
Alcohol is a substance that is commonly knownas beer, distilled liquor, ethanol, or wine.* Alcohol can be found in or mixed with many different types of deverages. The short-term risks and effects of alcohol consumption include impairedjudgment or vision, lowered inhibitions, loss of motor skills, loss of coordination, slurred speech. The long-term risks and effects of alcohol consumption include cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, liver damage, neurologic damage, and/or toxic psychosis. An overdose of alcohol may result in a coma and/or possibly death.  


Cannabis is a genus of flowering plans in the family Cannabeceae. Cannabis is commonly known as hash oil, hashish, grass marijuana, marijuana concentrates, pot, weeds, etc.* The short term risks and effects of cannabis consumption incude confusion,euphoria, impaired balance, impaired coordination, memory loss, slowed reaction time and/or slowed thinking. The long-term risks and effects of cannabis consumption include cardiovascular damage, frequent respiratory infections, impaired learning, impaired memory, increased heart rate, tolerance, and/or addiction. There is a risk of overdose with cannabis assumption, those risks and effects include insomnia, hyperactivity, panic attack, paranoia, and/or possible toxic reaction if combined with other chemicals.  


Depressants are drugs that lowers neurotransmission leves, they are  commonly known as barbiturates, benzodiazepines (valium, Xanax, Ativan), GHB (liquid Ecstasy), Special K, flunitrazepam, and methaqualone.* The short term risks and effects of depressant consumption include confusion, fatigue,feeling of well-being or irritability, lowered blood pressure, lowered inhibitions, poor concentration, reduced anxiety, sedation, slowed pulse and breathing, and/or slurred speech. Thelong-Term risks and effects of depressant consumption include anxiety, dizziness, hallucinations, insomnia, loss of peripheral vision, nausea, seizures, weak, rapid pulse, toxic psychosis, and/or tremors. Risks and effects of overdosing on depressants includeblackouts, cold and clammy skin, coma, life-threatening withdrawal, possible death, respiratory depression or arrest, and/or toxic reaction if combined with alcohol.


Hallucinogens are a large and diverse class of psychoactive drugs that can alter states of consciousness characterized by substantial alterations in thought, mood, and perception. Hallucinogens are commonly known as acid, crystal, LSD, MDA, mescaline, mushroom, PCP, peyote, Phencyclidine, psilocybin, ecstasy, MDMA, and k2/Spine.* The short-term risks and effects of consuming hallucinogens include altered state of perception, increased heart rate, body temperature, and blood pressure, loss of appetite, nausea, numbness, sleepiness, tremors, and/or weakness. The long-term risks and effects of consuming hallucinogens include persisting perception disorder (flashbacks), intensifying of existing psychosis, and/or violent behavior. The overdose risks and effects of hallucinogens consumtion include intense, prolonged hallucinations, possible sudden death, and/or psychosis.  


Inhalants are chemicals whose volatile vapors ir pressurized gases can be concentrated and breathed in via the nose  or moth to produce intoxication, in a manner not intended by the manufacturer. Inhalants are commonly known as gasses, solvents, etc.* The short-term risks and effects of ingesting inhalants include impaired judgment, headache, nausea, vomiting, poor coordination, slurred speech. The long-term risks and effects of ingesting inhalants include cardiovascular and nervous system damage leading to inability to walk, talk and think, cramps, depression, loss of muscle tone, memory impairment, mild withdrawal, muscle wasting, and weakness, and weight loss. The overdose risks and effects of ingesting inhalants include coma, possible sudden death, possible toxic reaction, unconsciousness.  


Narcotics is a psychoactive compound with numbing or paralyzing properties. Narcotis are commonly known as codeine, heroin, hydromorphone, morphine, opium, oxycodone, Vicodin, methadone, and fentanyl.* The short-term risks and effects of narcotic consumption include confusion, constipation, drowsiness, euphoria, nausea, pain relief, sedation, and/or staggering gait. The long-term risks and effects of narcotic consumption include AIDS, hepatitis infection, and/or malnutrition. The overdose risks and effects of narcotic consuption include clammy skin, coma, convulsions, possible death, respiratory arrest, shallow perspirations, tolerance, addiction, and/or toxic reaction if combined with alcohol.  


Stimulants are drugs that increase the activity of the centeral nervouse system. Stimulants are commonly known as amphetamine, Adderall, cocaine, ecstasy, MDMA, Methylphenidate, Concerta, Ritalin, and phenmetrazine.* The short-term risks and effects of consuming stimulants include appetite loss, excitement, and euphoria, feelings of well-being, increased alertness, changes to blood pressure, pulse, and/or insomnia. The long-term effects and risks of consuming stimulants include insomnia, nervous system damage, organ or tissue damage, paranoia, psychosis, and/or weight loss. The overdose risks and effects of consuming stimulants include agitation, convulsions, hallucinations, heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure, loss of consciousness, seizures, temperature increase and/or death.  


Tobacco is the common name of several plants in the genus Nucotiana. Tobacco is commonly known as chewing/smokeless tobacco, cigarettes, cigars, and/or nicotine.* The short-term risks and effects of consuming tobacco include bad breath, bad taste in the mouth, decreased lung capacity, increased blood pressure, and/or increased heart rate. The long-term risks and effects of consuming Tobacco include adverse pregnancy outcomes, cardiovascular disease, and/or cancer. Overdose of tobacco consumption may result in death.  


*The lists of commonly known names of illicit drugs and alcohol are not all-inclusive. These substances can be known by various other names.