Faculty Awards
Anna Krueger Fridley Award for Distinguished Teaching
Nominations are now open for the MSU Phi Kappa Phi Chapter's Anna K. Fridley Award for Distinguished Teaching. The Fridley Award is MSU's oldest award for distinguished teaching and generally is awarded to a tenured faculty member in any discipline. Nominations for tenure-track and adjunct faculty, however, will be considered. Nominations are due no later than November 12, 2022.
Please provide us with the following: A completed cover sheet, a short narrative (about 1,000 words) about your teaching, your curriculum vitae, as well as a total of four letters of recommendation (two from students; two from faculty) that provide evidence of your distinguished teaching, Please submit your application materials to:
Phi Kappa Phi Fridley Award Committee
PO Box 172140
Montana State University
Bozeman, MT 59717
The deadline to apply for this award is November 15, 2022.
Previous Awardees
Congratulations to 2022 Anna K Fridley Award winner Yuka Hara, assistant teaching professor of Japanese in the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures.
Scholar and Artist Awards
The National Society makes these awards (usually in the $1,000 range) to eligible faculty. Please consult the national website for information: www.phikappaphi.org/grants-awards/scholar-and-artist#.VPnM_HY3kVk.
Visit the Phi Kappa Phi National Office at www.phikappaphi.org.