MSU Study Abroad Re-Entry Event

Each semester the MSU study abroad team host the Re-Entry Event. You will learn about reverse culture shock, how to internationalize your resume, how to share your global experience, and meet other students who have just returned from their semester abroad. Email [email protected] to learn when the next re-entry event will take place. 

Re-Entry and Reverse Culture Shock

According to What's Up with Culture, an online course for studying abroad, returning home brings its own set of stresses. The Study Abroad Team is here as a resource and there is never shame in seeking someone to speak about the social and psychological adjustments. For more information about reverse culture shock, participate in the free online course, What's Up with Culture.

GoinGlobal International Career Search

GoinGlobal is a comprehensive online tool to help students search for international employment. In addition to the search function, GoinGlobal provides resources and outlines immigraiton requirements for students internested in working in certain countries. 

To access GoinGlobal you must be on the MSU - Bozeman campus. Click the link below and register with an email. Once you have an email account you can access the GoinGlobal software anywhere. 


MSU Counselling Center

As long as you are enrolled in 7 or more credits you are eligible for services through Counseling & Psychological Services at MSU.