Streamline offers zero-fare public transportation service throughout the Gallatin Valley. Streamline's Blue and Gold Lines serve 11 stops on or near MSU's campus, including trip origin and termination at the Strand Union Building.  

Streamline Weekday Map

In-Town Routes: 

Blueline - Connects MSU, downtown Bozeman, Walmart, Smiths, and the north Bozeman shopping center. 

Goldline - Connects MSU, Gallatin Valley Mall, and west Bozeman residential areas. 

Purpleline - Connects Bozeman Health, downtown Bozeman, Gallatin Valley Mall, and Ferguson Farms commercial & residential.

Brownline - Connects west Bozeman, Gallatin High School, Bozeman High, and downtown Bozeman. 

Weekday Commuter Routes: 

Livingston - Stay tuned for the start of the 2024 - 2025 season.

Pinkline (Belgrade) - Connects Bozeman (walmart) to downtown Belgrade and Belgrade High School. 


For more information on Streamline's routes and schedules please vist: Streamline Routes Page