Subject: Governance and Organization

Policy: Faculty Organization Bylaws

Revised: May 2024

Effective date: May 2022

Review date: May 2026

Responsible Party: Level I: Executive Council; Level II: MRJCON Faculty.

Article I

Name and Purpose

Section 1. Name

The name of this organization is the College of Nursing Faculty Organization.

Section 2. Purpose

The purposes of the Mark & Robyn Jones College of Nursing (MRJCON) Faculty Organization are to facilitate the mission of the College of Nursing, enhance communication among faculty, and make recommendations to the Dean of the College of Nursing (Dean). The faculty has major responsibility for academic affairs and College of Nursing policy.

Article II

Organization and Administration

Section 1. Authority

The faculty has the power to organize itself and to make all bylaws and regulations necessary for its own proceedings. This includes, but is not restricted  to, the power to elect officers, establish and organize faculty committees, and to establish meeting times.

Section 2. Membership

  1. All faculty members in the College of Nursing with academic rank of Instructor or above and having at least half-time (0.5 FTE) appointments for a full academic year constitute the voting nursing faculty, are members of the faculty organization, and are eligible for membership on College of Nursing committees, except for NFRC. For NFRC, membership and voting is restricted to tenure track faculty only.
  2. Other academic appointees will be associate members. They are entitled to attend meetings of the faculty and to have speaking privileges but are not voting members and are not eligible for membership on College of Nursing committees.
  3. Nursing students have representation on the Undergraduate Academic Affairs Committee and Graduate Academic Affairs Committee. The students are representatives without voting privileges.

Section 3. Parliamentarian

A parliamentarian will be appointed on an annual basis by the Faculty Organization President to assure Robert’s Rules of Order – Newly Revised are followed.

Section 4. Meetings

  1. At least one general faculty meeting per month will be scheduled each academic year.
  2. The faculty will hold at least two face-to-face meetings annually during each academic year. Special faculty meetings will be held as needed. Special meetings may be called by the Faculty Organization President or the Dean when deemed necessary or upon petition of one-third of the voting members of the faculty. In emergencies, as much prior notice of the faculty meeting will be given as is feasible.
  3. Meetings may be canceled at the discretion of the Faculty Organization President in collaboration with the Dean and members of Executive Council.
  4. The agenda for regular and special faculty meetings will be determined through collaborative agreement of the Faculty Organization President, the Dean, and other members of Executive Council. The agenda for meetings called upon petition of the faculty will be determined by collaborative agreement of two representatives of the petitioning group, the Faculty Organization President, the Dean, and other members of Executive Council.
  5. All meetings will be held according to Robert's Rules of Order -- Newly Revised. All meetings will be open unless dealing with personnel matters.
  6. The Faculty Organization President presides over meetings. The Faculty Organization President designates a faculty member to serve in the President’s absence at general faculty meetings.
  7. Electronic voting for college decisions may be done via electronic mail with prior faculty approval and after general faculty discussion.

Section 5. Minutes

  1. Official minutes of each meeting are recorded and distributed.
  2. Approval of general faculty meeting minutes is accomplished by electronic mail. The minutes are considered approved if a simple majority of those voting by electronic mail approve (accept) them. A report of the vote will be recorded in the subsequent minutes.

Section 6. Elections

  1. Elections are held annually in the spring to fill vacant positions. For committees that have representation from each campus, members will be nominated from each campus for approval from the entire faculty.
  2. Faculty Council maintains a record of current faculty organization positions as well as university service obligations.
  3. The Faculty Organization President sets the dates of the annual spring election.
  4. The Faculty Organization President appoints the tellers. Election results are determined by a majority of those faculty members presentand voting. There will be no absentee or proxy voting.
  5. In the event of a no-majority vote, the run-off will be among the top three candidates. The run-off vote is determined by plurality.
  6. Elections are held according to Robert's Rules of Order -- Newly Revised.

Section 7. Quorum

A quorum of the Faculty Organization consists of a minimum of 50% of the voting faculty members of the College of Nursing and either the Faculty Organization President or appointed proxy.

Section 8. Duties and Responsibilities

Policy proposals may be generated by any faculty member, standing committee, subcommittee, ad-hoc committee, or Executive Council.

Article III

Executive Council 

Section 1. Purpose

Executive Council is a forum for discussion of College of Nursing issues that benefit from the inclusion of faculty voices. Executive Council is consultative to the Dean and participates in College of Nursing policy decisions.

