Master Resource Outline


Course Title: NRSG 602 Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology

Credits: 4 (4 didactic)

Semester Offered: Fall, spring

Prerequisites: None

Degree: DNP, MN


AACN Core Competencies for Advanced-level Nursing Education: 1 - 9

MRJCON DNP Program Learning Outcome: 1-9


MRJCON NM Option Learning Outcomes:

  1. Integrate foundational knowledge from the basic and applied sciences into clinical, evidenced-based midwifery practice. (AACN Domain: 1, 4, 5, 8).


Course Description:

This graduate nursing course provides a comprehensive examination of the physiological functioning and common pathophysiological alterations in humans. Course content builds on the fundamentals of anatomy, physiology, and pathology. Pathophysiology will be examined from the sub cellular level through to major body systems. This course will focus on the etiology, pathogenesis, developmental and environmental influences, and clinical manifestations of injury and disease. 


Catalog Description:

This course provides an examination of the physiological functioning and common pathophysiological alterations in humans. This course focuses on the etiology, pathogenesis, developmental and environmental influences, and clinical manifestations of injury and disease. 


Course Learning Outcomes: Upon completing this course the student will be able to:

  1. Compare and contrast the physiology and pathophysiology of cellular function and structure. 
  2. Differentiate among the major mechanical, chemical, temporal, and spatial factors that influence basic cellular and tissue/organ functions. 
  3. Differentiate among genomics, proteomics, metabolomics and epigenetics that influence health. 
  4. Analyze the relationship between physiology and pathology within the major body systems 
  5. Discuss developmental physiology, etiology, pathogenesis, and clinical manifestations of common acute and chronic diseases.
  6. Introduce the development of differential diagnosis based on the analysis of pathophysiologic findings. 
  7. Identify the role of the advanced practice nurse in the development of an evidence-based treatment plan for specific acute and chronic pathophysiologic processes. 


 Exemplars of Course Learning Outcomes:           

  1. Genetic impact on medical care: discussion (in 250-500 words) of the genetic nature of one chosen disease and how preventative care or treatment changes have been impacted by the genetic findings. [CLO1, CLO3]           
  2. Case study: Students formulate a patient history and physical with diagnostic and laboratory results. Students develop at least 6-8 questions regarding the pathophysiology and relation of lab and diagnostics to the assessment and treatment. The case study and questions are then presented to student peers with the case developer (and faculty) moderating the discussion and responses. [CLO2, 4, 5, 6, 7]

AACN Competencies [AACN Essentials, 2021]

This course introduces:

1.1f Demonstrate the application of nursing science to practice.

1.1g Integrate an understanding of nursing history in advancing nursing’s influence in health care.

1.2j Translate theories from nursing and other disciplines to practice

2.2j Facilitate difficult conversations and disclosure of sensitive information.

2.5h Lead and collaborate with an interprofessional team to develop a comprehensive plan of care.

2.5i Prioritize risk mitigation strategies to prevent or reduce adverse outcomes.

2.6i Apply current and emerging evidence to the development of care guidelines/tools.

2.7d Analyze data to identify gaps and inequities in care and monitor trends in outcomes.

2.7e Monitor epidemiological and system-level aggregate data to determine healthcare outcomes and trends.

2.8f Develop strategies that promote self-care management.

2.8g Incorporate the use of current and emerging technologies to support self-care management.

4.1i Engage in scholarship to advance health.

4.1k Collaborate to advance one’s scholarship.

8.2i Clarify how the collection of standardized data advances the practice, understanding, and value of nursing and supports care

8.2j Interpret primary and secondary data and other information to support care.

8.3b Evaluate how decision support tools impact clinical judgment and safe patient care

8.3d Examine how emerging technologies influence healthcare delivery and clinical decision making.

8.3j Evaluate the potential uses and impact of emerging technologies in health care.

8.3e Identify impact of information and communication technology on quality and safety of care.

9.1k Assume accountability for working to resolve ethical dilemmas

9.2j Advocate for practices that advance diversity, equity, and inclusion.

