Celebrating Manufacturing Videos

MMEC has worked with many great manufacturers over the past quarter century. This video library showcases several of these companies and highlights the tremendous progress they have made throughout the years. We're proud they call Montana home.
SPIKA DESIGN & MANUFACTURINGSpika Design & Manufacturing was started by Tom Spika out of a small workshop in Central Montana. With a philosophy of 100% customer satisfaction, his daughters carry on the tradition looking at new ways of leveraging tehnology with the help of MMEC's manufacturing expertise. |
WOODS POWR-GRIPWoods Powr-Grip since moving to Montana in 1990, has worked comfortably with MMEC as they've continued to grow and establish their dominance in the global materials handling market. |
WEST PAWWest Paw was the first manufacturer MMEC ever contacted, and over the last 25 years we've had the opportunity to watch them flourish. |
SIMMSSimms has been a leader in innovating their manufacturing processes and evolving their people skills, working with MMEC for over 25 years and over 40 different projects including sustainability, lean manufacturing and more. |