Section 2. Membership

  1. Faculty Organization President and chairs of the Graduate Academic Affairs, Undergraduate Academic Affairs, Search, Nursing Formal Review, and Non- tenure Track Review committees.
  2. Dean
  3. Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
  4. Associate Dean for Research
  5. Campus Directors
  6. Director of Administration and Finance
  7. Director of Academic Programs and Evaluation
  8. A representative from Caring for Our Own Program (CO-OP) appointed by CO- OP
  9. Academic Diversity Partner
  10. Assistant to the Dean (non-voting member).

Section 3. Terms of Office

Terms of office for non-administrative faculty members coincide with their committee assignments.

Section 4. Vacancies

Vacancies occur by resignation, three (3) consecutive unexplained absences, or circumstances that prohibit faculty members from assuming or fulfilling their responsibilities. Vacancies will be filled automatically through the usual committee chair selection process.

Section 5. Duties of Executive Council

  1. Consult with and advise the Dean in matters brought forward by the Dean, faculty Committees, faculty members, or Executive Council members.
  2. Represent the faculty by assuring mutual communication between administration and the faculty organization. Analyze and make recommendations on matters referred to the Executive Council by the faculty.
  3. Monitor the Master Evaluation Plan.
  4. Complete duties as described in the Master Evaluation Plan (MEP).
  5. Review the Mission, Role, Scope, and Strategic Plan of the College and recommend revisions to the faculty, Dean, and Associate Deans.
  6. Participate in agenda setting for faculty and Executive Council meetings.
  7. Record and distribute minutes for each meeting.
  8. Review and update assigned policies and procedures.
  9. Complete charges assigned by the Faculty Organization President and the Dean.
  10. Prepare and submit annual report to Faculty Organization President.

Section 6. Meetings

  1. Meetings to occur at least three times per academic year or more often as needed.
  2. Additional meetings may be called by the Faculty Organization President and Dean or on petition of three members of the Executive Notices of the meeting are the responsibility of the Dean.
  3. The Dean presides over Executive Council meetings.
  4. The elected faculty members of Executive Council act for the faculty when the faculty are not in session.
  5. Meetings may be canceled at the discretion of the Dean in collaboration with the Faculty Organization President.

Article IV


Section 1. Purpose

The Faculty Organization has two officers, the Faculty Organization President, and either  a president-elect or past president. The faculty organization president provides leadership to the faculty organization and facilitates the work of the College. The president-elect and past president work in consultative roles with the president to carry out the work of the faculty council.

Section 2. Terms of Office

The term of office is 2 years for the Faculty Organization President and one year for the president elect or past president alternating every other year.

Section 3. Vacancies

In the event the Faculty Organization President or president elect resigns or is unable to serve, the position will be filled by special election to complete the unexpired term.  If the vacancy occurs between academic years, Faculty Council will  identify a member to serve as interim Faculty President until a special election can be called at the next General Faculty Meeting.   

Section 4. Duties of the Faculty Organization President

  1. Preside over Faculty Council and regular and special meetings of the faculty.
  2. Represent the faculty by assuring mutual communication between administration and the faculty.
  3. Collaborate with the Dean in developing the agenda for general faculty meetings.
  4. Collaborate with the Dean in developing the agenda for Executive Council meetings.
  5. If needed, collaborate with the Dean to provide charges to the committees of the college at the beginning of each academic year
  6. Annually appoint a parliamentarian for general faculty meetings.
  7. Monitor progress of the committees in relation to the Mission, Role, Scope, Committee Charges, Policies of the College, Master Evaluation Plan, and Strategic Plan of the College.
  8. Review and distribute annual committee reports.
  9. Appoint members to faculty, student, and university committees and vacancies for elected and appointed positions unless otherwise specified.

Section 5. Duties of the Faculty Organization President Elect

  1. Collaborate with the Faculty Organization President in all required duties in preparation to assume the role of the president.
  2. Prepare a list of open college and university positions for the annual spring election, in consultation with the Faculty Organization President, (see Article II, Section 6, and Elections).
  3. Solicit nominees for open MRJCON and university positions.
  4. Prepare a ballot for the annual spring election. 
  5. Maintain an accurate faculty organization document detailing names and terms of those serving in the Faculty Organization.
  6. Complete charges assigned by the Faculty Organization President and the Dean.

