Tim Seipel

My research interests:
I am a plant ecologist broadly interested in how abiotic and biotic conditions, evolutionary history, and disturbance shape plant species distributions and plant community composition across a variety of spatial scales. My current research has two focuses, but both examine the important question of how plant species will respond to global change. I accomplish this by focusing on population dynamics and drivers of plant diversity along environmental gradients in mountains, and in response to disturbance in the sagebrush steppe of western North America. I use observational, experimental, and empirical modeling approaches to understand the mechanisms that assembly plant communities and cause observed biogeographic patterns.
Selected publications:
Pollnac F, Seipel T, Repath C, and Rew LJ (2012) Plant invasion at landscape and local scales along roadways in the mountainous region of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Biological Invasions, 14, 1753-1763.
Seipel T, Kueffer C, Rew LJ, Daehler CC, Pauchard A, Naylor BJ, Alexander JM, Edwards PJ, Parks CG, Arevalo JR, Cavieres LA, Dietz H, Jakobs G, McDougall K, Otto R, and Walsh N (2012) Processes at multiple scales affect richness and similarity of non-native plant species in mountains around the world. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 21, 236-246.
Alexander JM, Kueffer C, Daehler CC, Edwards PJ, Pauchard A, Seipel T, and MIREN Consortium (2011) Assembly of nonnative floras along elevational gradients explained by directional ecological filtering. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 108, 656-661.
Pauchard A, Kueffer C, Dietz H, Daehler CC, Alexander JM, Edwards PJ, Arévalo JR, Cavieres LA, Guisan A, Haider S, Jakobs G, McDougall K, Millar CI, Naylor BJ, Parks CG, Rew LJ, and Seipel T(2009) Ain't no mountain high enough: plant invasions reaching new elevations. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 7, 479-486.
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