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MSU offers three online science education options: Master of Science, Graduate Certificate, and Professional Development.

Master of Science in Science Education
The Master of Science in Science Education program offer unique online and campus courses in biology, chemistry, earth science, ecology, education, engineering, environmental science, land resources, microbiology, physics, and plant sciences designed for science educators. Courses may be taken for professional development or to earn a graduate degree.

Online Graduate Certificates in Science Teaching
Online graduate certificates in science teaching help educators gain knowledge and competence in one of seven specialized content areas.. Whether you're teaching a new subject, working toward "highly qualified" status, or staying abreast of your field, our 12-credit graduate certificates will help you get there.

Science for Educators
Through NTEN, educators can also access professional resources and discuss issues with other educators online. Courses are designed to help elementary, secondary and community college teachers develop a deeper understanding of science concepts while interacting with and learning new techniques from other teachers and researchers around the globe.