Section 6. Duties of the Faculty Organization Past President

  1. The Past President will assume duties of the president elect during odd years.

Article V


Section 1. Purpose

Committees of the faculty complete duties prescribed by the Bylaws, Mission, Role, Scope, and other charges assigned by the Faculty Organization President and the Dean.

Section 2. Membership

Faculty members in the College of Nursing with academic rank of Instructor or above  and at least half-time (0.5 FTE) appointments for a full academic year may serve on College of Nursing committees.

Section 3. Committees

Committees of the Faculty include the following:

  1. Faculty Council
  2. Graduate Academic Affairs Committee (GAAC)
  3. Non-Tenure Track (NTT) Promotion Review Committee
  4. Nursing Formal Review Committee (NFRC)
  5. Scholarship Committee
  6. Scholastic Committee
  7. Search Committee
  8. Undergraduate Academic Affairs Committee (UAAC)

 Section 4. Terms of Office

  1. Terms of office for committee chairpersons and committee members begin in August.

Section 5. Committee Method for Problem Solving

Committee members, under the leadership of the Committee Chair are expected to work in a timely manner toward completing goals. If problems occur within any committee which impedes progress toward committee goals, the Chair and members will proceed as follows:

  1. The Chair and members attempt to resolve the problem within the committee first.
  2. The Chair and/or members report progress toward resolving problems to the Faculty Organization President.
  3. If resolution does not occur, the Chair and/or members request assistance in conflict resolution from the Executive Council.
  4. If, after the above procedure is followed, a committee is unable to resolve its problems in progressing toward goals, the Faculty Organization President has the authority to reorganize the committee and appoint a temporary chair and members to fill the remaining term for that academic year. 

Article VI

Faculty Council

Section 1. Purpose

Faculty Council is chaired by the faculty president and serves to support faculty  development, faculty affairs, and faculty governance.

Section 2. Membership

  1. The current faculty president chairs Faculty Council
  2. President Elect or Past President, alternating years
  3. One member from each College of Nursing Campus not already represented by the current Faculty President, President Elect, or Past President.

Section 3. Terms of Office

Terms of office for presidents correspond with their status as current, elect, or past president. Campus members are elected to two-year renewable terms.

Section 4. Vacancies

Vacancies occur by resignation, three (3) consecutive unexplained absences, or circumstances that prohibit faculty members from assuming or fulfilling their responsibilities. The Faculty Organization President fills vacancies by appointment. Faculty members appointed to fill vacant elected positions serve until the next annual election.

Section 5. Duties

  1. Advise Executive Council on issues pertaining to faculty development, affairs, or governance
  2. Ensure fidelity to faculty governance as outlined in the College of Nursing Bylaws
  3. Interpret academic freedom, faculty rights, and faculty responsibilities
  4. Recommend statements of policy on academic freedom, faculty rights, and faculty Review bylaws annually
  5. Present recommended bylaws changes to the faculty for action
  6. Plan, implement, and evaluate collective faculty development activities
  7. Recommend to the Dean allocation of funds for faculty development
  8. Organize and conduct milestone recognition
  9. Celebrations/events
  10. Record and distribute minutes for each meeting
  11. Review and update assigned policies and procedures
  12. Complete charges assigned by the Faculty Organization President and the Dean
  13. Prepare and submit annual report to Faculty Organization President
  14. Assume responsibility for the transition of the committee from one academic yearto the next
  15. Organize and conduct monthly general faculty meetings with support from the Parliamentarian
  16. Facilitate faculty nominations for University Awards on an annual basis

Article VII

Graduate Academic Affairs Committee

Section 1. Purpose

Graduate Academic Affairs Committee (GAAC) is responsible for the graduate curricula. GAAC works with faculty to develop, implement, and evaluate the  graduate curricula. GAAC is concerned with all graduate academic policies.

Section 2. Membership

  1. Five faculty members (one from each campus: Billings, Bozeman, Great Falls, Kalispell, Missoula) are nominated by faculty on their respective campus and appointed by the Faculty Organization President
  2. The Graduate Program Lead from each graduate program option or a designee
  3. Associate Dean for Academic Affairs (non-voting)
  4. One graduate student representative from each graduate program option selected by the graduate students (non-voting)
  5. Graduate Program Manager (non-voting)
  6. Director of Academic Programs and Evaluation (non-voting)
  7. The chair is elected by the committee members

Section 3. Terms of Office

Term of office for the chair is 2 years. Terms of office for appointed faculty members are either 1 or 2 years to maintain staggered terms. The term of office for the student member is 1 year.

Section 4. Vacancies

Vacancies occur by resignation, three (3) consecutive unexplained absences, or circumstances that prohibit faculty members from assuming or fulfilling their responsibilities. The Faculty Organization President fills vacancies by appointment. The faculty member appointed to the chair position serves until the next annual election. Faculty members appointed to fill vacancies serve the remainder of the term.

Section 5. Duties

  1. Monitor and formulate policies governing the curriculum of the graduate program.
  2. Recommend mechanisms for implementing the graduate program to the faculty and administration.
  3. Recommend curricular revisions for the graduate program to the faculty.
  4. Recommend new graduate program options.
  5. Evaluate graduate program curriculum and options.
  6. Recommend admission of applicants for the graduate program to the Associate Dean for Academic Programs.
  7. Record and distribute minutes for each meeting.
  8. Review and update assigned policies and procedures.
  9. Complete charges assigned by the Faculty Organization President and the Dean.
  10. Complete duties described in the Master Evaluation Plan (MEP).
  11. Prepare and submit annual report to Faculty Organization President.
  12. Assume responsibility for the transition of the committee from one academic year to the next.

Article VIII

Non-Tenure Track (NTT) Promotion Review Committee

Section 1. Purpose

The NTT Promotion Review Committee conducts all reviews for promotion within the College of Nursing for NTT faculty and makes recommendations to the Dean. The NTT Promotion Review Committee considers matters of policy relating to promotion of NTT faculty as outlined in the NTT collective bargaining agreement.

Section 2. Membership

  1. Five faculty members (one from each campus: Billings, Bozeman, Great Falls, Kalispell, Missoula) three NTT faculty members elected by faculty; Two NTT faculty appointed by the Dean.
  2. The Dean’s appointment reflects peer, academic balance, minority representation,and/or the specialty of the reviewee as applicable to the situation.
  3. No member of the committee may participate in any aspect of her/his own review.
  4. The chair is elected by the committee members.

Section 3. Terms of Office

Terms of office for elected faculty are 2 years and staggered. Terms of office for appointed faculty are 1 year. No faculty member will be elected for more than 2 consecutive terms.

Section 4. Vacancies

Vacancy of an elected member position will be filled by special election to complete  the unexpired term. If a member(s) cannot participate in a review for promotion, the Dean appoints a replacement so that committee membership totals 5 members for each review.

Section 5. Duties

Conduct all reviews for promotion of NTT faculty and make recommendations to  the Dean.

  1. Review and update assigned policies and procedures.
  2. Inform reviewees of the policy and procedure regarding the review process for promotion.
  3. Record minutes for each meeting.
  4. Maintain confidentiality of all deliberations and records of meetings.
  5. Complete charges assigned by the Faculty Organization President and the Dean.
  6. Complete duties described in the Master Evaluation Plan (MEP).
  7. Prepare and submit annual report to Faculty Organization President.
  8. Assume responsibility for the transition of the committee from one academic year to the next.

Article IX

Nursing Formal Review Committee

Section 1. Purpose

Nursing Formal Review Committee (NFRC) conducts all reviews for retention, promotion, and tenure of tenured/tenure track faculty within the College of Nursing and makes recommendations to the Dean. The Nursing Formal Review Committee considers matters of policy relating to retention, promotion, and tenure.

Section 2. Membership

  1. Three tenured faculty members elected by faculty.
  2. Two tenured faculty appointed by the Dean.
  3. The Dean’s appointment reflects peer, academic balance, minority representation, and/or the specialty of the reviewee as applicable to the situation.
  4. No member of the committee may participate in any aspect of her/his own review.
  5. The chair is elected by the committee members.

Section 3. Terms of Office

Terms of office for elected and appointed faculty are 3 years and staggered. No faculty member will be elected for more than 2 consecutive terms.

Section 4. Vacancies

Vacancy of an elected member position will be filled by special election to complete the unexpired term. If a member(s) cannot participate in a review, the Dean appoints a replacement so that committee membership totals 5 members for each review.

