Bike and Personal Transportation Device Parking
All PTDs must be parking in specifically designated areas including bike racks, and covered storage facilities.
MSU Bike Parking Map
Parking violations include:
- Leaning or locking to trees, landscaping, railings, fences, posts, fire hydrants, light fixtures, trash receptacles or any objects or facilities not designated or intended for PTD parking.
- Parking in or on any service drive, building entrance, driveway, bikeway, ramp or any other passageway to which emergency equipment, wheelchairs, pedestrians, or service equipment may need access.
- Parking inside a building not designated for PTD parking.
- Parking in a posted reserved or restricted area.
- Parking in a manner that causes damage to University property or facilities.
- Parking in a manner that creates a hazard or impedes access.
PTDs parking in any manner which creates a hazard or impedes access will be subject to immediate impoundment.
Examples of Parking

DON'T lock PTDs on trees, lights, signs or other undesignated objects.
DO lock bike in designated parking racks.
Fix-It Stations

MSU has 5 Fix-It Stations across campus featuring pumps and tools for the campus communities use.
- Hyalite Hall (north side)
- Rendezvous Dinning (south side)
- SUB (west side)
- ASMSU Outdoor Recreation (south side)
- Student Wellness Center (east side)