Gaines TEAL Classroom

Gaines 143, the first TEAL classroom, was implemented within the first few weeks of the 2013 Spring semester. A second TEAL classroom in Wilson Hall 1-119 was constructed in the Summer of 2013 and will be first used during the 2013 Fall semester. Each room has five round tables and is equipped with technology. The design will support a new style of teaching that encourages students to teach each other and solve problems in a collaborative way. The teacher becomes more of a facilitator and walks around between the tables. The room also has LCD screens on every wall in the room, so that the classroom is able to shift focus to a specific group's work or the teacher's podium computer at any moment. This collaborative and active style of learning is similar to the way students will often solve problems in future jobs.

Architect: Contractor:
Sandholm Architects Work Control / Kruse Enterprises