Section 5. Duties

  1. Conduct all reviews for retention, promotion, and tenure and make recommendations to the Dean.
  2. Review and update assigned policies and procedures.
  3. Inform reviewees of the policy and procedure regarding the review process for retention, promotion, and tenure. 
  4. Record minutes for each meeting.
  5. Maintain confidentiality of all deliberations and records of meetings.
  6. Complete charges assigned by the Faculty Organization President and the Dean.
  7. Complete duties described in the Master Evaluation Plan (MEP).
  8. Prepare and submit annual report to Faculty Organization President.
  9. Assume responsibility for the transition of the committee from one academic year to the next.

Article X

Scholarship & Awards Committee 

Section 1. Purpose

The College of Nursing administers scholarships to undergraduate and graduate students every year. Each scholarship has a list of criteria for the award. The Scholarship Committee, as a group, will select the recipients for each scholarship  based on the individual scholarship criteria. The Director of Academic Programs and Evaluation provides oversight of the Scholarship Committee processes.

Section 2: Membership

  1. Five faculty members (one from each campus: Billings, Bozeman, Great Falls, Kalispell, Missoula are appointed by their Campus Director. 
  2. The Director of Academic Programs and Evaluation is ex-officio (non-voting) and serves as chair.
  3. The Associate Dean for Academic Affairs is ex-officio (non-voting)
  4. Undergraduate Program Manager (staff support, non-voting)

Section 3. Terms of Office

Term of office is 2 years. Terms of office for appointed faculty members are either 1 or 2 years to maintain staggered terms. There is no limit to the number of consecutive or cumulative terms committee members may serve.

Section 4. Vacancies

Vacancies occur by resignation, three (3) consecutive unexplained absences, or circumstances that prohibit faculty members from assuming or fulfilling their responsibilities. The respective Campus Director fills vacancies by appointment. Faculty members appointed to fill vacancies serve the remainder of the term.

Section 5. Duties

  1. Each faculty committee member announces all scholarships with criteria each fall semester on their local campus.
  2. The faculty members individually coordinate the nomination of students for awards from their campuses and, as a group, make recommendations to the Dean from among those nominated each year.
  3. The committee meets during the fall to review new and existing scholarships and the selection process. During the spring semester the committee meets to review nominations and selects, by majority vote, the recipient(s) for each scholarship.
  4. At the discretion of the Chair a special meeting may be called to manage award distribution as needed.
  5. The Undergraduate Program Manager serves as support to the Committee and will record and distribute minutes for each meeting.
  6. The Director of Academic Programs and Evaluation will prepare and submit annual report to Faculty Organization President and assume responsibility for the transition of the committee from one academic year to the next.

Article XI

Scholastic Committee

Section 1. Purpose

Scholastic Committee considers student appeals for waivers, and substitution of courses, variances in progression, reinstatement into the College of Nursing, and other miscellaneous requests.

Section 2. Membership

  1. Three faculty members from different campuses appointed annually by the Dean.
  2. The committee is chaired by the Associate Dean for Academic Programs (non- voting).
  3. The membership of this committee is kept confidential.

Section 3. Terms of Office

Terms of office are 1 year.

Section 4. Vacancies

Vacancies occur by resignation, three (3) consecutive unexplained absences, or circumstances that prohibit faculty members from assuming or fulfilling their responsibilities. The Dean fills vacancies by appointment. Faculty members appointed to fill vacancies serve the remainder of the term.

Section 5. Duties

  1. Meets a minimum of 3 times per year to review Scholastic Committee appeals.
  2. Reviews the request, rationale, and pertinent information about the appeal and, by majority vote, makes decisions on the appeal.
  3. Provides input to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs for information to include the written communication to each student regarding his/her appeal.
  4. The Associate Dean for Academic Affairs provides written communication to each student relaying the committee’s decision regarding his/her appeal.
  5. Record minutes for each meeting.
  6. Maintain confidentiality of all deliberations and records of meetings.
  7. Review and update assigned policies and procedures.
  8. Prepare and submit annual report to Faculty Organization President. 
  9. Assume responsibility for the transition of the committee from one academic year to the next.

Article XII

Search Committee

Section 1. Purpose

Search Committee conducts searches to fill faculty vacancies determined by the Dean.

