Faculty in the News 2011
Highlights from 2011
The article discusses Jack Horner, earth sciences, and his plans to launch a dino-chicken genetic engineering project in a lab on the Bozeman campus. Horner hopes to create a chickenosaurus by by reviving dinosaur traits in a chicken. Bozeman Daily Chronicle (11/9/11)
Ehson Mosleh, the satellite program manager in the Department of Physics, discusses the successful launch of a MSU student-designed and constructed satellite. Mosleh said he took pride in the work the students did and was amazed to see the process come from an idea on a white board to being launched into space last week. Mosleh feels that it shows MSU’s commitment to expanding technology around the globe. KTVM News (11/4/11)
Joan Hoff, history, had this piece published in the New York Times Opinion Pages. She discusses how Richard Nixon overcame political deficiencies to win election to more postwar national offices than any other American. New York Times (11/28/11)
David Parker, political science, is quoted in this article about the Democratic party at the beginning of the 2012 election cycle. Parker states that, "political parties need ’brands’ and that there’s a hunger for a clear platform direction for Democrats. Top-of-the-ticket leaders like Tester and the gubernatorial nominee will start establishing that direction now." Billings Gazette (9/17/11)
Richard Block, psychology, was quoted in several articles about "the return trip effect" where travelers find that return trips seem 17% to 22% shorter than initial trips. USA Today (8/30/11), National Public Radio (9/5/11)
David Parker, political sciences, is quoted in this New York Times article about the so-called "New Western Democrats." Identified by their moderate politics, their plumage — typically a cowboy hat and boots — and by the ability to spit with authenticity, these centrists gave hope to Democrats nationally that a traditionally conservative corner of the country might be won over. New York Times (8/18/11)
David Large, history, had an op-ed about the Olympics Games and repressive regimes published in the New York Times. New York Times (8/8/11)
Jack Fisher, anthropology, is quoted in this Billings Gazette article about an acheaological dig conducted this summer. The excavation is of the second Crow Agency, on a spot now divided by Highway 78, a grassy field on one side and a ranch on the other. The field work is being done in conjunction with a road project on Highway 78. Billings Gazette (8/2/11)
Frankie Jackson, earth sciences, is mentionned in this article about a Tyrannosaurus rex found near Ekalaka, Mont. being one of the main attractions at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County’s new Dinosaur Hall. Billings Gazette (7/13/11)
Vincent Smith, agricultural economics and economics, recommends that farm subsidies be cut in this Billings Gazette article. “In the U.S., in the federal crop insurance program, the people who deliver the program, the private insurance companies, receive $1.44 for every $1 that goes to farmers,” Smith said. Billings Gazette (7/12/11)
Al Zale, ecology, is quoted in this article about the impacts the Yellowstone River oil leak is having on wildlife. MSU fisheries research data is assisting state and federal environmental officials assessing the impact of the oil spill on the Yellowstone River. New York Times (7/8/11)
David Parker, political science, is quoted in this Billings Gazette article about Rick Hill, a candidate for Montana’s governor, and his struggle to keep control of his biography on Wikipedia, the collaborative online encyclopedia. “The Internet is a double-edged sword. It allows you to contact a lot of people, but you do lose control,” said Parker. Billings Gazette (6/28/11)
David Varricchio and Frankie Jackson, Department of Earth Sciences, are highlighted in this Scientific American article about a student research expedition to China that they are leading. This is the second year this program sent students to China for paleontological work. This year’s students are already in China, studying dinosaur eggs, as well as Chinese culture. Scientific American (6/16/11)
This article and accompanying video feature Jack Horner, Department of Earth Sciences, discussing the Build a Dinosaur Project to retro-engineer a living dinosaur -- all birds are living dinosaurs -- and make it look like an extinct dinosaur. CNN (6/12/11)
Joan Hoff, Department of Political Science, is quoted in this article about the feminine effect on presidential politics. The article discusses whether the presence of women in a field of candidates have any effect on the issues discussed, on the tone of debate, or on the behavior of the male candidates. NPR (6/9/11)
This article in Discovery News features Jack Horner, Department of Earth Sciences. John Horner and others suspect that at least 50 dinosaurs on the record books now have been incorrectly identified. Discovery News (5/17/11)
David Parker, Department of Political Scientist, is quoted in this article about Governor Brian Schweitzer. The article is about what the future holds for Governor Schweitzer once his current term in office is over. Westport News (5/15/11)
This article about water pollution in the Ganges River mentions the work of Steve Hamner, Department of Microbiology. In 2004, Hamner and colleagues detected a notorious bacte- rium—Escherichia coli O157:H7—in the Ganges. In a recent health survey, Hamner and colleagues recorded high rates of cholera, dysentery, and other waterborne maladies in Varanasi, India. Science Magazine (4/22/11)
Wade Cole, Department of Sociology & Anthropology, is quoted in this article about a student project he is involved aimed at opening up free speech on the MSU campus. NBCMontana.com (4/11/11)
A study by Jessi Smith, Department of Psychology, that was recently published in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, suggest people hold lower opinions of women who breastfeed. Significantly, the researchers found no appreciable difference in the way males and females responded in the experiments. All of the subjects were childless. The Star Pheonix (4/8/11), The New York Times (3/31/11)
Liz Shanahan, Department of Political Science, is quoated in this article about environmental groups, and the environmental movement, in Bozeman. "The Chicken Little, sky-is-falling narrative has worn on the public," she said. "The environmental narrative has to change if they want to be successful. Watching the polar bear as the symbol of climate change is not working." The Bozeman Daily Chronicle (3/27/11)
Petrus Martens, Department of Physics, was part of a team of researchers that explained why sunspots disappeared for more than two years and found a way to predict the next lapse in solar activity. Their paper was published in the March 3 issue of the journal Nature. Bozeman Daily Chronicle (3/4/11), Smithsonian Science (3/2/11)
This article quotes David Parker, Department of Political Science, about how the Rocky Mountain West has emerged as a key battleground for the 2012 elections. The Senate battle between Jon Tester and Denny Rehberg in Montana shows how it could be fought. L.A. Times (2/27/11)
Jack Horner, Department of Earth Sciences, was quoted in this story about a study concluding that Tyrannosaurus rex was an opportunistic hunter that eats already dead animals as well as fresh-killed prey. USA Today, Science Fair (2/23/11)
David Klumpar, Department of Physics, was quoted in this article about the launch of Explorer-1 (Prime) aboard a NASA rocket. The small satellite will explore "space weather." NBCMontana.com (2/16/11)
David Parker, Department of Political Science, was interviewed for this article about Congressman Denny Rehberg’s announcement that he will run for the U.S. Senate seat currently held be freshman Democratic Senator Jon Tester. KPAX.com (2/11/11)
Franke Wilmer, Department of Political Science, announced on February 1 that she will run for the U.S. House seat that Rep. Denny Rehberg, R-Mont., will be vacating to run for Senate. Bozeman Daily Chronicle (2/1/11), The Missoulian (2/1/11), Ravalli Republic (2/1/11), KRTV.com (2/1/11)