Call for Proposals

The MSU IoE aims to accelerate the impact and success of interdisciplinary research in environmental science. To that end, the MSU IoE plans to provide meaningful support for interdisciplinary environmental research initiatives beginning in AY23. Two or more awards will be supported for 1 to 2.5 years for up to $150,000 with the goal of facilitating successful proposal(s) for continued funding of a substantial nature. The solicitation review team will decide the number of awards and funding level for each based on the proposals submitted.  

The IoE Research Initiative awards will support activities that will lead to the development and submission of competitive external grant proposals or philanthropic opportunities aligned with the MSU IoE Mission and Goal.


Initiatives will be organized around the following themes: 

  • New Directions in Interdisciplinary Environmental Sciences 
  • The Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem


The initiatives may potentially support activities including:

  • A faculty course-buyout or summer salary for proposal collaboration and development.
  • Travel or other expenses that would facilitate collaboration or grant planning with non-MSU research partners.
  • Pilot research or engagement projects.
  • Graduate and undergraduate research assistance (stipend and tuition).
  • Participation in workshops that would provide skills or knowledge necessary for enhancing a research project.
  • Additional activities that might strengthen the development of a competitive research proposal (including activities that might enhance broader impacts of the proposal).  


In addition, the MSU IoE and the MSU Office of Research and Discovery will provide recipients of awards as part of their support package:

  • Assistance in helping you build a team with the expertise you need for your project.
  • Grant leadership support and skill-building.
  • Assistance in helping you find creative ways to enhance the broader impacts of your proposal.
  • Soliciting reviews of a draft of your proposal.



Full-time faculty (including research faculty) in any department or college at MSU are eligible to apply.  Projects that are likely to involve multiple disciplines or involve stakeholder engagement or education and outreach are particularly encouraged and projects lead by an applicant in any discipline are encouraged.  Applications should identify which of the two themes they are applying for and the particular external funding call(s) to which proposals will be submitted. 


  • Includes a detailed plan of approach for targeting a known funding initiative of substantial size/reputation.
  • A well formulated research proposal be submitted in year one of the project.
  • Incorporates junior faculty/emerging scholars.
  • Represents multi-disciplinary perspective (2 or more knowledge areas)
  • Awardees agree to contribute to the life and mission of the IoE through active participation in community events and selected research development activities.

Review Criteria:

  • High potential to be funded through competitive research program or philanthropic source.
  • Intellectual merit clearly identified and aligned with targeted funding program.
  • Potential to delivers high impact research outputs in addition to funding proposal.
  • Presents a plan to provide learning outcomes for broader IoE stakeholder community through public presentations or other outreach.
  • In addition to junior faculty/emerging scholars, incorporates graduate and/or undergraduate research assistants. 
  • Aligns with and advances MSU’s commitment to diversity and inclusion, for example through approaches to issues such as: project management, authorship, team composition, subject matter, research design, data collection, etc.

To apply: Applicants should submit their Research Initiative proposal as a single PDF document via InfoReady by 5pm on January 15, 2023.  Proposals should include:

  • A cover sheet (see below).
  • A narrative description of the proposed project (4 pages maximum):
    • A summary of the project that you want to submit for external funding
    • A list of any other team members likely to be involved in this project
    • The intellectual merit of the proposed project
    • The potential broader impacts of the work
    • A description and timeline of the planning or “incubator” activities that you want to accomplish with the award
    • A justification of how these activities will increase your chances of a successful external funding proposal 
  • Itemized budget and budget justification, including a 6% administrative fee (max $150k over 2.5 years)
  • Short (2 page max) CV of the proposer highlighting prior grants/awards, most important publications or products relevant to the project, and any other relevant activities or accomplishments relevant to the project.

Notifications will be made by February 15th, 2023.  Final budgets awarded will be based on available funds.


Cover Sheet

MSU IoE Research Initiatives, FY 2023


PI name:                                              Department or School:


Rank:                                                  PI Email: 

[if this proposal is a team, please list co-PIs information as well here]


Research Theme:


Title of project:


Funding agency, program, and URL of opportunity intended for submission: 


Amount requested: