Master Resource Outline


Course Title: NRSG 640 Advanced Pharmacology II (Midwifery)

Credits: 3 (lecture)
Semesters Offered: Spring
Prerequisites: NRSG 602, NRSG 603
Degree: DNP
AACN Core Competencies for Advanced-level Nursing Education: 1, 2, 5
MRJCON DNP Program Learning Outcome: 1, 2, 5
MRJCON NM Option Learning Outcomes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7


Course Description:

This graduate nursing course is designed to build upon prior pharmacologic study to address the use of pharmacological agents when providing primary, preconception, and gynecologic/reproductive/sexual health care to individuals at adrenarche and beyond and when caring for those in the childbearing cycle and newborns in the first 28 days of life. Students will critically analyze the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, indications of
use, contraindications, dosing, administration protocols, side effects, and drug-food interactions as a basis for prescribing and patient education. The use of complimentary alternative therapies will be considered. Concurrent pathophysiology, multicultural influences, socioeconomic circumstances, and the right to self-determination will be addressed when considering appropriate pharmacologic treatment. Ethical and legal responsibilities, rules and regulations, and professional practice issues will be addressed when considering the role of the certified nurse
midwife when writing prescriptions.

Catalog Description:

This course focuses on the use pharmacologic interventions when caring for people in the primary care setting, childbearing cycle, and neonates. The evaluation of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, indications of use, dosing, side effects, and drug-food interactions are covered. 


Course Learning Outcomes: Upon completing this course the student will be able to: 

1. Consider the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, indications of use, contraindications, dosing, administration protocols, side effects, and drug-food interactions of pharmacologic agents when safely prescribing drugs.
2. Evaluate and interpret scientific literature when selecting pharmacologic agents and complementary and alternative medicine treatments using accepted treatment algorithms while considering individual patient characteristics.
3. Compare and contrast pharmacologic treatment options considering the psychological and economic impacts of drug therapy as they relate to vulnerable people receiving primary, gynecologic and preconception care, or care during the childbearing cycle.
4. Demonstrate knowledge of necessary laboratory monitoring and acceptable parameters for safe and effective drug therapies.
5. Demonstrate critical thinking skills when selecting appropriate patient education strategies and content related to pharmacologic therapy during the childbearing cycle and pre and post childbearing to facilitate increased patient understanding and compliance.
6. Discuss state laws and federal rules and regulations pertaining to the prescribing of scheduled and non scheduled medication.
7. Demonstrate knowledge of gender affirming care and the risks and benefits of therapeutics for transgender and gender non-conforming individuals.

Exemplars of Course Learning Outcomes:

1. Design a teaching plan that could be presented to a person experiencing menopausal symptoms. Include in the plan a comparison of three pharmacologic agents potentially indicated including side effects, contraindications, interactions with other common medications, interactions with food, dosage, and effectiveness. [CLO1, CLO2, CLO3, CLO4, CLO5, CLO7]
2. Write a paper analyzing the section of the Nurse Practice Act that focuses on APRN prescriptive privileges in the state of intended practice and the implications of those regulations on their future practice. [CLO6]


American College of Nursing Midwives Core Competencies for Basic Midwifery Practice

Includes the fundamental knowledge, skills, and abilities expected of new midwives certified by the American Midwifery Certification Board (AMCB).

  1. Hallmarks of Midwifery - The art and science of midwifery are characterized by the following hallmarks:

J. Utilizing an understanding of social determinants of health to provide highquality care to all persons including those from underserved communities.

K. Advocating for informed choice, shared decision making, and the right to selfdeterminization 

N. Skillful communication, guidance, and counseling

        II. Components of Midwifery Care - The professional responsibilities of midwives certified by AMCB include but               are not limited to:

O. Knowledge of certification, licensure, clinical privileges, and credentialing

        IV. Components of Midwifery Care: Fundamentals – Knowledge of the following subject areas is fundamental                 to the practice of midwifery:

A. Anatomy and physiology, including pathophysiology
D. Research and evidence-based practice
F. Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacotherapeutics
H. Health care ethics

American College of Nurse Midwives Competencies for Practice Doctorate in Midwifery

1. Translate expert clinical knowledge and research relevant to midwifery into best practice models
3. Interpret and apply research related to the national and international distribution and determinants of health and disease of women and newborns
7. Evaluate and use information systems and other technologies to improve quality and safety of health care of women and newborns

American College of Nurse Midwives Core Values

  1. Excellence
  2. Evidence-based care
  3. Inclusiveness
  4. Woman-centered care
  5. Primary care
  6. Partnership


Recommended Content

1. Midwifery use of pharmacological agents when providing primary, preconception, and gynecological/reproductive/sexual health care to people, and when caring for those in the childbearing cycle and neonates
2. Indications of use, contraindications, dosing, administration protocols, side effects, and drug-food interactions as a basis for patient education
3. Complementary and alternative medicine use
4. Regulation of prescribing scheduled and non-scheduled medication
5. Ethical and legal responsibilities


Approved by GAAC: 9/9/2022
Approved by Faculty: 9/12/22