Section 2. Membership

  1. Five faculty members (one from each campus: Billings, Bozeman, Great Falls, Kalispell, Missoula) are nominated by faculty on their respective campus and appointed by the Faculty Organization President.
  2. Two of the five members must be tenured or a tenure track appointee. If the workload of the committee is such that more than five members are needed,the Dean may appoint one to two additional faculty from the ranks of full-time faculty for a one-year term. This 13 decision will be made in consultation with the Search Committee chair at the beginning of the academic year.
  3. The chair is elected by the committee members.

Section 3. Terms of Office

Term of office for the chair is 2 years. Terms of office for appointed faculty members are either 1 or 2 years to maintain staggered terms. The term of office for faculty appointed by the Dean is 1 year. The chair and faculty members may serve 2 consecutive terms.

Section 4. Vacancies

Vacancies occur by resignation, three (3) consecutive unexplained absences, or circumstances that prohibit faculty members from assuming or fulfilling their responsibilities. The Faculty Organization President fills vacancies by appointment.  Faculty members appointed to elected positions serve until the next annual election.  Faculty members appointed to fill vacancies serve the remainder of the term.

Section 5. Duties

  1. Conduct searches for qualified faculty.
  2. Screen applicants.
  3. Follow approved Affirmative Action procedures.
  4. Keep faculty apprised of the search processes and status of the candidates.
  5. Make recommendations for hire to the Dean.
  6. Record minutes for each meeting.
  7. Review and update assigned policies and procedures.
  8. Complete charges assigned by the Faculty Organization President and the Dean.
  9. Prepare and submit annual report to Faculty Organization President.
  10. Assume responsibility for the transition of the committee from one academic year to the next.

Article XIII

Undergraduate Academic Affairs Committee

Section 1. Purpose

Undergraduate Academic Affairs Committee (UAAC) is responsible for the undergraduate curriculum. UAAC works with faculty to develop, implement, and evaluate undergraduate curricula. UAAC is concerned with undergraduate academic policies.

Section 2. Membership

  1. Five faculty members (one from each campus: Billings, Bozeman, Great Falls, Kalispell, Missoula) are nominated by faculty on their respective campus and appointed by the Faculty Organization President.
  2. The Associate Dean for Academic Affairs (non-voting).
  3. One undergraduate student appointed by Student Forum (non-voting).
  4. A second committee member from the campus of the chair may be appointed bythe 14 Faculty Organization President (voting).
  5. A representative from Caring for Our Own Program (CO-OP) appointed by CO-OP (nonvoting).
  6. Undergraduate Program Manager (non-voting).
  7. The chair is elected by the committee members.

Section 3. Terms of Office

Term of office for the chair is 2 years. Terms of office for appointed faculty members are either 1 or 2 years to maintain staggered terms. The term of office for the student member is 1 year. The chair and faculty members may serve 2 consecutive terms.

Section 4. Vacancies

Vacancies occur by resignation, three (3) consecutive unexplained absences, or circumstances that prohibit faculty members from assuming or fulfilling their responsibilities. The Faculty Organization President fills vacancies by appointment. The faculty member appointed to the chair position serves until the next annual election. Faculty members appointed to fill vacancies serve the remainder of the term.

Section 5. Duties

  1. Monitor and formulate policies governing the curriculum of the undergraduate program.
  2. Recommend mechanisms for implementing the undergraduate program to the faculty and administration.
  3. Record and distribute minutes for each meeting.
  4. Review and update assigned policies and procedures.
  5. Complete charges assigned by the Faculty Organization President and the Dean.
  6. Complete duties described in the Master Evaluation Plan (MEP).
  7. Prepare and submit annual report to Faculty Organization President.
  8. Assume responsibility for the transition of the committee from one academic year to the next. 

Article XIV


Section 1. Amendments With Notice

These bylaws may be amended at any scheduled faculty meeting by a 2/3 majority vote of those present and voting, provided 2 weeks previous notice in writing has been given to the faculty.

Section 2. Amendments Without Notice

These bylaws may be amended by a 99 percent vote of faculty present and voting at  any scheduled faculty meeting if no previous notice has been given.

Section 3. Suspension of the Bylaws

These bylaws may be suspended by a 2/3 majority vote of the faculty.


Reviewed/Approved by:

Level I: Faculty Council February 2020; March 2021; May 2023; April 2024

Level II: General Faculty March 2020, March 2021; May 2022; May 2023; May 2024