Master Resouce Outline


Course Title: NRSG 316 Pathophysiology and Pharmacotherapeutics for Nurses I

Credits: 3 (lecture)

Semesters Offered: Fall, Spring

Prerequisites: CHMY 123/124


Course Description: 

This course introduces the abnormal functioning of human cells, tissues, and organ systems, and the physiological adaptations that occur and how pharmacotherapeutics can address some common pathological or adaptive changes across the lifespan. Integration of pharmacological and pathophysiologic principles will be addressed.  The influences of nutrition, genetics, environment, culture, health determinants, age-related variations, and alternative therapies on selected diseases and pharmacotherapeutics will be emphasized. Current research in pathophysiology, pharmacotherapeutic and pharmacological management will be considered.

Catalog Description:

This course introduces the abnormal functioning of human cells, tissues, and organ systems, and the physiological adaptations that occur and how pharmacotherapeutics can address some common pathological or adaptive changes across the lifespan. Pharmacological and pathophysiologic principles will be integrated.   


Course Objectives:

  1. Discuss the epidemiology, etiology,risk factors, physiological adaptations, treatments, and clinical manifestations of selected disease processes.
  2. Explain the pharmacotherapeutics of selected drug classifications on selected body systems and disease processes.
  3. Integrate principles of pharmacology and pathophysiology in clinical nursingdecisions across the lifespan.
  4. Examine the influence of genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors on applicable pharmacotherapeutics.
  5. Describe the impact of current research on our understanding of pathophysiology, pharmacotherapeutics and disease management.

Course Learning Outcomes: Upon completing this course the student will be able to:

  1. Identify clinical manifestations and the underlying pathophysiologic mechanisms for specific disease processes.
  2. Discuss interrelated influences of nutrition, genetics, culture, determinants of health, age related variations, alternative therapies, and environment to selected diseases and on applicable pharmacotherapeutics.
  3. Describe the pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics of commonly used medications and supplements in selected diseases or adaptive processes.
  4. Discuss key nursing considerations for commonly used medications and supplements.


AACN Competencies

This course introduces:

1.2 Apply theory and research-based knowledge from the arts, humanities, and sciences.

1.3 Demonstrate clinical judgement founded on a broad knowledge base.

2.2 Communicate effectively with patients (individuals, families, and groups.

2.7 Evaluate outcomes of care.

4.2 Integrate best evidence into nursing practice.

5.2 Contribute to a culture of patient safety

5.3 Contribute to a culture of provider and workplace safety

AACN Threads

  • Equity and Inclusion
  • Diversity
  • Cultural Sensitivity
  • Social Determinants of Health
  • Communication
  • Ethics
  • Clinical Judgement
  • Mental Health

Required Content and Concepts

  1. Basic Concepts of Pathophysiology

    1. The cell and tissue biology, cellular environment, genetic basis for disease

      1. Cellular biology
      2. Genes and genetic disease
      3. Altered cell and tissue biology
  2. Basic Concepts of Pharmacotherapeutics
    1. Brief history of pharmacology

    2. Principles of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics
    3. Nomenclature, drug classifications
    4. Clinical responses to medications, desired and undesired, across the lifespan
      1. Side, adverse & toxic effects
      2. Drug/food/environment interactions
      3. Contraindications & Precautions
    5. Monitoring - laboratory values and tests

    6. Legal, Ethical, Safety
      1. Scope of practice – responsibilities/accountability/delegation/collaboration
      2. Legislation and regulation
        1. Controlled substances
      3. Contemporary issues – high cost of drug therapy, reporting and decreasing medication errors, polypharmacy, nonpharmacological measures, pharmacogenomics
  3. Pathophysiology of fluid and electrolytes, acid/base imbalances

    1. Drugs that affect fluid and electrolytes
    2. Treatments of fluid and electrolytes, acid/base imbalances
  4. Nervous System
    1. Overview of the nervous system: cells, nerves, CNS, PNS, ANS, chronobiology
    2. Pain, temperature, sleep, and sensory
    3. Concepts of neurologic dysfunction
      1. Alterations in arousal and cognition
      2. Alterations in homeostasis (Increased intracranial pressure-cerebral edema, hydrocephalus)
      3. Alteratioins in motor function
    4. CNS disorders
      1. Cerebrovascular disorders
      2. Infection and inflammation
      3. Trauma
      4. Degenerative disease
      5. Tumors, seizures, encophalopathies
    5. Peripheral Nervous System Drugs
      1. Cholinergic Drugs
        1. muscarinic agonists and antagonists

        2. cholinesterase inhibitors
        3. Neuromuscular blocking agents
      2. Adrenergic Drugs
        1. adrenergic agonists

        2. Adrenergic antagonists
        3. Indirect-acting antiadrenergic agents

    6. Central Nervous System Drugs

      1. Drugs for Neurodegenerative Disorders

      2. Neurologic Drugs
      3. Drugs for Pain
        1. Local and general anesthetics

        2. Opioid analgesics, opioid antagonists, nonopioid centrally acting analgesics
        3. Other analgesic medications
      4. Psychotherapeutic Drugs

        1. Antipsychotic agents

        2. Antidepressants and anxiolytics
        3. Drugs for Bipolar disease
        4. Sedative-hypnotic drugs
        5. CNS stimulants
  5. The immune system

    1.  Pathophysiology of the immune response
      1. Drugs for immune system modulation (vaccines, immunosuppressants, immunomodulators)
    2. Pathophysiology of inflammation
      1. Drugs for inflammation and fever (NSAIDs, acetaminophen, ASA, glucocorticoids)
    3. Pathophysiology of hypersensitivities, infections, and immunodeficiency
      1. Antimicrobial Drugs (antibiotics, antivirals, antifungals)
      2. Immunostimulants, antihistamines
    4. Stress and disease
  6. Cellular proliferation -Neoplasia
    1. Overview of cellular structure and function

    2. Biology of cancer
    3. Tumor spread and clinical manifestations

    4. Cancers in adults and children
    5. Chemotherapeutic Agents
  7. The reproductive system
    1. Overview of structure and function
    2. Disorders of the female reproductive system
      1. Hormonal and menstrual dysfunction
      2. Infection and inflammation
      3. Benign growths
      4. Cancer
    3. Women’s Health Drug Therapy
      1. Estrogens, progestins, contraceptive and non-contraceptive applications

      2. Drug therapy for Infertility
      3. Drugs that affect uterine function
    4. Disorders of the male reproductive system
      1. Disorders of the prostate gland
        1. BPH

        2. Cancer
      2. Infections and inflammation

    5. Men’s Health Drug Therapy
      1. Androgens
      2. Drugs for erectile dysfunction and benign prostatic hyperplasia

    6. Disorders of the breast
    7. Congenital disorders

Suggested Student Learning Activities

  • papers and reports
  • tests and quizzes           
  • teaching plans
  • literature review
  • Internet searches
  • workshops
  • discussion
  • videos
  • reading
  • study guides
  • case studies
  • student presentations
  • guest speakers
  • cooperative learning
  • small groups
  • chart medication reviews
  • role playing


Approved by UAAC: 11/24/2020

Approved by Faculty: 9/28/2020