Enhancing Work-Life Integration
Note: Thank you for your interest in ADVANCE Project TRACS, our NSF funded Institutional Transformational Grant which ended August 31, 2017. The pages that follow are historical documents for informational purposes only.

Former Team Leads: Sara Rushing and Susan Dana
ADVANCE generated new programs, such as a dual career assistance program, and built on existing programs, such as the donated sick leave pool, providing more flexible solutions for work-life integration in general and during major life transitions. Many of these programs are sustained through the Provost's Office or in Human Resources.
View the MSU Work-Life Resource List
Explore the comprehensive guide to work life practices and polices from the University
of California Hastings
Provost Office Family Advocacy Program
MSU's Family Advocate role is to help parents and other family members navigate the University System and serve as a "first stop" for faculty, students, and staff to receive information regarding who to contact with questions.
Email [email protected] or visit the Family Advocate website
Interested in enhancing work-life integration for women in STEM/SBS at your institution?
Figure 1: An example of Family Care-rooms (pictured, Reid Hall 316).