supervisor, the Medical Director or the Chair of the ICC:
A: Immediately
Q: Hepatitis B vaccine is:
A: Effective, safe, strongly recommended and available to SHS employees free of charge
Q: Symptoms of Tuberculosis include:
A: Productive cough of more than 2 weeks duration, fever, night sweats and/or weight loss