Recent Parking Changes
Parking & Transportation Services has implemented many parking improvements designed to reduce frustration with finding a parking space, better customer service, and effective communication to all of those who park on campus. These updates will affect everyone parking on campus. The following are the significant changes that have been implemented this year:
Current lot designations will be changed from the current letter designations (R, SB, E, F, etc.) to animals indigenous to Montana. When purchasing your permit, please note that the registration is only valid in the corresponding animal lots. For example, if you purchase Bobcat registration, it will only allow you to park in any lot designated as Bobcat. If you are familiar with the previous lot numbers, those will not change. All lots will have a monument-type sign (similar to the monument signs outside NAH) at each lot entrance indicating the type of permit required and the enforcement hours. Overhead signs will also be mounted to lot light poles to indicate the lot permit designation and lot number for easy identification.
Previous Permit Designation | New Permit Designation and Lot Numbers |
R1 | Eagle: 16 |
R2 | Trout: 17 |
R3, R6 | Elk: 19, 24 |
R4 | Permanently Closed |
R7, R8, R9 | Wolf: 7, S. 8th Ave (S. side) |
SB | Bobcat: 3, 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 15, 18, various street parking |
E | Bison: 1, 2, 8, 9, 22, 26, 27 |
Lincoln F Lot | Moose: 21 |
Stadium F Lots | Bobcat Lot: 20, 25 |
Garage | Garage |
Family and Graduate Housing | Fox |
View the MSU Parking Map for reference.
View the MSU Parking Map and easy-to-read parking guide for directions to park on campus.
Each lot will have a single permit designation. Therefore, the clutter of individual stall signs will no longer be needed. Signs currently located around lot perimeters and inside portions of lots will be removed. This will greatly enhance the aesthetic of each lot, while reducing the significant cost of sign maintenance and eliminating parking confusion. Special individual reserved parking signs will remain in place, as necessary, in their current lot locations.
Parking & Transportation Services will continue to honor drivers with previously reserved permits. Drivers currently holding a reserved permit will be granted a priority purchase opportunity. Those on the waitlist will be given secondary priority. It is anticipated that parking opportunities near the core of campus will be expanded to accommodate most, if not all, drivers seeking premium parking.
You are encouraged to use the Parking & Transportation Services website to purchase commuter and resident permits online in order to avoid the line at the Parking & Transportation Services office. Be sure to update your vehicle information and tie all vehicles to your new permit. This can all be done on your parking portal here:
Parking permit hangtags will no longer be needed. Your license plate will be your permit. License plate reading (LPR) technology will be used for parking enforcement with cameras mounted on parking enforcement vehicles that will read license plates and identify permit status. Drivers must ensure that their license plate is visible from the drive lane while parked on campus. This will greatly enhance parking enforcement efficiency while encouraging compliance with parking permit requirements. The LPR system only accesses parking permit information from the plate number, so please be sure to update your license plate regularly and accurately to avoid a citation.
Multiple vehicles may be registered under a single permit, however, only one vehicle may be parked on campus at a time.
The garage will continue to offer visitor parking. However, visitor parking will be expanded to the north side of campus on sections of Harrison Street and the south side of campus in the Bobcat 20 and 25 lots. These areas will be designated with the appropriate visitor parking signs. Please see for all visitor parking information.
Visitors may pay for hourly and daily parking via the Passport Pay-by-App. Areas accepting the Pay-by-App option will be identified by the Passport signs indicating the zone number for the parking lot. Drivers will be notified via text message before time expires, giving the purchaser the opportunity to extend parking time without the need to return to the vehicle. This will also prevent the need to visit Parking & Transportation Services to buy a daily permit. Special event parking can also be added to a zone to reflect discounted or free department sponsored parking, as applicable. This option will be similar to using a coupon code in the garage that we currently offer. We encourage you to download the Passport parking app from your app store or at
Visitors who prefer to pay with cash or check will be able to purchase parking at Parking & Transportation Services.
Drivers will receive parking and special event information via our new radio station, 1610 AM. The station will be used to provide visitors and commuters with information relevant to their campus visit. Campus departments wishing to broadcast event specific information may contact Parking & Transportation Services at [email protected].
Information content transmitted over the station must be approved by University Communications.
The Bobcat 20 and 25 lots and the Moose lot will see improvement over the next two years. Asphalt, lighting, and security cameras will be installed to enhance the remote parking experience.