With Appreciation to the Host Committee:


Hadi & Barbara Makarechian

Paul & Anna Makarechian

Morton H. Meyerson

Cory & Diane Pulfrey

Steve & Janis Barrett

Loren & Jill Bough

Dean & Hope Folkvord

Mike & Kristin Hope

Jackson Contractor Group

Sal & Carol Lalani

Jeff & Susan Kaufmann

John Keil    

David Kem & Judith Raines

Matt & Sheena Kidd

Sarah & Jim McCray

Will & Caroline Price

Phil Uihlein


Summer Fete

Hosted at Hadi & Barbara

Makarechian’s Home


Summer Fete

Carol Lalani &

Paul Bertelli


Summer Fete

Diane Pulfrey &

The Costello’s