Mark Owkes, Ph.D.

Prof. Mark Owkes joined the department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at
Montana State University in Fall 2014. He received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering
at Cornell University in August of 2014. His research interests include 1) developing
numerical methods to improve the robustness and accuracy of simulations of gas-liquid
multiphase flows, 2) using physics extraction of direct numerical simulations (DNS)
to further our understanding of multiphase flows, and 3) coupling uncertainty quantification
with multiphase flow simulations. For more information see my research page.
Prof. Owkes is also interested in teaching and is working to improve the educational experience and outcomes of students learning numerical methods. Particularly, he is developing physical laboratory experiments to compliment computer simulations in an effort to connect simulation results with physical measurements. For more information see my teaching page.
Owkes Lab News
- Februrary 2020: Owkes Lab participates in MSU Family Science Day
- February 2020: MS Student Clark Rubel and Dr. Mark Owkes publish a paper in Atomization
and Sprays on how to extract the process of atomization from high fidelity simulations.
- November 2019: Owkes Lab students Brian Turnquist, Venkat Krisshna, and Kris Olshefski present at the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics conference in Seattle, WA.
- October 2019: PhD Student Brian Turnquist and Dr. Owkes publish a paper in Journal of Computational Physics that allows for uncertainty quantification in
simulations of gas-liquid flows.
- August 2019: Owkes Lab participates in Science Explore Camp with many hands-on experiments
- March 2019: Owkes Lab goes to ILASS Conference in Tempe, AZ
- February 2019: Owkes Lab shares soap powered boats at with community at MSU Family Science Night
- November 2018: Brian Turnquist, Kris Olshefski, and Clark Rubel present at the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics conference in Atlanta, GA
- October 2018: MS Student Clark Rubel presents at the American Indian Science and Engineering Society National Conference in Oklahoma City, OK.
- July 2018: PhD Candidates Brian Turnquist and Kris Olshefski and Dr. Owkes present at International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (ICLASS) in Chicago, IL.
- June 2018: PhD Candidate Brian Turnquist is selected for ICLASS travel award.
- May 2018: PhD Candidate Brian Turnquist successfully passed his comprehensive exam.
- April 2018: Dr. Owkes receives NSF CAREER award. Details available in article by MSU News.
- April 2018: PhD Student Kris Olshefski receives prestigious NSF GFRP award. Details
available in article by MSU news.
- March 2018: Story by Dr. Owkes featured in APS Forum for Early Career Scientists Newsletter.
- March 2018: Owkes Lab brings fluid dynamics demo to MSU Family Science Night
- November 2017: Dr. Owkes, graduate students Brian Tunquist, Will Krolick, and Clark Rubel and undergraduate student Grant Rydquist present at APS Division of Fluid Dynamic conference in Denver, CO.