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Gordon Wiltsie

Horses in Mongolia
  For further information, contact the Office of International Programs at 994-4031 or email at [email protected]

All Week

- Display of Mongolian Cultural Artifacts (MSU Library)

- Study Abroad Students' Photo Competition (The Exit Gallery- SUB)

- Bookmarks given out at each event

Mon, Nov 17



- Dinosaurs in Mongolia, presented by Dr. Bolor Minjin, Visiting Scholar at the Museum of the Rockies (Student Union Bldg 235)

- Images of Mongolia: Images & Narration by Gordon Wiltsie

(Student Union Bldg - Ballroom A)

Wed, Nov 19



- Great Expeditions : Honor's College Summer Study Program in Mongolia (Student Union Bldg 235)

- Mongolian Film: "Mongol"(Student Union Bldg - Procrastinator Theater)

Thu, Nov 20


Traditional Music, Song and Dance by Mongolian Students

(Student Union Bldg - Ballroom A)

Fri, Nov 21



- Children's Story Hour: "The Khan's Daughter" & Mongolian Writing Demonstration (Bozeman Public Library)

- BioRegions of Mongolia and Montana, presented by Dr. Cliff Montagne

(Student Union Bldg 235)