
Hilary Parkinson splits her time between work as the plant identification diagnostician at the Schutter Diagnostic lab and as a research associate for the Mangold and Menalled labs.  As the plant ID diagnostician, she identifies plants submitted by growers, ranchers and homeowners.  As a research associate she works on research, extension activities, and grant writing.  Examples of research activities include a meta-analysis of herbicide efficacy on Bromus tectorum(cheatgrass/downy brome); an assessment on the susceptibility and virulence of the potential biocontrolPyrenophora semeniperda on B. tectorum, native grasses and crops; and a number of revegetation projects across Montana.  Extension activities include promoting a state-wide early detection rapid response (EDRR) network throughout the state of Montana; production of the “Monthly Weed Post” and a weed seedling identification guide for Montana and the Northern Great Plains.  Hilary received her master’s from MSU in 2008, researching the impacts of B. tectorum on native forbs as part of a larger project to increase native plant establishment and diversity in revegetation efforts in the Great Basin.

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