
The Child Care Access Means Parents in School (CCAMPIS) grant is a federally funded program of the United States Department of Education. Information collected on this application is used for annual grant reporting. Your name, email, and ID # will not be shared on any annual grant report.


The CCAMPIS grant provides direct payment for childcare tuition to your childcare program / provider for children birth – kindergarten. Your child(ren) must be enrolled in a licensed childcare program in the State of Montana to receive CCAMPIS funds. Any state assistance you receive for childcare tuition (i.e. Best Beginnings Scholarship) must be reported to CCAMPIS staff to accurately determine your CCAMPIS award.
The CCAMPIS grant serves income eligible undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in certificate and degree programs at Montana State University – Bozeman. You must complete and submit a FAFSA to the MSU Office of Financial Aid to determine your eligibility, whether you are an undergraduate or graduate student. Completion of your FAFSA will not impact your student status. Questions about FAFSA? Please reach out to the Office of Financial Aid Services 
Phone: 406-994-2845 or Email: [email protected] 

 denotes required fields.

Basic Information
Required for federal reporting
Required for federal reporting
Required for federal reporting
This must be completed to determine eligibility.
Pell Eligibility is required to receive grant funds
We will need a copy of your current award letter
Child Care connections is authorized to confirm your award amounts with us
We request invoices from your provider to pay the award amount