9.4e Assess the interaction between regulatory agency requirements and quality, fiscal, and value based indicators.

9.4f Evaluate the effect of legal and regulatory policies on nursing practice and healthcare outcomes.

9.5f Articulate nursing’s unique professional identity to other interprofessional team members and the public.

9.6e Critique one’s personal and professional practices in the context of nursing’s core values.

9.6f Analyze the impact of structural and cultural influences on nursing’s professional identity.

9.6g Ensure that care provided by self and others is reflective of nursing’s core values.

9.6h Structure the practice environment to facilitate care that is culturally and linguistically appropriate.

9.6i Ensure self and others are accountable in upholding moral, legal, and humanistic principles related to health.

10.1c Contribute to an environment that promotes self-care, personal health, and well-being.

10.2g Demonstrate cognitive flexibility in managing change within complex environments.

10.3j Provide leadership to advance the nursing profession.


This course develops:

1.1e  Translate evidence from nursing science as well as other sciences into practice.

1.2f Synthesize knowledge from nursing and other disciplines to inform education, practice, and research.

1.2g Apply a systematic and defendable approach to nursing practice decisions.

1.2h Employ ethical decision making to assess, intervene, and evaluate nursing care.

1.3d Integrate foundational and advanced specialty knowledge into clinical reasoning.

1.3e Synthesize current and emerging evidence to Influence practice.

1.3f Analyze decision models from nursing and other knowledge domains to improve clinical judgment.

2.2g Demonstrate advanced communication skills and techniques using a variety of modalities with diverse audiences.

2.2i Apply individualized information, such as genetic/genomic, pharmacogenetic, and environmental exposure information in the delivery of personalized health care.

2.3h Demonstrate that one’s practice is informed by a comprehensive assessment appropriate to the functional area of advanced nursing practice.

2.4f Employ context driven, advanced reasoning to the diagnostic and decision-making process.

2.4g Integrate advanced scientific knowledge to guide decision making.

2.5j Develop evidence-based interventions to improve outcomes and safety.

2.6e Model best care practices to the team.

2.6g Promote delivery of care that supports practice at the full scope of education.

2.7f Synthesize outcome data to inform evidence based practice, guidelines, and policies.

4.1h Apply and critically evaluate advanced knowledge in a defined area of nursing practice.

4.2f Use diverse sources of evidence to inform practice.

5.3f Foster a just culture reflecting civility and respect.

6.1g Evaluate effectiveness of interprofessional communication tools and techniques to support and improve the efficacy of team-based interactions.

6.1i Role model respect for diversity, equity, and inclusion in team-based communications.

6.1j Communicate nursing’s unique disciplinary knowledge to strengthen interprofessional partnerships.

6.4f Foster an environment that supports the constructive sharing of multiple perspectives and enhances interprofessional learning.

6.4g Integrate diversity, equity, and inclusion into team practices.

6.4i Promote an environment that advances interprofessional learning.

9.1i Model ethical behaviors in practice and leadership roles.

9.6d Model respect for diversity, equity, and inclusion for all team members.

10.2i Foster activities that support a culture of lifelong learning.

This course advances:

2.2h Design evidence-based, person-centered engagement materials


Curricular Threads addressed in this course:

  • Diversity
  • Social Determinants of Health
  • Ethics
  • Clinical Judgment


Recommended Content:

Unit I

  • The Cell
  • Genes and Gene-Environment Interaction
  • Mechanisms of Self-Defense Cellular Proliferation: Cancer


Unit II:  Pathological Alterations of the:

  • Endocrine System
  • Reproductive System
  • Digestive System
  • Pulmonary System


Unit III: Pathological Alterations of the:

  • Integumentary System
    • Cardiovascular and Lymphatic Systems
    • Renal and Urologic
    • Hematologic System


Unit IV: Pathological Alterations of the:

  • Neurologic System
  • Musculoskeletal System


 Approved by GAAC: 11/3/2023

Approved by Faculty: 11/13/23