MSU Today accepts events and announcements targeted to faculty and staff. MSU Today items must be submitted no later than 4 p.m. the business day before the email is sent out in order to be included in the email. Please review the MSU Today mailing schedule

MSU Today accepts items promoting MSU-affiliated events, including concerts, lectures, cultural events and academic presentations, which are produced by MSU students, faculty and staff.  

MSU Today does not accept items from non-MSU entities. Nor does it accept items promoting sales, discounts, coupons or promotions for services of commercial or campus-commercial entities. 

Please note: The MSU News Service does not approve events and announcements in COPE.  Your campus unit should have an assigned administrator who is responsible for approving all calendar submissions. If you don't know who your administrator is, please submit a web suppor ticket here. Unapproved events will not appear in MSU Today.


Announcements appear at the top of the MSU Today email and provide updates that do not have a specified time and physical location. Examples of announcements include: 

  • Calls for volunteers or nominations. 
  • Deadlines for applications. 
  • Registrations or RSVP due dates. 
  • Scheduled maintenance on MSU grounds or by UIT.  

Announcements generally appear once in the MSU Today email. If you would like to request that your announcement appear more than once, email [email protected] with the MSU Today announcement's title or ID number and the dates you would like the announcement to appear. 


Events are activities that will occur at a specified time and location. Events include lectures, concerts, receptions and exhibit openings that would be of interest to MSU faculty and staff. Events may also include activities that will create a large presence on campus by non-MSU entities. Submitting an event for MSU Today also posts it to the MSU Calendar. Submitted events should be put on by registered student organizations, by academic and administrative units of MSU or be sponsored by the university.

Completing announcement and event forms 

Items submitted to MSU Today should be written clearly and provide the essential information in one or two well-organized paragraphs. Unclear or hard to understand items may be sent back to person who submitted them for editing and may be excluded from the email.  

MSU Today does not make corrections for grammar, punctuation, spelling or other errors. Please proofread carefully. MSU Guidelines and the AP Stylebook are recommended guides.

All required fields are marked with a red star.

Links to related articles, PDFs, websites and maps, as well as full text such as MSU News Service stories, may be included in the complete description.

  • Start Date/Time appears on the left margin of the email posting and on the published screen. It is not necessary to include in the complete description.
  • Location appears on the published screen and is not necessary to include in the Complete Description.
  • Media: image — To add an image from the library, click on the Add Image tab, select an image from the library and then close the photo box.
  • Media: Document — To add a document, click on the Add Document tab, click on Upload a New Document, then select a document from your files.
  • Media: Other — To add an image not in the library or an embedded video, see the Web and Digital Help Center for instructions.
  • Contact Information/Tags/Options/Group Access/Notes. These sections are self-explanatory; however, please be aware that the contact information entered in these fields will appear on the published screen. The contact listed for an event or announcement must be an on-campus university student or employee.

MSU Today Schedule

MSU Today is sent on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays during the semester, and it is sent only on Mondays during breaks and summer semester.

Day of Event Event will be included in MSU Today
Monday Friday, Monday
Tuesday Monday
Wednesday Monday, Wednesday
Thursday Wednesday
Friday Wednesday, Friday
Saturday Friday
Sunday Friday


Note: To be considered for inclusion in the MSU Today email, items must be submitted no later than 4 p.m. the day before the email is sent out. If your event was not included in MSU Today and you still believe it should be featured, please contact [email protected]. Please include your full name and your event’s ID number (found when viewing your events in the Calendar application) with your inquiry.